-- CANNED FOOD -- Introduces new food types to add some variety. All of them rely on glass bottles -- from the default vessels mod, which otherwise sees very little use. In vanilla game, -- at least 4 new types will be available, two of which will also turn inedible items -- into edible food. With farming (redo) and ethereal, pretty much anything that can -- be harvested can also be canned. --[[ Definition scheme internal_name_of_the_product = { proper_name = Human-readable name, found_in = mod name where the source object is introduced obj_name = name of source object orig_nutritional_value = self-explanatory amount = how many objects are needed to fill a bottle /not implemented/ sugar = boolean, set if needs sugar (jams) or not } image files for items must follow the scheme "internal_name_of_the_product.png" ]] local canned_food_definitions = { apple_jam = { proper_name = "Apple jam", found_in = "default", obj_name = "default:apple", orig_nutritional_value = 2, amount = 3, sugar = false -- must not use sugar to be available in vanilla }, dandelion_jam = { proper_name = "Dandelion jam", found_in = "flowers", obj_name = "flowers:dandelion_yellow", orig_nutritional_value = 1, amount = 5, sugar = false -- must not use sugar to be available in vanilla }, rose_jam = { proper_name = "Rose petal jam", found_in = "flowers", obj_name = "flowers:rose", orig_nutritional_value = 1, amount = 5, sugar = false -- must not use sugar to be available in vanilla }, canned_mushrooms = { proper_name = "Canned mushrooms", found_in = "flowers", obj_name = "flowers:mushroom_brown", orig_nutritional_value = 1, amount = 5, sugar = false }, orange_jam = { proper_name = "Orange jam", found_in = "ethereal", obj_name = "ethereal:orange", orig_nutritional_value = 2, amount = 3, sugar = true }, banana_jam = { proper_name = "Banana jam", found_in = "ethereal", obj_name = "ethereal:banana", orig_nutritional_value = 1, amount = 5, sugar = true }, strawberry_jam = { proper_name = "Strawberry jam", found_in = "ethereal", obj_name = "ethereal:strawberry", orig_nutritional_value = 1, amount = 5, sugar = true }, blueberry_jam = { proper_name = "Blueberry jam", found_in = "farming", obj_name = "farming:blueberries", orig_nutritional_value = 1, amount = 6, sugar = true }, raspberry_jam = { proper_name = "Raspberry jam", found_in = "farming", obj_name = "farming:raspberries", orig_nutritional_value = 1, amount = 6, sugar = true }, grape_jam = { proper_name = "Grape jam", found_in = "farming", obj_name = "farming:grapes", orig_nutritional_value = 2, amount = 4, sugar = true }, rhubarb_jam = { proper_name = "Rhubarb jam", found_in = "farming", obj_name = "farming:rhubarb", orig_nutritional_value = 1, amount = 6, sugar = true }, melon_jam = { proper_name = "Melon jam", found_in = "farming", obj_name = "farming:melon_slice", orig_nutritional_value = 2, amount = 3, sugar = true }, canned_carrot = { proper_name = "Canned carrots", found_in = "farming", obj_name = "farming:carrot", orig_nutritional_value = 4, amount = 3, sugar = false }, -- canned_potato = { -- proper_name = "Canned potatoes", -- found_in = "farming", -- obj_name = "farming:potato", -- orig_nutritional_value = 1, -- amount = 5, -- sugar = false -- }, canned_cucumber = { -- aka pickles proper_name = "Pickles", found_in = "farming", obj_name = "farming:cucumber", orig_nutritional_value = 4, amount = 3, sugar = false }, canned_tomato = { proper_name = "Canned tomatoes", found_in = "farming", obj_name = "farming:tomato", orig_nutritional_value = 4, amount = 3, sugar = false }, canned_corn = { proper_name = "Canned corn", found_in = "farming", obj_name = "farming:corn", orig_nutritional_value = 3, amount = 3, sugar = false }, canned_beans = { proper_name = "Canned beans", found_in = "farming", obj_name = "farming:beans", orig_nutritional_value = 1, amount = 6, sugar = false }, canned_coconut = { proper_name = "Canned coconut", found_in = "ethereal", obj_name = "ethereal:coconut_slice", orig_nutritional_value = 1, amount = 5, sugar = false }, canned_pumpkin = { proper_name = "Canned pumpkin puree", found_in = "farming", obj_name = "farming:pumpkin_slice", orig_nutritional_value = 2, amount = 3, sugar = false }, honey_jar = { proper_name = "A jar of honey", found_in = "mobs_animal", obj_name = "mobs:honey", orig_nutritional_value = 4, amount = 4, sugar = false }, } -- creating all objects with one universal scheme for product, def in pairs(canned_food_definitions) do if minetest.get_modpath(def.found_in) then if def.sugar and minetest.get_modpath("farming") or not def.sugar then -- introducing a new item, a bit more nutricious than the source -- material when sugar is used. minetest.register_node("canned_food:" .. product, { description = def.proper_name, drawtype = "plantlike", tiles = {product .. ".png"}, inventory_image = product .. ".png", wield_image = product .. ".png", paramtype = "light", is_ground_content = false, walkable = false, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.3, 0.25} }, groups = { canned_food = 1, vessel = 1, dig_immediate = 3, attached_node = 1 }, -- canned food prolongs shelf life IRL, but in minetest food never -- goes bad. Here, we increase the nutritional value instead. on_use = minetest.item_eat( math.floor (def.orig_nutritional_value * def.amount * 0.33) + (def.sugar and 1 or 0), "vessels:glass_bottle"), -- the empty bottle stays, of course sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(), }) -- a family of shapeless recipes, with sugar for jams -- except for apple: there should be at least 1 jam guaranteed -- to be available in vanilla game (and mushrooms are the guaranteed -- regular - not sweet - canned food) local ingredients = {"vessels:glass_bottle"} local max = 8 if def.sugar then table.insert(ingredients, "farming:sugar") max = 7 end -- prevent creation of a recipe with more items than there are slots -- left in the 9-tile craft grid if def.amount > max then def.amount = max end for i=1,def.amount do table.insert(ingredients, def.obj_name) end minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = "canned_food:" .. product, recipe = ingredients }) end end end -- The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go canned_food_definitions = nil