path: root/pumpkin.lua
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-10-18Intllib (#5)xisd
Support for translation via intllib.
2016-03-13Oops, nobody got any pumpkins?Auke Kok
Turns out I made pumkins not drop items when digging. Yikes. Use after_dig_node() so drops are handled nicely.
2015-12-11Enable placement prediction everywhere.Auke Kok
2015-11-25Particle spawner on dead plants: flies.Auke Kok
These buzz around dead plants, right after they die.
2015-11-24These are not needed, game creates the inventory image.Auke Kok
Just saves bandwidth for client startup.
2015-11-23Pumpkins!Auke Kok
Since it's almost thanksgiving, here's some pumpkins, and as usual, with a twist. In itself the pumpkins behave like you expect - digging them yields a block, not slices. You can get seeds from a block, or cook a block into roast pumpkin, which is edible. The catch is that there's only one piece of food from a pumpkin so it's a lot of work. And if you want to expand your pumpkin farm, you'll have to water as otherwise the plants die and will not spawn more than 1 pumpkin if you're unlucky, so it's going to be difficult and labor intensive to grow a large pumpkin farm. So yeah, maybe just grow pumpkins once a year for some holiday cheer, like some countries do, and then back to taters, cuz they easy.