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authorAnthony Zhang <>2013-08-06 16:29:00 -0400
committerAnthony Zhang <>2013-08-06 16:29:00 -0400
commit4c43bf36001e1b7982e20ad1ab0d2dd3926fc406 (patch)
parent03327a767d98192e7480f6c063c693fd5b206144 (diff)
Add initial code for worldedit_infinity.
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/worldedit_infinity/init.lua b/worldedit_infinity/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a456b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldedit_infinity/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+worldedit = worldedit or {}
+local get_pointed = function(pos, nearest, distance)
+ if distance > 100 then
+ return false
+ end
+ --check for collision with node
+ local nodename = env:get_node(pos).name
+ if nodename ~= "air"
+ and nodename ~= "default:water_source"
+ and nodename ~= "default:water_flowing" then
+ if nodename ~= "ignore" then
+ return nearest
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+local use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+ if pointed_thing.type == "nothing" then --pointing at nothing
+ local placepos = worldedit.raytrace(user:getpos(), user:get_look_dir(), get_pointed)
+ if placepos then --extended reach
+ pointed_thing.type = "node"
+ pointed_thing.under = nil --wip
+ pointed_thing.above = nil --wip
+ end
+ end
+ return minetest.item_place_node(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+worldedit.raytrace = function(pos, dir, callback)
+ local base = {x=math.floor(pos.x), y=math.floor(pos.y), z=math.floor(pos.z)}
+ local stepx, stepy, stepz = 0, 0, 0
+ local componentx, componenty, componentz = 0, 0, 0
+ local intersectx, intersecty, intersectz = 0, 0, 0
+ if dir.x == 0 then
+ intersectx = math.huge
+ elseif dir.x > 0 then
+ stepx = 1
+ componentx = 1 / dir.x
+ intersectx = ((base.x - pos.x) + 1) * componentx
+ else
+ stepx = -1
+ componentx = 1 / -dir.x
+ intersectx = (pos.x - base.x) * componentx
+ end
+ if dir.y == 0 then
+ intersecty = math.huge
+ elseif dir.y > 0 then
+ stepy = 1
+ componenty = 1 / dir.y
+ intersecty = ((base.y - pos.y) + 1) * componenty
+ else
+ stepy = -1
+ componenty = 1 / -dir.y
+ intersecty = (pos.y - base.y) * componenty
+ end
+ if dir.z == 0 then
+ intersectz = math.huge
+ elseif dir.z > 0 then
+ stepz = 1
+ componentz = 1 / dir.z
+ intersectz = ((base.z - pos.z) + 1) * componentz
+ else
+ stepz = -1
+ componentz = 1 / -dir.z
+ intersectz = (pos.z - base.z) * componentz
+ end
+ local distance = 0
+ local nearest = {x=base.x, y=base.y, z=base.z}
+ while true do
+ local values = {callback(base, nearest, distance)}
+ if #values > 0 then
+ return unpack(values)
+ end
+ nearest.x, nearest.y, nearest.z = base.x, base.y, base.z
+ if intersectx < intersecty then
+ if intersectx < intersectz then
+ base.x = base.x + stepx
+ distance = intersectx
+ intersectx = intersectx + componentx
+ else
+ base.z = base.z + stepz
+ distance = intersectz
+ intersectz = intersectz + componentz
+ end
+ elseif intersecty < intersectz then
+ base.y = base.y + stepy
+ distance = intersecty
+ intersecty = intersecty + componenty
+ else
+ base.z = base.z + stepz
+ distance = intersectz
+ intersectz = intersectz + componentz
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file