path: root/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua
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authororwell96 <>2018-06-20 20:13:12 +0200
committerorwell96 <>2018-06-20 20:13:12 +0200
commit5992618ee837351124f59c1c0289391a9d501ade (patch)
tree08d70511e7beae7f4a0ee0c1e8f92dd412a5234f /advtrains_interlocking/database.lua
parent65675664e3cdf3328b89b4bdc22cc07c21be3a56 (diff)
Add Track Circuit Breaks (TCBs), Database and Track Circuit Setup
Does not get saved yet.
Diffstat (limited to 'advtrains_interlocking/database.lua')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua
index 61bf5ad..e318dd2 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ Route setting fails whenever any TC that we want to set ROUTE to is already set
Apart from this, we need to set turnouts
- Turnouts on the track are set held as ROUTE
- Turnouts that purpose as flank protection are set held as FLANK (NOTE: left as an idea for later, because it's not clear how to do this properly without an engineer)
+Note: In SimSig, it is possible to set a route into an still occupied section on the victoria line sim. (at the depot exit at seven sisters), although
+ there are still segments set ahead of the first train passing, remaining from another route.
+ Because our system will be able to remember "requested routes" and set them automatically once ready, this is not necessary here.
== Call-On/Multiple Trains ==
It will be necessary to join and split trains using call-on routes. A call-on route may be set when:
- there are no ROUTE reservations
@@ -50,7 +53,196 @@ CALL_ON_ALLOWED - Whether this TC being blocked (TRAIN or ROUTE) does not preven
== More notes ==
- It may not be possible to switch turnouts when their TC has any state entry
+== Route releasing (TORR) ==
+A train passing through a route happens as follows:
+Route set from entry to exit signal
+Train passes entry signal and enters first TC past the signal
+-> Route from signal cleared (TCs remain locked)
+-> ROUTE status of first TC past signal cleared
+Train continues along the route.
+Whenever train leaves a TC
+-> Clearing any routes set from this TC outward recursively - see "Reversing problem"
+Whenever train enters a TC
+-> Clear route status from the just entered TC
+== Reversing Problem ==
+Encountered at the Royston simulation in SimSig. It is solved there by imposing a time limit on the set route. Call-on routes can somehow be set anyway.
+Imagine this setup: (T=Train, R=Route, >=in_dir TCB)
+ O-| Royston P2 |-O
+Train T enters from the left, the route is set to the right signal. But train is supposed to reverse here and stops this way:
+ O-| Royston P2 |-O
+The "Route" on the right is still set. Imposing a timeout here is a thing only professional engineers can determine, not an algorithm.
+ O-| Royston P2 |-O
+The train has left again, while route on the right is still set.
+So, we have to clear the set route when the train has left the left TC.
+This does not conflict with call-on routes, because both station tracks are set as "allow call-on"
+Because none of the routes extends past any non-call-on sections, call-on route would be allowed here, even though the route
+is locked in opposite direction at the time of routesetting.
+Another case of this:
+The / here is a non-interlocked turnout (to a non-frequently used siding). For some reason, there is no exit node there,
+so the route is set to the signal at the right end. The train is taking the exit to the siding and frees the TC, without ever
+having touched the right TC.
+local TRAVERSER_LIMIT = 100
+local ildb = {}
+local track_circuit_breaks = {}
+function ildb.load(data)
+ return {}
+TCB data structure
+[1] = { -- Variant: with adjacent TCs.
+ == Synchronized properties == Apply to the whole TC
+ adjacent = { <signal specifier>,... } -- Adjacent TCBs, forms a TC with these
+ conflict = { <signal specifier>,... } -- Conflicting TC's (chosen as a representative TCB member)
+ -- Used e.g. for crossing rails that do not have nodes in common (like it's currently done)
+ incomplete = <boolean> -- Set when the recursion counter hit during traverse. Probably needs to add
+ -- another tcb at some far-away place
+ route = {origin = <signal>, in_dir = <boolean>}
+ -- Set whenever a route has been set through this TC. It saves the origin tcb id and side
+ -- (=the origin signal). in_dir is set when the train will enter the TC from this side
+ == Unsynchronized properties == Apply only to this side of the TC
+ signal = <pos> -- optional: when set, routes can be set from this tcb/direction and signal
+ -- aspect will be set accordingly.
+ routetar = <signal> -- Route set from this signal. This is the entry that is cleared once
+ -- train has passed the signal. (which will set the aspect to "danger" again)
+ route_committed = <boolean> -- When setting/requesting a route, routetar will be set accordingly,
+ -- while the signal still displays danger and nothing is written to the TCs
+ -- As soon as the route can actually be set, all relevant TCs and turnouts are set and this field
+ -- is set true, clearing the signal
+[2] = { -- Variant: end of track-circuited area (initial state of TC)
+ end_of_interlocking = true,
+ section_free = <boolean>, --this can be set by an exit node via mesecons or atlatc,
+ -- or from the tc formspec.
+Signal specifier (a pair of TCB/Side):
+{p = <pos>, s = <1/2>}
+function ildb.create_tcb(pos)
+ local new_tcb = {
+ [1] = {end_of_interlocking = true},
+ [2] = {end_of_interlocking = true},
+ }
+ local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
+ track_circuit_breaks[pts] = new_tcb
+function ildb.get_tcb(pos)
+ local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
+ return track_circuit_breaks[pts]
+-- This function will actually handle the node that is in connid direction from the node at pos
+-- so, this needs the conns of the node at pos, since these are already calculated
+local function traverser(found_tcbs, pos, conns, connid, count)
+ local adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, conns, connid, advtrains.all_tracktypes)
+ if not adj_pos then
+ -- end of track
+ return
+ end
+ -- look whether there is a TCB here
+ if #next_conns == 2 then --if not, don't even try!
+ local tcb = ildb.get_tcb(adj_pos)
+ if tcb then
+ -- done with this branch
+ table.insert(found_tcbs, {p=adj_pos, s=adj_connid})
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ -- recursion abort condition
+ if count > TRAVERSER_LIMIT then
+ atdebug("Traverser hit counter at",adj_pos, adj_connid,"found tcb's:",found_tcbs)
+ return true
+ end
+ -- continue traversing
+ local counter_hit = false
+ for nconnid, nconn in ipairs(next_conns) do
+ if adj_connid ~= nconnid then
+ counter_hit = counter_hit or traverser(found_tcbs, adj_pos, next_conns, nconnid, count + 1, hit_counter)
+ end
+ end
+ return counter_hit
+local function sigd_equal(sigd, cmp)
+ return vector.equals(sigd.p, cmp.p) and sigd.s==cmp.s
+-- Updates the neighbors of this TCB using the traverser function (see comments above)
+-- returns true if the traverser hit the counter, which means that there could be another
+-- TCB outside of the traversed range.
+function ildb.update_tcb_neighbors(pos, connid)
+ local found_tcbs = { {p = pos, s = connid} }
+ local node_ok, conns, rhe = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, advtrains.all_tracktypes)
+ if not node_ok then
+ error("update_tcb_neighbors but node is NOK: "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
+ end
+ local counter_hit = traverser(found_tcbs, pos, conns, connid, 0, hit_counter)
+ for idx, sigd in pairs(found_tcbs) do
+ local tcb = ildb.get_tcb(sigd.p)
+ local tcbs = tcb[sigd.s]
+ tcbs.end_of_interlocking = nil
+ tcbs.incomplete = counter_hit
+ tcbs.adjacent = {}
+ for idx2, other_sigd in pairs(found_tcbs) do
+ if idx~=idx2 then
+ ildb.add_adjacent(tcbs, sigd.p, sigd.s, other_sigd)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return hit_counter
+-- Add the adjacency entry into the tcbs, but without duplicating it
+-- and without adding a self-reference
+function ildb.add_adjacent(tcbs, this_pos, this_connid, sigd)
+ if sigd_equal(sigd, {p=this_pos, s=this_connid}) then
+ return
+ end
+ tcbs.end_of_interlocking = nil
+ if not tcbs.adjacent then
+ tcbs.adjacent = {}
+ end
+ for idx, cmp in pairs(tcbs.adjacent) do
+ if sigd_equal(sigd, cmp) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(tcbs.adjacent, sigd)
+advtrains.interlocking.db = ildb