This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/Debian) (preloaded format=latex 2018.8.26)  15 OCT 2018 22:04
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version 2018-02-11-15:01
Package: tex4ht 
--- Note --- for _ at preamble, use the command line option `early_'
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--- Note --- for additional information, use the command line option `info'
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version 2018-02-11-15:01
--- needs --- tex4ht interlocking ---
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\openout3 = `interlocking.xref'.

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ommand line option `no-VERSION'
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version 2017-03-30-16:04
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--- Note --- for non active ^, use the command line option `no^'
--- Note --- for ^ of catcode 13, use the command line option `^13'
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--- Note --- for alternative charset, use the command line option `charset=...'

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--- Note --- for jpg bitmaps of pictures, use the `jpg' command line option. (C
haracter bitmaps are controled only by `g' records of tex4ht.env and `-g' switc
hes of tex4ht.c) 
--- Note --- for gif bitmaps of pictures, use the `gif' command line option. (C
haracter bitmaps are controled only by `g' records of tex4ht.env and `-g' switc
hes of tex4ht.c) 
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option `frames-fn'
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on `imgdir:.../'
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version 2018-01-12-14:38
LaTeX Info: Redefining \_ on input line 168.
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ine option `refcaption'
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version 2018-02-21-09:31
--- Note --- For mini tocs immediately aftter the header use the command line o
ption `minitoc<'
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e option `enumerate+'
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ommand line option `enumerate-'
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ommand line option or a configuration similar to \Configure{HColWidth}{\HCode{ 
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/html4-math.4ht
version 2017-03-30-16:04
--- Note --- for pictorial eqnarray, use the command line option `pic-eqnarray'

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--- Note --- for pictorial $...$ environments, use the command line option `pic
-m' (not recommended!!)
--- Note --- for pictorial $...$ and $$...$$ environments with latex alt, use t
he command line option `pic-m+' (not safe!!)
--- Note --- for pictorial array, use the command line option `pic-array'
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version 2018-02-21-09:31
--- Note --- if included graphics are of degraded quality, try the command line
 options `graphics-num' or `graphics-'. The `num' should provide the density of
 pixels in the bitmaps (e.g., 110). 
--- Note --- for key dimensions try the option `Gin-dim'; for key dimensions wh
en bounding box is unavailable try `Gin-dim+'; neither is recommended
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version 2017-03-30-16:04
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version 2018-02-21-09:31
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version 2009-05-21-09:32
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version 2017-03-30-16:04
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version 2018-02-21-09:31
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/html4-math.4ht
version 2017-03-30-16:04
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[5] [6] [7]
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no BoundingBox) ---
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ns_assets_lyx_img_route_ex2.png ---
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[10] [11] [12] (./interlocking.aux) ) 
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Output written on interlocking.dvi (12 pages, 52488 bytes).