path: root/worldedit/manipulations.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'worldedit/manipulations.lua')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/worldedit/manipulations.lua b/worldedit/manipulations.lua
index 1d4c6dc..0a37e16 100644
--- a/worldedit/manipulations.lua
+++ b/worldedit/manipulations.lua
@@ -24,7 +24,11 @@ worldedit.volume = function(pos1, pos2)
--sets a region defined by positions `pos1` and `pos2` to `nodename`, returning the number of nodes filled
-worldedit.set = function(pos1, pos2, nodename)
+worldedit.set = function(pos1, pos2, nodenames)
+ if type(nodenames) == 'string' then
+ nodenames = {nodenames}
+ end
local pos1, pos2 = worldedit.sort_pos(pos1, pos2)
--set up voxel manipulator
@@ -40,9 +44,12 @@ worldedit.set = function(pos1, pos2, nodename)
--fill selected area with node
- local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(nodename)
+ local node_ids = {}
+ for i,v in ipairs(nodenames) do
+ node_ids[i] = minetest.get_content_id(nodenames[i])
+ end
for i in area:iterp(pos1, pos2) do
- nodes[i] = node_id
+ nodes[i] = node_ids[math.random(#node_ids)]
--update map nodes
@@ -165,6 +172,129 @@ worldedit.copy = function(pos1, pos2, axis, amount) --wip: replace the old versi
return worldedit.volume(pos1, pos2)
+worldedit.copy2 = function(pos1, pos2, direction, volume)
+ -- the overlap shouldn't matter as long as we
+ -- 1) start at the furthest separated corner
+ -- 2) complete an edge before moving inward, either edge works
+ -- 3) complete a face before moving inward, similarly
+ --
+ -- to do this I
+ -- 1) find the furthest destination in the direction, of each axis
+ -- 2) call those the furthest separated corner
+ -- 3) make sure to iterate inward from there
+ -- 4) nested loop to make sure complete edge, complete face, then complete cube.
+ local get_node, get_meta, add_node = minetest.get_node, minetest.get_meta, minetest.add_node
+ local somemeta = get_meta(pos1) -- hax lol
+ local to_table = somemeta.to_table
+ local from_table = somemeta.from_table
+ somemeta = nil
+ local pos1, pos2 = worldedit.sort_pos(pos1, pos2)
+ local manip = minetest.get_voxel_manip()
+ manip:read_from_map(pos1, pos2)
+ local sx,sy,sz -- direction sign
+ local ix,iy,iz -- initial destination
+ local ex,ey,ez -- final destination
+ local originalx,originaly,originalz -- source
+ -- vim -> :'<,'>s/\<\([ioes]\?\)x\>/\1y/g
+ if direction.x > 0 then
+ originalx = pos2.x
+ ix = originalx + direction.x
+ ex = pos1.x + direction.x
+ sx = -1
+ elseif direction.x < 0 then
+ originalx = pos1.x
+ ix = originalx + direction.x
+ ex = pos2.x + direction.x
+ sx = 1
+ else
+ originalx = pos1.x
+ ix = originalx -- whatever
+ ex = pos2.x
+ sx = 1
+ end
+ if direction.y > 0 then
+ originaly = pos2.y
+ iy = originaly + direction.y
+ ey = pos1.y + direction.y
+ sy = -1
+ elseif direction.y < 0 then
+ originaly = pos1.y
+ iy = originaly + direction.y
+ ey = pos2.y + direction.y
+ sy = 1
+ else
+ originaly = pos1.y
+ iy = originaly -- whatever
+ ey = pos2.y
+ sy = 1
+ end
+ if direction.z > 0 then
+ originalz = pos2.z
+ iz = originalz + direction.z
+ ez = pos1.z + direction.z
+ sz = -1
+ elseif direction.z < 0 then
+ originalz = pos1.z
+ iz = originalz + direction.z
+ ez = pos2.z + direction.z
+ sz = 1
+ else
+ originalz = pos1.z
+ iz = originalz -- whatever
+ ez = pos2.z
+ sz = 1
+ end
+ -- print('copy',originalx,ix,ex,sx,originaly,iy,ey,sy,originalz,iz,ez,sz)
+ local ox,oy,oz
+ ox = originalx
+ for x = ix,ex,sx do
+ oy = originaly
+ for y = iy,ey,sy do
+ oz = originalz
+ for z = iz,ez,sz do
+ -- reusing pos1/pos2 as source/dest here
+ pos1.x = ox; pos1.y = oy; pos1.z = oz
+ pos2.x = x; pos2.y = y; pos2.z = z
+ local node = get_node(pos1)
+ local meta = to_table(get_meta(pos1)) --get meta of current node
+ add_node(pos2,node)
+ from_table(get_meta(pos2),meta)
+ oz = oz + sz
+ end
+ oy = oy + sy
+ end
+ ox = ox + sx
+ end
+worldedit.stack2 = function(pos1, pos2, direction, amount, finished)
+ local i = 0
+ local translated = {x=0,y=0,z=0}
+ local function nextone()
+ if i <= amount then
+ i = i + 1
+ translated.x = translated.x + direction.x
+ translated.y = translated.y + direction.y
+ translated.z = translated.z + direction.z
+ worldedit.copy2(pos1,pos2,translated,volume)
+ minetest.after(0,nextone)
+ else
+ if finished then
+ finished()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ nextone()
+ return nil
--copies the region defined by positions `pos1` and `pos2` along the `axis` axis ("x" or "y" or "z") by `amount` nodes, returning the number of nodes copied
worldedit.copy = function(pos1, pos2, axis, amount)
local pos1, pos2 = worldedit.sort_pos(pos1, pos2)