diff options
3 files changed, 83 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains/couple.lua b/advtrains/couple.lua
index a846c8b..675bed5 100644
--- a/advtrains/couple.lua
+++ b/advtrains/couple.lua
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ minetest.register_entity("advtrains:couple", {
tp2=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train2.path, advtrains.get_train_end_index(train2))
- if not tp1 or not tp2 or not (vector.distance(tp1,tp2)<0.5) then
+ if not tp1 or not tp2 or not (vector.distance(tp1,tp2)<1.5) then
diff --git a/advtrains/pseudoload.lua b/advtrains/pseudoload.lua
index 3f4f321..677cd14 100644
--- a/advtrains/pseudoload.lua
+++ b/advtrains/pseudoload.lua
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ function advtrains.reset_trackdb_position(pos)
if not advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y] then advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y]={} end
if not advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x] then advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x]={} end
- advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)--to restore it.
+ advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, advtrains.all_tracktypes)--to restore it.
diff --git a/advtrains/trainlogic.lua b/advtrains/trainlogic.lua
index bb38fce..1050d62 100644
--- a/advtrains/trainlogic.lua
+++ b/advtrains/trainlogic.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
--controls train entities stuff about connecting/disconnecting/colliding trains and other things
local print=function(t, ...) minetest.log("action", table.concat({t, ...}, " ")) minetest.chat_send_all(table.concat({t, ...}, " ")) end
+local sid=function(id) return string.sub(id, -4) end
--local print=function() end
local benchmark=false
@@ -130,15 +131,7 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
if advtrains.save_and_audit_timer<=0 then
local t=os.clock()
- --print("[advtrains] audit step")
- --clean up orphaned trains
- for k,v in pairs(advtrains.trains) do
- --advtrains.update_trainpart_properties(k)
- if #v.trainparts==0 then
- print("[advtrains][train "..k.."] has empty trainparts, removing.")
- advtrains.trains[k]=nil
- end
- end
@@ -244,26 +237,17 @@ function advtrains.train_step(id, train, dtime)
train.detector_old_index = math.floor(train.index)
train.detector_old_end_index = math.floor(train_end_index)
+ --remove?
+ if #train.trainparts==0 then
+ print("[advtrains][train "..sid(id).."] has empty trainparts, removing.")
+ advtrains.detector.leave_node(path[train.detector_old_index], id)
+ advtrains.trains[id]=nil
+ return
+ end
if train_moves then
--check for collisions by finding objects
- --front
- local search_radius=4
- --coupling
- local couple_outward=1
- local posfront=advtrains.get_real_index_position(path, train.index+couple_outward)
- local posback=advtrains.get_real_index_position(path, train_end_index-couple_outward)
- for _,pos in ipairs({posfront, posback}) do
- if pos then
- local objrefs=minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, search_radius)
- for _,v in pairs(objrefs) do
- local le=v:get_luaentity()
- if le and le.is_wagon and le.initialized and le.train_id~=id then
- advtrains.try_connect_trains(id, le.train_id)
- end
- end
- end
- end
--heh, new collision again.
--this time, based on NODES and the advtrains.detector.on_node table.
local collpos
@@ -277,24 +261,29 @@ function advtrains.train_step(id, train, dtime)
local rcollpos=advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(collpos)
for x=-1,1 do
for z=-1,1 do
- local testpts=minetest.pos_to_string(vector.add(rcollpos, {x=x, y=0, z=z}))
+ local testpos=vector.add(rcollpos, {x=x, y=0, z=z})
+ local testpts=minetest.pos_to_string(testpos)
if advtrains.detector.on_node[testpts] and advtrains.detector.on_node[testpts]~=id then
+ advtrains.spawn_couple_on_collide(id, testpos, advtrains.detector.on_node[testpts], train.movedir==-1)
--check for any trainpart entities if they have been unloaded. do this only if train is near a player, to not spawn entities into unloaded areas
+ --todo function will be taken by update_trainpart_properties
train.check_trainpartload=(train.check_trainpartload or 0)-dtime
local node_range=(math.max((minetest.setting_get("active_block_range") or 0),1)*16)
if train.check_trainpartload<=0 then
local ori_pos=advtrains.get_real_index_position(path, train.index) --not much to calculate
- print("[advtrains][train ""] at "..minetest.pos_to_string(vector.round(ori_pos)))
+ --print("[advtrains][train ""] at "..minetest.pos_to_string(vector.round(ori_pos)))
local should_check=false
for _,p in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
@@ -664,38 +653,7 @@ end
--->backpos's will match
--4. R<->F F<->R flip one of these trains and take it as new parent
--->frontpos's will match
-function advtrains.try_connect_trains(id1, id2)
- local train1=advtrains.trains[id1]
- local train2=advtrains.trains[id2]
- if not train1 or not train2 then return end
- if not train1.path or not train2.path then return end
- if #train1.trainparts==0 or #train2.trainparts==0 then return end
- local frontpos1=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train1.path, train1.index)
- local backpos1=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train1.path, advtrains.get_train_end_index(train1))
- --couple logic
- --if train1.traintype==train2.traintype then
- local frontpos2=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train2.path, train2.index)
- local backpos2=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train2.path, advtrains.get_train_end_index(train2))
- if not frontpos1 or not frontpos2 or not backpos1 or not backpos2 then return end
- local couple_spawnradius=0.7
- --case 1 (first train is front)
- if vector.distance(frontpos2, backpos1)<couple_spawnradius then
- advtrains.spawn_couple_if_neccessary(backpos1, frontpos2, id1, id2, true, false)
- --case 2 (second train is front)
- elseif vector.distance(frontpos1, backpos2)<couple_spawnradius then
- advtrains.spawn_couple_if_neccessary(backpos2, frontpos1, id2, id1, true, false)
- --case 3
- elseif vector.distance(backpos2, backpos1)<couple_spawnradius then
- advtrains.spawn_couple_if_neccessary(backpos1, backpos2, id1, id2, true, true)
- --case 4
- elseif vector.distance(frontpos2, frontpos1)<couple_spawnradius then
- advtrains.spawn_couple_if_neccessary(frontpos1, frontpos2, id1, id2, false, false)
- end
- --end
--true when trains are facing each other. needed on colliding.
-- check done by iterating paths and checking their direction
--returns nil when not on the same track at all OR when required path items are not generated. this distinction may not always be needed.
@@ -713,72 +671,86 @@ function advtrains.trains_facing(train1, train2)
return nil
---order of trains may be irrelevant in some cases. check opposite cases. TODO does this work?
---pos1 and pos2 are just needed to form a median.
-function advtrains.spawn_couple_if_neccessary(pos1, pos2, tid1, tid2, train1_is_backpos, train2_is_backpos)
- --print("spawn_couple_if_neccessary..."..dump({pos1=pos1, pos2=pos2, train1_is_backpos=train1_is_backpos, train2_is_backpos=train2_is_backpos}))
- local train1=advtrains.trains[tid1]
- local train2=advtrains.trains[tid2]
+function advtrains.spawn_couple_on_collide(id1, pos, id2, t1_is_backpos)
+ print("COLLISION: "..sid(id1).." and "..sid(id2).." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..", t1_is_backpos="..(t1_is_backpos and "true" or "false"))
+ --TODO:
+ local train1=advtrains.trains[id1]
+ local train2=advtrains.trains[id2]
+ local found
+ for i=advtrains.minN(train1.path), advtrains.maxN(train1.path) do
+ if vector.equals(train1.path[i], pos) then
+ found=true
+ end
+ end
+ if not found then
+ print("Err: pos not in path")
+ return
+ end
+ local frontpos2=train2.path[math.floor(train2.detector_old_index)]
+ local backpos2=train2.path[math.floor(train2.detector_old_end_index)]
+ local t2_is_backpos
+ print("End positions: "..minetest.pos_to_string(frontpos2)..minetest.pos_to_string(backpos2))
+ if vector.equals(frontpos2, pos) then
+ t2_is_backpos=false
+ elseif vector.equals(backpos2, pos) then
+ t2_is_backpos=true
+ else
+ print("Err: not a endpos")
+ return --the collision position is not the end position.
+ end
+ print("t2_is_backpos="..(t2_is_backpos and "true" or "false"))
local t1_has_couple
- if train1_is_backpos then
+ if t1_is_backpos then
local t2_has_couple
- if train2_is_backpos then
+ if t2_is_backpos then
- if t1_has_couple and t2_has_couple then
- if t1_has_couple~=t2_has_couple then--what the hell
- if minetest.object_refs[t2_has_couple] then minetest.object_refs[t2_has_couple]:remove() end
- if train2_is_backpos then
- train2.couple_eid_back=t1_has_couple
+ if t1_has_couple then
+ if minetest.object_refs[t1_has_couple] then minetest.object_refs[t1_has_couple]:remove() end
+ end
+ if t2_has_couple then
+ if minetest.object_refs[t2_has_couple] then minetest.object_refs[t2_has_couple]:remove() end
+ end
+ local obj=minetest.add_entity(pos, "advtrains:couple")
+ if not obj then print("failed creating object") return end
+ local le=obj:get_luaentity()
+ le.train_id_1=id1
+ le.train_id_2=id2
+ le.train1_is_backpos=t1_is_backpos
+ le.train2_is_backpos=t2_is_backpos
+ --find in object_refs
+ for aoi, compare in pairs(minetest.object_refs) do
+ if compare==obj then
+ if t1_is_backpos then
+ train1.couple_eid_back=aoi
- train2.couple_eid_front=t1_has_couple
+ train1.couple_eid_front=aoi
- end
- --[[elseif t1_has_couple and not t2_has_couple then
- if train2_is_backpos then
- train2.couple_eid_back=t1_has_couple
- else
- train2.couple_eid_front=t1_has_couple
- end
- elseif not t1_has_couple and t2_has_couple then
- if train1_is_backpos then
- train1.couple_eid_back=t2_has_couple
- else
- train1.couple_eid_front=t2_has_couple
- end]]
- else
- local pos=advtrains.pos_median(pos1, pos2)
- local obj=minetest.add_entity(pos, "advtrains:couple")
- if not obj then print("failed creating object") return end
- local le=obj:get_luaentity()
- le.train_id_1=tid1
- le.train_id_2=tid2
- le.train1_is_backpos=train1_is_backpos
- le.train2_is_backpos=train2_is_backpos
- --find in object_refs
- for aoi, compare in pairs(minetest.object_refs) do
- if compare==obj then
- if train1_is_backpos then
- train1.couple_eid_back=aoi
- else
- train1.couple_eid_front=aoi
- end
- if train2_is_backpos then
- train2.couple_eid_back=aoi
- else
- train2.couple_eid_front=aoi
- end
+ if t2_is_backpos then
+ train2.couple_eid_back=aoi
+ else
+ train2.couple_eid_front=aoi
+ print("Couple entity:"..dump(le))
+ --also TODO: integrate check_trainpartload into update_trainpart_properties.
+--order of trains may be irrelevant in some cases. check opposite cases. TODO does this work?
+--pos1 and pos2 are just needed to form a median.
function advtrains.do_connect_trains(first_id, second_id)
local first_wagoncnt=#advtrains.trains[first_id].trainparts