path: root/tomato.lua
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-04-14add support for enable_waving_plants shader settingPilcrow182
2015-04-13Interval/chance update.Auke Kok
- Globally use the same across all veggies - use a shorter ABM, with lower chance I don't like the fact that if you have 100 plants, then half of them will ALL change phase every 90 seconds. It's just very unnatural. By changing the rate/chance proportionally, plants still grow about as fast (~1200secs for 90% growth rate to 5 phases), but there will be less abrupt changes and no massive block updates, just small amounts at a time. Yes, more ABM's will fire, but that's unlikely a load that it won't be able to handle.
2015-04-12Add default leaf sounds to all the crops.Auke Kok
Only melon blocks have a different sound at this point.
2015-04-11Tomatoes.Auke Kok
Tomatoes appear to work simple enough, until you harvest them the first time: The plant stays! However, after the 3rd to 5th harvest, the plant wilts and needs to be removed, since no more tomatoes will grow on the plant. Per harvest you can get 1-2 tomatoes only. You can craft the tomatoes to tomato seeds, as expected.