-- lzb.lua -- Enforced and/or automatic train override control, obeying signals local function approach_callback(parpos, train_id, train, index) local pos = advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(parpos) local node=pnode or advtrains.ndb.get_node(pos) local ndef=minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if ndef and ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.on_train_approach then ndef.advtrains.on_train_approach(pos, train_id, train, index) end end --[[ Documentation of train.lzb table train.lzb = { trav = Current index that the traverser has advanced so far travsht = boolean indicating whether the train will be a shunt move at "trav" travspd = speed restriction at end of traverser travwspd = warning speed res. oncoming = table containing oncoming signals, in order of appearance on the path { pos = position of the signal (not the IP!). Can be nil idx = where this is on the path spd = speed allowed to pass (determined dynamically) npr = <boolean> "No permanent restriction" If true, this is only a punctual restriction. speed_restriction is not set then, and train can accelerate after passing point This is (as of Nov 2017) used by "lines" to brake the train down to 2 when approaching a stop The actual "stop" command is given when the train passes the rail (on_train_enter callback) } } each step, for every item in "oncoming", we need to determine the location to start braking (+ some safety margin) and, if we passed this point for at least one of the items, initiate brake. When speed has dropped below, say 3, decrease the margin to zero, so that trains actually stop at the signal IP. The spd variable and travsht need to be updated on every aspect change. it's probably best to reset everything when any aspect changes The traverser stops at signals that result in spd==0, because changes beyond there are likely. ]] local il = advtrains.interlocking local BRAKE_SPACE = 10 local AWARE_ZONE = 50 local ADD_STAND = 2.5 local ADD_SLOW = 1.5 local ADD_FAST = 7 local ZONE_ROLL = 2 local ZONE_HOLD = 5 -- added on top of ZONE_ROLL local ZONE_VSLOW = 3 -- When speed is <2, still allow accelerating local SHUNT_SPEED_MAX = 4 local function look_ahead(id, train) local acc = advtrains.get_acceleration(train, 1) local vel = train.velocity local brakedst = -(vel*vel) / (2*acc) local brake_i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, train.index, brakedst + BRAKE_SPACE) --local aware_i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, brake_i, AWARE_ZONE) local lzb = train.lzb local trav = lzb.trav local travspd = lzb.travspd local travwspd = lzb.travwspd local lspd --train.debug = lspd while trav <= brake_i and (not lspd or lspd>0) do trav = trav + 1 local pos = advtrains.path_get(train, trav) local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos) local cn = train.path_cn[trav] -- check offtrack if trav > train.path_trk_f then lspd = 0 table.insert(lzb.oncoming, { idx = trav-1, spd = 0, }) else -- run callback, if exists approach_callback(pos, id, train, trav) -- check for signal local asp, spos = il.db.get_ip_signal_asp(pts, cn) --atdebug("trav: ",pos, cn, asp, spos, "travsht=", lzb.travsht) if asp then local nspd = 0 --interpreting aspect and determining speed to proceed if lzb.travsht then --shunt move if asp.shunt.free then nspd = SHUNT_SPEED_MAX elseif asp.shunt.proceed_as_main and asp.main.free then nspd = asp.main.speed lzb.travsht = false end else --train move if asp.main.free then nspd = asp.main.speed elseif asp.shunt.free then nspd = SHUNT_SPEED_MAX lzb.travsht = true end end -- nspd can now be: 1. !=0: new speed restriction, 2. =0: stop here or 3. nil: keep travspd if nspd then if nspd == -1 then travspd = nil else travspd = nspd end end local nwspd = asp.info.w_speed if nwspd then if nwspd == -1 then travwspd = nil else travwspd = nwspd end end --atdebug("ns,wns,ts,wts", nspd, nwspd, travspd, travwspd) lspd = travspd if travwspd and (not lspd or lspd>travwspd) then lspd = travwspd end table.insert(lzb.oncoming, { pos = spos, idx = trav, spd = lspd, }) end end end lzb.trav = trav lzb.travspd = travspd lzb.travwspd = travwspd --train.debug = dump(lzb) end --[[ Distance needed to accelerate from v0 to v1 with constant acceleration a: v1 - v0 a / v1 - v0 \ 2 s = v0 * ------- + - * | ------- | a 2 \ a / ]] local function apply_control(id, train) local lzb = train.lzb local i = 1 while i<=#lzb.oncoming do if lzb.oncoming[i].idx < train.index then train.speed_restriction = lzb.oncoming[i].spd table.remove(lzb.oncoming, i) else i = i + 1 end end for i, it in ipairs(lzb.oncoming) do local a = advtrains.get_acceleration(train, 1) --should be negative local v0 = train.velocity local v1 = it.spd if v1 and v1 <= v0 then local f = (v1-v0) / a local s = v0*f + a*f*f/2 local st = s + ADD_SLOW if v0 > 3 then st = s + ADD_FAST end if v0<=0 then st = s + ADD_STAND end local i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, it.idx, -st) --train.debug = dump({v0f=v0*f, aff=a*f*f,v0=v0, v1=v1, f=f, a=a, s=s, st=st, i=i, idx=train.index}) if i <= train.index then -- Gotcha! Braking... train.ctrl.lzb = 1 --train.debug = train.debug .. "BRAKE!!!" return end i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, i, -ZONE_ROLL) if i <= train.index and v0>1 then -- roll control train.ctrl.lzb = 2 return end i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, i, -ZONE_HOLD) if i <= train.index and v0>1 then -- hold speed train.ctrl.lzb = 3 return end end end train.ctrl.lzb = nil end local function invalidate(train) train.lzb = { trav = atfloor(train.index), travsht = train.is_shunt, oncoming = {} } train.ctrl.lzb = nil end function advtrains.interlocking.lzb_invalidate(train) invalidate(train) end -- Add an (extra) lzb control point that is not a permanent restriction (see above) -- (permanent restrictions are only to be imposed by signal ip's) function advtrains.interlocking.lzb_add_oncoming_npr(train, idx, spd) local lzb = train.lzb table.insert(lzb.oncoming, { idx = idx, spd = spd, npr = true, }) end advtrains.te_register_on_new_path(function(id, train) invalidate(train) look_ahead(id, train) end) advtrains.te_register_on_update(function(id, train) look_ahead(id, train) apply_control(id, train) end)