path: root/gui.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gui.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/gui.lua b/gui.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 19da07d..0000000
--- a/gui.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright (c) 2013-18 rubenwardy. MIT.
-local S = awards.gettext
-local function order_awards(name)
- local hash_is_unlocked = {}
- local retval = {}
- local data = awards.player(name)
- if data and data.unlocked then
- for awardname, _ in pairs(data.unlocked) do
- local def = awards.registered_awards[awardname]
- if def then
- hash_is_unlocked[awardname] = true
- local score = -100000
- local difficulty = def.difficulty or 1
- if def.trigger and then
- difficulty = difficulty *
- end
- score = score + difficulty
- retval[#retval + 1] = {
- name = awardname,
- def = def,
- unlocked = true,
- started = true,
- score = score,
- }
- end
- end
- end
- for _, def in pairs(awards.registered_awards) do
- if not hash_is_unlocked[] and def:can_unlock(data) then
- local started = false
- local score = def.difficulty or 1
- if def.secret then
- score = 1000000
- elseif def.trigger and and def.getProgress then
- local progress = def:getProgress(data).perc
- score = score * (1 - progress) *
- if progress < 0.001 then
- score = score + 100
- else
- started = true
- end
- else
- score = 100
- end
- retval[#retval + 1] = {
- name =,
- def = def,
- unlocked = false,
- started = started,
- score = score,
- }
- end
- end
- table.sort(retval, function(a, b)
- return a.score < b.score
- end)
- return retval
-function awards.get_formspec(name, to, sid)
- local formspec = ""
- local awards_list = order_awards(name)
- local data = awards.player(name)
- if #awards_list == 0 then
- formspec = formspec .. "label[3.9,1.5;"..minetest.formspec_escape(S("Error: No achivements available.")).."]"
- formspec = formspec .. "button_exit[4.2,2.3;3,1;close;"..minetest.formspec_escape(S("OK")).."]"
- return formspec
- end
- sid = awards_list[sid] and sid or 1
- -- Sidebar
- local sitem = awards_list[sid]
- local sdef = sitem.def
- if sdef and sdef.secret and not sitem.unlocked then
- formspec = formspec .. "label[1,2.75;"..
- minetest.formspec_escape(S("(Secret Award)")).."]"..
- "image[1,0;3,3;awards_unknown.png]"
- if sdef and sdef.description then
- formspec = formspec .. "textarea[0.25,3.25;4.8,1.7;;"..
- minetest.formspec_escape(
- S("Unlock this award to find out what it is."))..";]"
- end
- else
- local title =
- if sdef and sdef.title then
- title = sdef.title
- end
- local status = "%s"
- if sitem.unlocked then
- status = S("%s (unlocked)")
- end
- formspec = formspec .. "textarea[0.5,2.7;4.8,1.45;;" ..
- string.format(status, minetest.formspec_escape(title)) ..
- ";]"
- if sdef and sdef.icon then
- formspec = formspec .. "image[1,0;3,3;" .. sdef.icon .. "]"
- end
- local barwidth = 4.6
- local perc = nil
- local label = nil
- if sdef.getProgress and data then
- local res = sdef:getProgress(data)
- perc = res.perc
- label = res.label
- end
- if perc then
- if perc > 1 then
- perc = 1
- end
- formspec = formspec .. "background[0,4.80;" .. barwidth ..",0.25;awards_progress_gray.png;false]"
- formspec = formspec .. "background[0,4.80;" .. (barwidth * perc) ..",0.25;awards_progress_green.png;false]"
- if label then
- formspec = formspec .. "label[1.75,4.63;" .. minetest.formspec_escape(label) .. "]"
- end
- end
- if sdef and sdef.description then
- formspec = formspec .. "textarea[0.25,3.75;4.8,1.7;;"..minetest.formspec_escape(sdef.description)..";]"
- end
- end
- -- Create list box
- formspec = formspec .. "textlist[4.75,0;6,5;awards;"
- local first = true
- for _, award in pairs(awards_list) do
- local def = award.def
- if def then
- if not first then
- formspec = formspec .. ","
- end
- first = false
- if def.secret and not award.unlocked then
- formspec = formspec .. "#707070"..minetest.formspec_escape(S("(Secret Award)"))
- else
- local title =
- if def and def.title then
- title = def.title
- end
- -- title = title .. " [" .. award.score .. "]"
- if award.unlocked then
- formspec = formspec .. minetest.formspec_escape(title)
- elseif award.started then
- formspec = formspec .. "#c0c0c0".. minetest.formspec_escape(title)
- else
- formspec = formspec .. "#a0a0a0".. minetest.formspec_escape(title)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return formspec .. ";"..sid.."]"
-function awards.show_to(name, to, sid, text)
- if name == "" or name == nil then
- name = to
- end
- local data = awards.player(to)
- if name == to and data.disabled then
- minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable."))
- return
- end
- if text then
- local awards_list = order_awards(name)
- if #awards_list == 0 then
- minetest.chat_send_player(to, S("Error: No award available."))
- return
- elseif not data or not data.unlocked then
- minetest.chat_send_player(to, S("You have not unlocked any awards."))
- return
- end
- minetest.chat_send_player(to, string.format(S("%s’s awards:"), name))
- for str, _ in pairs(data.unlocked) do
- local def = awards.registered_awards[str]
- if def then
- if def.title then
- if def.description then
- minetest.chat_send_player(to, string.format(S("%s: %s"), def.title, def.description))
- else
- minetest.chat_send_player(to, def.title)
- end
- else
- minetest.chat_send_player(to, str)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- local deco = ""
- if minetest.global_exists("default") then
- deco = default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img
- end
- -- Show formspec to user
- minetest.show_formspec(to,"awards:awards",
- "size[11,5]" .. deco ..
- awards.get_formspec(name, to, sid))
- end
-if minetest.get_modpath("sfinv") then
- sfinv.register_page("awards:awards", {
- title = S("Awards"),
- on_enter = function(self, player, context)
- context.awards_idx = 1
- end,
- is_in_nav = function(self, player, context)
- local data = awards.player(player:get_player_name())
- return not data.disabled
- end,
- get = function(self, player, context)
- local name = player:get_player_name()
- return sfinv.make_formspec(player, context,
- awards.get_formspec(name, name, context.awards_idx),
- false, "size[11,5]")
- end,
- on_player_receive_fields = function(self, player, context, fields)
- if fields.awards then
- local event = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.awards)
- if event.type == "CHG" then
- context.awards_idx = event.index
- sfinv.set_player_inventory_formspec(player, context)
- end
- end
- end
- })
-if minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory") ~= nil then
- unified_inventory.register_button("awards", {
- type = "image",
- image = "awards_ui_icon.png",
- tooltip = S("Awards"),
- action = function(player)
- local name = player:get_player_name()
- awards.show_to(name, name, nil, false)
- end,
- })