# Template

### alias.lua ###

### init.lua ###

### nodes_anvil.lua ###
Steel hammer for repairing tools on the anvil =
anvil =
Anvil =
The workpiece slot is for damaged tools only. =
Your tool has been repaired successfully. =
Your workpiece improves. =
Anvil (owned by %s) = 
Workpiece: = 
Optional = 
storage for = 
your hammer = 
Owner: %s = 
Punch anvil with hammer to = 
repair tool in workpiece-slot. = 

### nodes_barrel.lua ###
Pour: =
Fill: =
barrel (closed) =
barrel (open) =
barrel (closed), lying somewhere =
barrel (opened), lying somewhere =
tub =

### nodes_chests.lua ###
private NPC chest = 
chest for work utils and kitchens = 
storage chest = 

### nodes_doorlike.lua ###
opened window shutters =
closed window shutters =
half door =
half door inverted =
closed fence gate =
opened fence gate =
wooden hatch =
metal hatch =

### nodes_fences.lua ###
small fence =
small fence corner =
small fence end =

### nodes_furniture.lua ###
Bed (foot region) =
Bed (head region) =
sleeping mat =
simple wooden bench =
table =
open storage shelf =
open storage shelf (in use) =
open storage shelf (empty) =
stovepipe =
washing place =
Sorry. This washing place is out of water. Please place it above water! =
You feel much cleaner after some washing. = 

### nodes_historic.lua ###
wagon wheel =
dirt road =
loam =
Dirt Road Stairs =
Dirt Road, half height =
Loam Stairs =
Loam Slab =
Clay Stairs =
Clay Slab =
straw ground for animals =
simple glass pane =

### nodes_roof.lua ###
Roof straw = 
Roof wood =
Roof black =
Roof red =
Roof brown =
Roof reet =
Roof slate =
Roof connector straw =
Roof connector wood =
Roof connector black =
Roof connector red =
Roof connector brown =
Roof connector reet =
Roof connector slate =
Roof (flat) straw =
Roof (flat) wood =
Roof (flat) black =
Roof (flat) red =
Roof (flat) brown =
Roof (flat) reet =
Roof (flat) slate =
Vertical Slate =
Reet for thatching =

### nodes_straw.lua ###
layer of straw =
straw bale =
straw =
threshing floor = 
Threshing floor = 
Threshing floor (owned by %s) = 
Harvested wheat: = 
Straw: = 
Seeds: = 
Owner: %s = 
Punch threshing floor with a stick = 
to get straw and seeds from wheat. = 
You have threshed %s wheat (%s are left). =
You have threshed the last %s wheat. =
mill, powered by punching =
Mill, powered by punching = 
Mill, powered by punching (owned by %s) = 
Wheat seeds: =
Flour: =
Mill =
Owner: %s =
Punch this hand-driven mill =
to convert wheat seeds into flour. =
You have grinded %s wheat seeds (%s are left). =
You have grinded the last %s wheat seeds. =