path: root/helpers.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'helpers.lua')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/helpers.lua b/helpers.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02367d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpers.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+--advtrains by orwell96, see readme.txt
+local print=function(t) minetest.log("action", t) minetest.chat_send_all(t) end
+function advtrains.dirCoordSet(coord, dir)
+ local x=0
+ local z=0
+ --local dir=(dirx+2)%8
+ if(dir==6) then
+ x=-1
+ elseif (dir==7) then
+ x=-1
+ z=1
+ elseif (dir==0) then
+ z=1
+ elseif (dir==1) then
+ z=1
+ x=1
+ elseif (dir==2) then
+ x=1
+ elseif (dir==3) then
+ x=1
+ z=-1
+ elseif (dir==4) then
+ z=-1
+ elseif (dir==5) then
+ z=-1
+ x=-1
+ else
+ error("advtrains: in helpers.lua/dirCoordSet() given dir="..(dir or "nil"))
+ end
+ return {x=coord.x+x, y=coord.y, z=coord.z+z}
+function advtrains.dirToCoord(dir)
+ return advtrains.dirCoordSet({x=0, y=0, z=0}, dir)
+function advtrains.maxN(list, expectstart)
+ local n=expectstart or 0
+ while list[n] do
+ n=n+1
+ end
+ return n-1
+function advtrains.minN(list, expectstart)
+ local n=expectstart or 0
+ while list[n] do
+ n=n-1
+ end
+ return n+1
+rely1, rely2 tell to which height the connections are pointed to. 1 means it will go up the next node
+function advtrains.conway(midreal, prev, drives_on)--in order prev,mid,return
+ local mid=advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(midreal)
+ if(not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(minetest.get_node(mid).name, drives_on)) then
+ --print("[advtrains]in conway: no rail, returning!")
+ return nil
+ end
+ if(not prev or not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(minetest.get_node(advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(prev)).name, drives_on)) then
+ --print("[advtrains]in conway: no prev rail, there should be an initial path!, returning!")
+ return nil
+ end
+ local midnode=minetest.get_node_or_nil(mid)
+ if not midnode then --print("[advtrains][conway] midnode is ignore")
+ return nil
+ end
+ local middir1, middir2, midrely1, midrely2=advtrains.get_track_connections(, midnode.param2)
+ local next, chkdir, chkrely, y_offset
+ y_offset=0
+ --print("[advtrains] in order mid1,mid2",middir1,middir2)
+ --try if it is dir1
+ local cor1=advtrains.dirCoordSet(mid, middir2)--<<<<
+ if math.floor(cor1.x+0.5)==math.floor(prev.x+0.5) and math.floor(cor1.z+0.5)==math.floor(prev.z+0.5) then--this was previous
+ next=advtrains.dirCoordSet(mid, middir1)
+ if midrely1>=1 then
+ next.y=next.y+1
+ --print("[advtrains]found midrely1 to be >=1: next is now "..(next and minetest.pos_to_string(next) or "nil"))
+ y_offset=1
+ end
+ chkdir=middir1
+ chkrely=midrely1
+ --print("[advtrains]dir2 applied next pos:",minetest.pos_to_string(next),"(chkdir is ",chkdir,")")
+ end
+ --dir2???
+ local cor2=advtrains.dirCoordSet(mid, middir1)--<<<<
+ if math.floor(cor2.x+0.5)==math.floor(prev.x+0.5) and math.floor(cor2.z+0.5)==math.floor(prev.z+0.5) then
+ next=advtrains.dirCoordSet(mid, middir2)--dir2 wird überprüft, alles gut.
+ if midrely2>=1 then
+ next.y=next.y+1
+ --print("[advtrains]found midrely2 to be >=1: next is now "..(next and minetest.pos_to_string(next) or "nil"))
+ y_offset=1
+ end
+ chkdir=middir2
+ chkrely=midrely2
+ --print("[advtrains] dir2 applied next pos:",minetest.pos_to_string(next),"(chkdir is ",chkdir,")")
+ end
+ --print("[advtrains]dir applied next pos: "..(next and minetest.pos_to_string(next) or "nil").."(chkdir is "..(chkdir or "nil")..", y-offset "..y_offset..")")
+ --is there a next
+ if not next then
+ print("[advtrains]in conway: no next rail(nil), returning!")
+ return nil
+ end
+ local nextnode=minetest.get_node_or_nil(advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(next))
+ if not nextnode then print("[advtrains][conway] nextnode is ignore")
+ return nil
+ end
+ --is it a rail?
+ if(not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(, drives_on)) then
+ print("[advtrains]in conway: next "..minetest.pos_to_string(next).." not a rail, trying one node below!")
+ next.y=next.y-1
+ y_offset=y_offset-1
+ nextnode=minetest.get_node_or_nil(advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(next))
+ if not nextnode then --print("[advtrains][conway] nextnode is ignore")
+ return nil
+ end
+ if(not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(, drives_on)) then
+ print("[advtrains]in conway: one below "..minetest.pos_to_string(next).." is not a rail either, returning!")
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ --print("[advtrains]trying to find if rail connects: "..(next and minetest.pos_to_string(next) or "nil").."(chkdir is "..(chkdir or "nil")..", y-offset "..y_offset..")")
+ local nextdir1, nextdir2, nextrely1, nextrely2, nextrailheight=advtrains.get_track_connections(, nextnode.param2)
+ --is this next rail connecting to the mid?
+ if not ( (((nextdir1+4)%8)==chkdir and nextrely1==chkrely-y_offset) or (((nextdir2+4)%8)==chkdir and nextrely2==chkrely-y_offset) ) then
+ print("[advtrains]in conway: next "..minetest.pos_to_string(next).." not connecting, trying one node below!")
+ next.y=next.y-1
+ y_offset=y_offset-1
+ nextdir1, nextdir2, nextrely1, nextrely2, nextrailheight=advtrains.get_track_connections(, nextnode.param2)
+ if not ( (((nextdir1+4)%8)==chkdir and nextrely1==chkrely) or (((nextdir2+4)%8)==chkdir and nextrely2==chkrely) ) then
+ print("[advtrains]in conway: next "..minetest.pos_to_string(next).." rail not connecting, returning!")
+ --print("[advtrains] in order mid1,2,next1,2,chkdir "..middir1.." "..middir2.." "..nextdir1.." "..nextdir2.." "..chkdir)
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ --print("[advtrains]conway found rail.")
+ return vector.add(advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(next), {x=0, y=nextrailheight, z=0}), chkdir
+function advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(vec)
+ return {x=math.floor(vec.x+0.5), y=math.floor(vec.y), z=math.floor(vec.z+0.5)}
+function advtrains.yawToDirection(yaw, conn1, conn2)
+ if not conn1 or not conn2 then
+ error("given nil to yawToDirection: conn1="..(conn1 or "nil").." conn2="..(conn1 or "nil"))
+ end
+ local yaw1=math.pi*(conn1/4)
+ local yaw2=math.pi*(conn2/4)
+ if advtrains.minAngleDiffRad(yaw, yaw1)<advtrains.minAngleDiffRad(yaw, yaw2) then--change to > if weird behavior
+ return conn2
+ else
+ return conn1
+ end
+function advtrains.minAngleDiffRad(r1, r2)
+ local try1=r2-r1
+ local try2=(r2+2*math.pi)-r1
+ local try3=r2-(r1+2*math.pi)
+ if math.min(math.abs(try1), math.abs(try2), math.abs(try3))==math.abs(try1) then
+ return try1
+ end
+ if math.min(math.abs(try1), math.abs(try2), math.abs(try3))==math.abs(try2) then
+ return try2
+ end
+ if math.min(math.abs(try1), math.abs(try2), math.abs(try3))==math.abs(try3) then
+ return try3
+ end
+function advtrains.dumppath(path)
+ if not path then print("dumppath: no path(nil)") return end
+ local min=advtrains.minN(path)
+ local max=advtrains.maxN(path)
+ for i=min, max do print("["..i.."] "..(path[i] and minetest.pos_to_string(path[i]) or "nil")) end
+function advtrains.merge_tables(a, ...)
+ local new={}
+ for _,t in ipairs({a,...}) do
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do new[k]=v end
+ end
+ return new
+function advtrains.yaw_from_3_positions(prev, curr, next)
+ local pts=minetest.pos_to_string
+ --print("p3 "..pts(prev)..pts(curr)..pts(next))
+ local prev2curr=math.atan2((curr.x-prev.x), (prev.z-curr.z))
+ local curr2next=math.atan2((next.x-curr.x), (curr.z-next.z))
+ --print("y3 "..(prev2curr*360/(2*math.pi)).." "..(curr2next*360/(2*math.pi)))
+ return prev2curr+(advtrains.minAngleDiffRad(prev2curr, curr2next)/2)
+function advtrains.get_wagon_yaw(front, first, second, back, pct)
+ local pts=minetest.pos_to_string
+ --print("p "..pts(front)..pts(first)..pts(second)..pts(back))
+ local y2=advtrains.yaw_from_3_positions(second, first, front)
+ local y1=advtrains.yaw_from_3_positions(back, second, first)
+ --print("y "..(y1*360/(2*math.pi)).." "..(y2*360/(2*math.pi)))
+ return y1+advtrains.minAngleDiffRad(y1, y2)*pct