-- Advtrains line automation system advtrains.lines = { -- [station code] = {name=..., owner=...} stations = {}, --[[ [new pos hash] = { stn = <station code>, track = <platform identifier>, doors = <door side L,R,C> wait = <least wait time> reverse = <boolean> signal = <position of signal that is the "exit signal" for this platform> }]] stops = {}, } local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) .. DIR_DELIM dofile(modpath.."stoprail.lua") function advtrains.lines.load(data) if data then advtrains.lines.stations = data.stations or {} advtrains.lines.stops = data.stops or {} end end function advtrains.lines.save() return { stations = advtrains.lines.stations, stops = advtrains.lines.stops } end