path: root/potato.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'potato.lua')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/potato.lua b/potato.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a652075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/potato.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+Copyright (C) 2015 - Auke Kok <>
+"crops" is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
+of the license, or (at your option) any later version.
+local interval = crops_interval
+local chance = crops_chance
+minetest.register_node("crops:potato_eyes", {
+ description = "potato eyes",
+ inventory_image = "crops_potato_eyes.png",
+ wield_image = "crops_potato_eyes.png",
+ tiles = { "crops_potato_plant_1.png" },
+ drawtype = "plantlike",
+ sunlight_propagates = false,
+ use_texture_alpha = true,
+ walkable = false,
+ paramtype = "light",
+ groups = { snappy=3,flammable=3,flora=1,attached_node=1 },
+ on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
+ local under = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under)
+ if minetest.get_item_group(, "soil") <= 1 then
+ return
+ end
+ minetest.set_node(pointed_thing.above, {name="crops:potato_plant_1"})
+ if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
+ itemstack:take_item()
+ end
+ return itemstack
+ end
+for stage = 1, 4 do
+minetest.register_node("crops:potato_plant_" .. stage , {
+ description = "potato plant",
+ tiles = { "crops_potato_plant_" .. stage .. ".png" },
+ drawtype = "plantlike",
+ sunlight_propagates = true,
+ use_texture_alpha = true,
+ walkable = false,
+ paramtype = "light",
+ groups = { snappy=3, flammable=3, flora=1, attached_node=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1 },
+ drop = {},
+ sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5 + (((math.min(stage, 4)) + 1) / 5), 0.5}
+ }
+minetest.register_craftitem("crops:potato", {
+ description = "potato",
+ inventory_image = "crops_potato.png",
+ on_use = minetest.item_eat(1)
+ type = "shapeless",
+ output = "crops:potato_eyes",
+ recipe = { "crops:potato" }
+-- the potatoes "block"
+minetest.register_node("crops:soil_with_potatoes", {
+ description = "Soil with potatoes",
+ tiles = { "default_dirt.png^crops_potato_soil.png", "default_dirt.png" },
+ sunlight_propagates = false,
+ use_texture_alpha = false,
+ walkable = true,
+ groups = { snappy=3, flammable=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, soil=1 },
+ paramtype2 = "facedir",
+ drop = {max_items = 5, items = {
+ { items = {'crops:potato'}, rarity = 1 },
+ { items = {'crops:potato'}, rarity = 1 },
+ { items = {'crops:potato'}, rarity = 1 },
+ { items = {'crops:potato'}, rarity = 2 },
+ { items = {'crops:potato'}, rarity = 5 },
+ }},
+ sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults(),
+ on_dig = function(pos, node, digger)
+ local drops = {}
+ for i = 1, math.random(3, 5) do
+ table.insert(drops, "crops:potato")
+ end
+ core.handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger)
+ minetest.set_node(pos, { name = "farming:soil" })
+ local above = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z }
+ if minetest.get_node(above).name == "crops:potato_plant_4" then
+ minetest.set_node(above, { name = "air" })
+ end
+ end
+-- grows a plant to mature size
+ nodenames = { "crops:potato_plant_1", "crops:potato_plant_2", "crops:potato_plant_3" },
+ neighbors = { "group:soil" },
+ interval = interval,
+ chance = chance,
+ action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
+ local below = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z }
+ if not minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(below).name].groups.soil then
+ return
+ end
+ if minetest.get_node_light(pos, nil) < 13 then
+ return
+ end
+ local n = string.gsub(, "3", "4")
+ n = string.gsub(n, "2", "3")
+ n = string.gsub(n, "1", "2")
+ minetest.set_node(pos, { name = n })
+ end
+-- grows the final potatoes in the soil beneath
+ nodenames = { "crops:potato_plant_4" },
+ neighbors = { "group:soil" },
+ interval = interval,
+ chance = chance,
+ action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
+ if minetest.get_node_light(pos, nil) < 13 then
+ return
+ end
+ local below = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z }
+ if not minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(below).name].groups.soil then
+ return
+ end
+ local below = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}
+ minetest.set_node(below, { name = "crops:soil_with_potatoes" })
+ end