path: root/potato.lua
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-04-14add support for enable_waving_plants shader settingPilcrow182
2015-04-14Potatoes.Auke Kok
The plants themselves don't drop anything. Only if the plant matures can you dig potatoes from the soil. If you can reach the soil from the side you can save yourself one dig by digging the soil as that will remove the plant from the top, but otherwise you need to dig twice: once to remove the plant, once to dig out the potatoes. You get 3-5 potatoes. Each potato gives one (set of) "potato eyes" which are the clones that can grow back to potatoes. The plant itself is purposedly drawn "low" and not as a full block as that's how the plant grows without support, mostly close to the ground. Be careful not to dig the plant when there's flowers! You have to wait until the soil below shows potatoes. It's fairly easy to see the difference, though.