diff options
authorFaceDeer <>2017-01-07 09:52:39 -0700
committerFaceDeer <>2017-01-07 09:52:39 -0700
commite43c5d3974e99b5d8d9a96f5d5461be35eeec65b (patch)
parent152e0f7883d58297ebf9beac97741aab480d6ef2 (diff)
Splitting some code files into more manageably-sized chunks.
5 files changed, 523 insertions, 523 deletions
diff --git a/node_controllers.lua b/node_controllers.lua
index 45abebd..221b713 100644
--- a/node_controllers.lua
+++ b/node_controllers.lua
@@ -1,298 +1,3 @@
-local dig_dust = function(pos, facing)
- local direction = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facing)
- return {
- amount = 10,
- time = 1.0,
- minpos = vector.subtract(pos,,0.5,0.5)),
- maxpos = vector.add(pos,,0.5,0.5)),
- minvel = vector.multiply(direction, -10),
- maxvel = vector.multiply(direction, -20),
- minacc = {x=0, y=-40, z=0},
- maxacc = {x=0, y=-40, z=0},
- minexptime = 0.25,
- maxexptime = 0.5,
- minsize = 2,
- maxsize = 5,
- collisiondetection = false,
- vertical = false,
- texture = "default_item_smoke.png^[colorize:#9F817080",
- }
-local burn_smoke = function(pos, amount)
- return {
- amount = math.min(amount, 40),
- time = 1.0,
- minpos = vector.subtract(pos,,0.5,0.5)),
- maxpos = vector.add(pos,,0.5,0.5)),
- minvel = {x=0, y=2, z=0},
- maxvel = {x=0, y=5, z=0},
- minacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
- maxacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
- minexptime = 0.5,
- maxexptime = 1.5,
- minsize = 8,
- maxsize = 12,
- collisiondetection = false,
- vertical = false,
- texture = "default_item_smoke.png^[colorize:#000000DD",
- }
--- returns newpos, status string
-local execute_cycle = function(pos, clicker)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local fuel_burning = meta:get_float("fuel_burning") -- get amount of burned fuel left over from last cycle
- local status_text = string.format("Heat remaining in controller furnace: %d", fuel_burning)
- local layout = digtron.get_all_digtron_neighbours(pos, clicker)
- if layout.all == nil then
- -- get_all_digtron_neighbours returns nil if the digtron array touches unloaded nodes, too dangerous to do anything in that situation. Abort.
- minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
- return pos, "Digtron is adjacent to unloaded nodes.\n" .. status_text
- end
- if layout.water_touching == true then
- minetest.sound_play("sploosh", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
- end
- if layout.lava_touching == true then
- minetest.sound_play("woopwoopwoop", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
- end
- if layout.traction * digtron.traction_factor < table.getn(layout.all) then
- -- digtrons can't fly
- minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
- return pos, string.format("Digtron has %d nodes but only enough traction to move %d nodes.\n", table.getn(layout.all), layout.traction * digtron.traction_factor)
- .. status_text
- end
- local facing = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
- local move_dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facing)
- local controlling_coordinate = digtron.get_controlling_coordinate(pos, facing)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local nodes_dug = Pointset.create()
- local items_dropped = {}
- local digging_fuel_cost = 0
- local particle_systems = {}
- -- execute the execute_dig method on all digtron components that have one
- -- This builds a set of nodes that will be dug and returns a list of products that will be generated
- -- but doesn't actually dig the nodes yet. That comes later.
- -- If we dug them now, sand would fall and some digtron nodes would die.
- for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
- local target = minetest.get_node(location)
- local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
- if targetdef.execute_dig ~= nil then
- local fuel_cost, dropped = targetdef.execute_dig(location, layout.protected, nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate)
- if dropped ~= nil then
- for _, itemname in pairs(dropped) do
- table.insert(items_dropped, itemname)
- end
- if digtron.particle_effects then
- table.insert(particle_systems, dig_dust(vector.add(location, move_dir), target.param2))
- end
- end
- digging_fuel_cost = digging_fuel_cost + fuel_cost
- else
- minetest.log(string.format("%s has digger group but is missing execute_dig method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.",
- end
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- test if any digtrons are obstructed by non-digtron nodes that haven't been marked
- -- as having been dug.
- local can_move = true
- for _, location in pairs(layout.all) do
- local newpos = digtron.find_new_pos(location, facing)
- if not digtron.can_move_to(newpos, layout.protected, nodes_dug) then
- can_move = false
- end
- end
- if not can_move then
- -- mark this node as waiting, will clear this flag in digtron.cycle_time seconds
- minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
- minetest.after(digtron.cycle_time,
- function (pos)
- minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", nil)
- end, pos
- )
- minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
- minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
- return pos, "Digtron is obstructed.\n" .. status_text --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- ask each builder node if it can get what it needs from inventory to build this cycle.
- -- This is a complicated test because each builder needs to actually *take* the item it'll
- -- need from inventory, and then we put it all back afterward.
- -- Note that this test may overestimate the amount of work that will actually need to be done so don't treat its fuel cost as authoritative.
- local can_build = true
- local test_build_return_code = nil
- local test_build_return_item = nil
- local test_items = {}
- local test_fuel_items = {}
- local test_build_fuel_cost = 0
- for k, location in pairs( do
- local target = minetest.get_node(location)
- local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
- local test_location = digtron.find_new_pos(location, facing)
- if targetdef.test_build ~= nil then
- test_build_return_code, test_build_return_item = targetdef.test_build(location, test_location, layout.inventories, layout.protected, nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, layout.controller)
- if test_build_return_code > 1 then
- can_build = false
- break
- end
- if test_build_return_code == 1 then
- table.insert(test_items, test_build_return_item)
- test_build_fuel_cost = test_build_fuel_cost + digtron.build_cost
- end
- else
- minetest.log(string.format("%s has builder group but is missing test_build method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.",
- end
- end
- local test_fuel_needed = test_build_fuel_cost + digging_fuel_cost - fuel_burning
- local test_fuel_burned = 0
- if test_fuel_needed > 0 then
- test_fuel_burned = digtron.burn(layout.fuelstores, test_fuel_needed, true)
- end
- --Put everything back where it came from
- for k, item_return in pairs(test_items) do
- digtron.place_in_specific_inventory(item_return.item, item_return.location, layout.inventories, layout.controller)
- end
- if test_fuel_needed > fuel_burning + test_fuel_burned then
- minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
- return pos, "Digtron needs more fuel." -- abort, don't dig and don't build.
- end
- if not can_build then
- minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
- minetest.after(digtron.cycle_time,
- function (pos)
- minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", nil)
- end, pos
- )
- local return_string = nil
- if test_build_return_code == 3 then
- minetest.sound_play("honk", {gain=0.5, pos=pos}) -- A builder is not configured
- return_string = "Digtron connected to at least one builder with no output material assigned.\n"
- elseif test_build_return_code == 2 then
- minetest.sound_play("dingding", {gain=1.0, pos=pos}) -- Insufficient inventory
- return_string = string.format("Digtron has insufficient building materials. Needed: %s\n",
- test_build_return_item:get_name())
- end
- return pos, return_string .. status_text --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- All tests passed, ready to go for real!
- minetest.sound_play("construction", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
- -- store or drop the products of the digger heads
- for _, itemname in pairs(items_dropped) do
- digtron.place_in_inventory(itemname, layout.inventories, pos)
- end
- -- if the player is standing within the array or next to it, move him too.
- local player_pos = clicker:getpos()
- local move_player = false
- if player_pos.x >= layout.extents.min_x - 1 and player_pos.x <= layout.extents.max_x + 1 and
- player_pos.y >= layout.extents.min_y - 1 and player_pos.y <= layout.extents.max_y + 1 and
- player_pos.z >= layout.extents.min_z - 1 and player_pos.z <= layout.extents.max_z + 1 then
- move_player = true
- end
- -- damage the weak flesh
- if digtron.diggers_damage_creatures then
- for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
- local target = minetest.get_node(location)
- local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
- if targetdef.damage_creatures ~= nil then
- targetdef.damage_creatures(clicker, location, digtron.find_new_pos(location, target.param2), controlling_coordinate)
- end
- end
- end
- --move the array
- digtron.move_digtron(facing, layout.all, layout.extents, nodes_dug, clicker:get_player_name())
- local oldpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
- pos = digtron.find_new_pos(pos, facing)
- meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- if move_player then
- clicker:moveto(digtron.find_new_pos(player_pos, facing), true)
- end
- local building_fuel_cost = 0
- local strange_failure = false
- -- execute_build on all digtron components that have one
- for k, location in pairs( do
- local target = minetest.get_node(location)
- local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
- if targetdef.execute_build ~= nil then
- --using the old location of the controller as fallback so that any leftovers land with the rest of the digger output. Not that there should be any.
- local build_return = targetdef.execute_build(location, clicker, layout.inventories, layout.protected, nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, oldpos)
- if build_return == false then
- -- This happens if there's insufficient inventory, but we should have confirmed there was sufficient inventory during test phase.
- -- So this should never happen. However, "should never happens" happen sometimes. So
- -- don't interrupt the build cycle as a whole, we've already moved so might as well try to complete as much as possible.
- strange_failure = true
- elseif build_return == true and not digtron.creative_mode == true then
- building_fuel_cost = building_fuel_cost + digtron.build_cost
- end
- else
- minetest.log(string.format("%s has builder group but is missing execute_build method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.",
- end
- end
- local status_text = ""
- if strange_failure then
- -- We weren't able to detect this build failure ahead of time, so make a big noise now. This is strange, shouldn't happen.
- minetest.sound_play("dingding", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
- minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
- status_text = "Digtron unexpectedly failed to execute one or more build operations, likely due to an inventory error.\n"
- end
- -- acutally burn the fuel needed
- local fuel_cost = digging_fuel_cost + building_fuel_cost
- fuel_burning = fuel_burning - fuel_cost
- if digtron.particle_effects then
- table.insert(particle_systems, burn_smoke(pos, fuel_cost))
- end
- if fuel_burning < 0 then
- fuel_burning = fuel_burning + digtron.burn(layout.fuelstores, -fuel_burning, false)
- end
- meta:set_float("fuel_burning", fuel_burning)
- status_text = status_text .. string.format("Heat remaining in controller furnace: %d", fuel_burning)
- -- Eyecandy
- for _, particles in pairs(particle_systems) do
- minetest.add_particlespawner(particles)
- end
- -- finally, dig out any nodes remaining to be dug. Some of these will have had their flag revoked because
- -- a builder put something there or because they're another digtron node.
- local node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = nodes_dug:pop()
- while node_to_dig ~= nil do
- if whether_to_dig == true then
- minetest.log("action", string.format("%s uses Digtron to dig %s at (%d, %d, %d)", clicker:get_player_name(), minetest.get_node(node_to_dig).name, node_to_dig.x, node_to_dig.y, node_to_dig.z))
- minetest.remove_node(node_to_dig)
- end
- -- all of the digtron's nodes wind up in nodes_dug, so this is an ideal place to stick
- -- a check to make sand fall after the digtron has passed.
- minetest.check_for_falling({x=node_to_dig.x, y=node_to_dig.y+1, z=node_to_dig.z})
- node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = nodes_dug:pop()
- end
- return pos, status_text
local controller_nodebox ={
{-0.3125, -0.3125, -0.3125, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.3125}, -- Core
{-0.1875, 0.3125, -0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5, 0.1875}, -- +y_connector
@@ -344,14 +49,14 @@ minetest.register_node("digtron:controller", {
- local newpos, status = execute_cycle(pos, clicker)
+ local newpos, status = digtron.execute_cycle(pos, clicker)
meta = minetest.get_meta(newpos)
if status ~= nil then
meta:set_string("infotext", status)
- -- Start the delay before digtron can run again. Do this after moving the array or pos will be wrong.
+ -- Start the delay before digtron can run again.
minetest.get_meta(newpos):set_string("waiting", "true")
function (pos)
@@ -361,6 +66,7 @@ minetest.register_node("digtron:controller", {
+-- Auto-controller
local auto_formspec = "size[4.5,1]" ..
@@ -384,7 +90,7 @@ digtron.auto_cycle = function(pos)
- local newpos, status = execute_cycle(pos, player)
+ local newpos, status = digtron.execute_cycle(pos, player)
local cycle = 0
if vector.equals(pos, newpos) then
@@ -408,7 +114,6 @@ digtron.auto_cycle = function(pos)
--- Master controller. Most complicated part of the whole system. Determines which direction a digtron moves and triggers all of its component parts.
minetest.register_node("digtron:auto_controller", {
description = "Digtron Automatic Control Unit",
groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3, digtron = 1},
diff --git a/util.lua b/util.lua
index 93e89df..dba9db8 100644
--- a/util.lua
+++ b/util.lua
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
digtron = {}
dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "digtron" ) .. "/util_item_place_node.lua" ) -- separated out to avoid potential for license complexity
+dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "digtron" ) .. "/util_movement.lua" ) -- separated out simply for tidiness, there's some big code in there
+dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "digtron" ) .. "/util_layout.lua" ) -- separated out simply for tidiness, there's some big code in there
+dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "digtron" ) .. "/util_execute_cycle.lua" ) -- separated out simply for tidiness, there's some big code in there
-- Apparently node_sound_metal_defaults is a newer thing, I ran into games using an older version of the default mod without it.
if default.node_sound_metal_defaults ~= nil then
@@ -95,160 +98,6 @@ digtron.can_move_to = function(pos, protected_nodes, dug_nodes)
return false
-digtron.move_node = function(pos, newpos, player_name)
- -- Moves nodes, preserving digtron metadata and inventory
- local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
- local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[]
- local oldnode = minetest.get_node(newpos)
- minetest.log("action", string.format("%s moves %s from (%d, %d, %d) to (%d, %d, %d), displacing %s", player_name,, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, newpos.x, newpos.y, newpos.z,
- minetest.add_node(newpos, {, param1=node.param1, param2=node.param2 })
- if node_def.after_place_node then
- node_def.after_place_node(newpos)
- end
- local oldmeta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local oldinv = oldmeta:get_inventory()
- local list = oldinv:get_list("main")
- local fuel = oldinv:get_list("fuel")
- local oldformspec = oldmeta:get_string("formspec")
- local newmeta = minetest.get_meta(newpos)
- local newinv = newmeta:get_inventory()
- newinv:set_list("main", list)
- newinv:set_list("fuel", fuel)
- newmeta:set_string("formspec", oldformspec)
- newmeta:set_string("triggering_player", oldmeta:get_string("triggering_player")) -- for auto-controllers
- newmeta:set_int("offset", oldmeta:get_int("offset"))
- newmeta:set_int("period", oldmeta:get_int("period"))
- newmeta:set_int("build_facing", oldmeta:get_int("build_facing"))
- newmeta:set_float("fuel_burning", oldmeta:get_float("fuel_burning"))
- newmeta:set_string("infotext", oldmeta:get_string("infotext"))
- -- Move the little floaty entity inside the builders
- if minetest.get_item_group(, "digtron") == 4 then
- digtron.update_builder_item(newpos)
- end
- -- remove node from old position
- minetest.remove_node(pos)
- if node_def.after_dig_node then
- node_def.after_dig_node(pos)
- end
-digtron.get_all_digtron_neighbours = function(pos, player)
- -- returns table containing a list of all digtron node locations, lists of special digtron node types, a table of the coordinate extents of the digtron array, a Pointset of protected nodes, and a number to determine how many adjacent solid non-digtron nodes there are (for traction)
- local layout = {}
- --initialize. We're assuming that the start position is a controller digtron, should be a safe assumption since only the controller node should call this
- layout.traction = 0
- layout.all = {}
- layout.inventories = {}
- layout.fuelstores = {}
- layout.diggers = {}
- = {}
- layout.extents = {}
- layout.water_touching = false
- layout.lava_touching = false
- layout.protected = Pointset.create() -- if any nodes we look at are protected, make note of that. That way we don't need to keep re-testing protection state later.
- layout.controller = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z} --Make a deep copy of the pos parameter just in case the calling code wants to play silly buggers with it
- table.insert(layout.all, layout.controller)
- layout.extents.max_x = pos.x
- layout.extents.min_x = pos.x
- layout.extents.max_y = pos.y
- layout.extents.min_y = pos.y
- layout.extents.max_z = pos.z
- layout.extents.min_z = pos.z
- -- temporary pointsets used while searching
- local to_test = Pointset.create()
- local tested = Pointset.create()
- tested:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true)
- to_test:set(pos.x + 1, pos.y, pos.z, true)
- to_test:set(pos.x - 1, pos.y, pos.z, true)
- to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z, true)
- to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y - 1, pos.z, true)
- to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1, true)
- to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 1, true)
- if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) and not minetest.check_player_privs(player, "protection_bypass") then
- layout.protected:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true)
- end
- -- Do a loop on to_test positions, adding new to_test positions as we find digtron nodes. This is a flood fill operation
- -- that follows node faces (no diagonals)
- local testpos, _ = to_test:pop()
- while testpos ~= nil do
- tested:set(testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z, true) -- track nodes we've looked at to prevent infinite loops
- local node = minetest.get_node(testpos)
- if == "ignore" then
- --buildtron array is next to unloaded nodes, too dangerous to do anything. Abort.
- layout.all = nil
- return layout
- end
- if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) and not minetest.check_player_privs(player, "protection_bypass") then
- layout.protected:set(testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z, true)
- end
- if minetest.get_item_group(, "water") ~= 0 then
- layout.water_touching = true
- elseif minetest.get_item_group(, "lava") ~= 0 then
- layout.lava_touching = true
- if digtron.lava_impassible == true then
- layout.protected:set(testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z, true)
- end
- end
- local group_number = minetest.get_item_group(, "digtron")
- if group_number > 0 then
- --found one. Add it to the digtrons output
- table.insert(layout.all, testpos)
- -- update extents
- layout.extents.max_x = math.max(layout.extents.max_x, testpos.x)
- layout.extents.min_x = math.min(layout.extents.min_x, testpos.x)
- layout.extents.max_y = math.max(layout.extents.max_y, testpos.y)
- layout.extents.min_y = math.min(layout.extents.min_y, testpos.y)
- layout.extents.max_z = math.max(layout.extents.max_z, testpos.z)
- layout.extents.min_z = math.min(layout.extents.min_z, testpos.z)
- -- add a reference to this node's position to special node lists
- if group_number == 2 then
- table.insert(layout.inventories, testpos)
- elseif group_number == 3 then
- table.insert(layout.diggers, testpos)
- elseif group_number == 4 then
- table.insert(, testpos)
- elseif group_number == 5 then
- table.insert(layout.fuelstores, testpos)
- elseif group_number == 6 then
- table.insert(layout.inventories, testpos)
- table.insert(layout.fuelstores, testpos)
- end
- --queue up potential new test points adjacent to this digtron node
- to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x + 1, testpos.y, testpos.z, true)
- to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x - 1, testpos.y, testpos.z, true)
- to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y + 1, testpos.z, true)
- to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y - 1, testpos.z, true)
- to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z + 1, true)
- to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z - 1, true)
- elseif minetest.registered_nodes[].buildable_to ~= true then
- -- Tracks whether the digtron is hovering in mid-air. If any part of the digtron array touches something solid it gains traction.
- layout.traction = layout.traction + 1
- end
- testpos, _ = to_test:pop()
- end
- return layout
digtron.place_in_inventory = function(itemname, inventory_positions, fallback_pos)
--tries placing the item in each inventory node in turn. If there's no room, drop it at fallback_pos
@@ -291,76 +140,6 @@ digtron.take_from_inventory = function(itemname, inventory_positions)
return nil
-digtron.move_digtron = function(facing, digtrons, extents, nodes_dug, player_name)
- -- move everything. Note! order is important or they'll step on each other, that's why this has complicated loops and filtering.
- -- Nodes are moved in a "caterpillar" pattern - front plane first, then next plane back, then next plane back, etc.
- -- positions in the digtron list will be updated when this method executes. Note that the inventories list shares
- -- references to the node position tables in the digtron list, so it will reflect the updates too.
- local dir = digtron.facedir_to_dir_map[facing]
- local increment
- local filter
- local index
- local target
- if dir == 1 then -- z+
- filter = "z"
- increment = -1
- index = extents.max_z
- target = extents.min_z
- extents.max_z = extents.max_z + 1
- extents.min_z = extents.min_z + 1
- elseif dir == 2 then -- x+
- filter = "x"
- increment = -1
- index = extents.max_x
- target = extents.min_x
- extents.max_x = extents.max_x + 1
- extents.min_x = extents.min_x + 1
- elseif dir == 3 then -- z-
- filter = "z"
- increment = 1
- index = extents.min_z
- target = extents.max_z
- extents.max_z = extents.max_z - 1
- extents.min_z = extents.min_z - 1
- elseif dir == 4 then -- x-
- filter = "x"
- increment = 1
- index = extents.min_x
- target = extents.max_x
- extents.max_x = extents.max_x - 1
- extents.min_x = extents.min_x - 1
- elseif dir == 5 then -- y-
- filter = "y"
- increment = 1
- index = extents.min_y
- target = extents.max_y
- extents.max_y = extents.max_y - 1
- extents.min_y = extents.min_y - 1
- elseif dir == 6 then -- y+
- filter = "y"
- increment = -1
- index = extents.max_y
- target = extents.min_y
- extents.max_y = extents.max_y + 1
- extents.min_y = extents.min_y + 1
- end
- while index ~= target + increment do
- for k, location in pairs(digtrons) do
- if location[filter] == index then
- local newpos = digtron.find_new_pos(location, facing)
- digtron.move_node(location, newpos, player_name)
- --By updating the digtron position table in-place we also update all the special node tables as well
- digtrons[k].x= newpos.x
- digtrons[k].y= newpos.y
- digtrons[k].z= newpos.z
- nodes_dug:set(newpos.x, newpos.y, newpos.z, false) -- we've moved a digtron node into this space, mark it so that we don't dig it.
- end
- end
- index = index + increment
- end
-- Used to determine which coordinate is being checked for periodicity. eg, if the digtron is moving in the z direction, then periodicity is checked for every n nodes in the z axis.
digtron.get_controlling_coordinate = function(pos, facedir)
-- used for determining builder period and offset
diff --git a/util_execute_cycle.lua b/util_execute_cycle.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c5d2a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util_execute_cycle.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+local dig_dust = function(pos, facing)
+ local direction = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facing)
+ return {
+ amount = 10,
+ time = 1.0,
+ minpos = vector.subtract(pos,,0.5,0.5)),
+ maxpos = vector.add(pos,,0.5,0.5)),
+ minvel = vector.multiply(direction, -10),
+ maxvel = vector.multiply(direction, -20),
+ minacc = {x=0, y=-40, z=0},
+ maxacc = {x=0, y=-40, z=0},
+ minexptime = 0.25,
+ maxexptime = 0.5,
+ minsize = 2,
+ maxsize = 5,
+ collisiondetection = false,
+ vertical = false,
+ texture = "default_item_smoke.png^[colorize:#9F817080",
+ }
+local burn_smoke = function(pos, amount)
+ return {
+ amount = math.min(amount, 40),
+ time = 1.0,
+ minpos = vector.subtract(pos,,0.5,0.5)),
+ maxpos = vector.add(pos,,0.5,0.5)),
+ minvel = {x=0, y=2, z=0},
+ maxvel = {x=0, y=5, z=0},
+ minacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ maxacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ minexptime = 0.5,
+ maxexptime = 1.5,
+ minsize = 8,
+ maxsize = 12,
+ collisiondetection = false,
+ vertical = false,
+ texture = "default_item_smoke.png^[colorize:#000000DD",
+ }
+-- returns newpos, status string
+digtron.execute_cycle = function(pos, clicker)
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local fuel_burning = meta:get_float("fuel_burning") -- get amount of burned fuel left over from last cycle
+ local status_text = string.format("Heat remaining in controller furnace: %d", fuel_burning)
+ local layout = digtron.get_all_digtron_neighbours(pos, clicker)
+ if layout.all == nil then
+ -- get_all_digtron_neighbours returns nil if the digtron array touches unloaded nodes, too dangerous to do anything in that situation. Abort.
+ minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
+ return pos, "Digtron is adjacent to unloaded nodes.\n" .. status_text
+ end
+ if layout.water_touching == true then
+ minetest.sound_play("sploosh", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
+ end
+ if layout.lava_touching == true then
+ minetest.sound_play("woopwoopwoop", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
+ end
+ if layout.traction * digtron.traction_factor < table.getn(layout.all) then
+ -- digtrons can't fly
+ minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
+ return pos, string.format("Digtron has %d nodes but only enough traction to move %d nodes.\n", table.getn(layout.all), layout.traction * digtron.traction_factor)
+ .. status_text
+ end
+ local facing = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
+ local move_dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facing)
+ local controlling_coordinate = digtron.get_controlling_coordinate(pos, facing)
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ local nodes_dug = Pointset.create()
+ local items_dropped = {}
+ local digging_fuel_cost = 0
+ local particle_systems = {}
+ -- execute the execute_dig method on all digtron components that have one
+ -- This builds a set of nodes that will be dug and returns a list of products that will be generated
+ -- but doesn't actually dig the nodes yet. That comes later.
+ -- If we dug them now, sand would fall and some digtron nodes would die.
+ for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
+ local target = minetest.get_node(location)
+ local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
+ if targetdef.execute_dig ~= nil then
+ local fuel_cost, dropped = targetdef.execute_dig(location, layout.protected, nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate)
+ if dropped ~= nil then
+ for _, itemname in pairs(dropped) do
+ table.insert(items_dropped, itemname)
+ end
+ if digtron.particle_effects then
+ table.insert(particle_systems, dig_dust(vector.add(location, move_dir), target.param2))
+ end
+ end
+ digging_fuel_cost = digging_fuel_cost + fuel_cost
+ else
+ minetest.log(string.format("%s has digger group but is missing execute_dig method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.",
+ end
+ end
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- test if any digtrons are obstructed by non-digtron nodes that haven't been marked
+ -- as having been dug.
+ local can_move = true
+ for _, location in pairs(layout.all) do
+ local newpos = digtron.find_new_pos(location, facing)
+ if not digtron.can_move_to(newpos, layout.protected, nodes_dug) then
+ can_move = false
+ end
+ end
+ if not can_move then
+ -- mark this node as waiting, will clear this flag in digtron.cycle_time seconds
+ minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
+ minetest.after(digtron.cycle_time,
+ function (pos)
+ minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", nil)
+ end, pos
+ )
+ minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
+ minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
+ return pos, "Digtron is obstructed.\n" .. status_text --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
+ end
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- ask each builder node if it can get what it needs from inventory to build this cycle.
+ -- This is a complicated test because each builder needs to actually *take* the item it'll
+ -- need from inventory, and then we put it all back afterward.
+ -- Note that this test may overestimate the amount of work that will actually need to be done so don't treat its fuel cost as authoritative.
+ local can_build = true
+ local test_build_return_code = nil
+ local test_build_return_item = nil
+ local test_items = {}
+ local test_fuel_items = {}
+ local test_build_fuel_cost = 0
+ for k, location in pairs( do
+ local target = minetest.get_node(location)
+ local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
+ local test_location = digtron.find_new_pos(location, facing)
+ if targetdef.test_build ~= nil then
+ test_build_return_code, test_build_return_item = targetdef.test_build(location, test_location, layout.inventories, layout.protected, nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, layout.controller)
+ if test_build_return_code > 1 then
+ can_build = false
+ break
+ end
+ if test_build_return_code == 1 then
+ table.insert(test_items, test_build_return_item)
+ test_build_fuel_cost = test_build_fuel_cost + digtron.build_cost
+ end
+ else
+ minetest.log(string.format("%s has builder group but is missing test_build method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.",
+ end
+ end
+ local test_fuel_needed = test_build_fuel_cost + digging_fuel_cost - fuel_burning
+ local test_fuel_burned = 0
+ if test_fuel_needed > 0 then
+ test_fuel_burned = digtron.burn(layout.fuelstores, test_fuel_needed, true)
+ end
+ --Put everything back where it came from
+ for k, item_return in pairs(test_items) do
+ digtron.place_in_specific_inventory(item_return.item, item_return.location, layout.inventories, layout.controller)
+ end
+ if test_fuel_needed > fuel_burning + test_fuel_burned then
+ minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
+ return pos, "Digtron needs more fuel." -- abort, don't dig and don't build.
+ end
+ if not can_build then
+ minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
+ minetest.after(digtron.cycle_time,
+ function (pos)
+ minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", nil)
+ end, pos
+ )
+ local return_string = nil
+ if test_build_return_code == 3 then
+ minetest.sound_play("honk", {gain=0.5, pos=pos}) -- A builder is not configured
+ return_string = "Digtron connected to at least one builder with no output material assigned.\n"
+ elseif test_build_return_code == 2 then
+ minetest.sound_play("dingding", {gain=1.0, pos=pos}) -- Insufficient inventory
+ return_string = string.format("Digtron has insufficient building materials. Needed: %s\n",
+ test_build_return_item:get_name())
+ end
+ return pos, return_string .. status_text --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
+ end
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- All tests passed, ready to go for real!
+ minetest.sound_play("construction", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
+ -- store or drop the products of the digger heads
+ for _, itemname in pairs(items_dropped) do
+ digtron.place_in_inventory(itemname, layout.inventories, pos)
+ end
+ -- if the player is standing within the array or next to it, move him too.
+ local player_pos = clicker:getpos()
+ local move_player = false
+ if player_pos.x >= layout.extents.min_x - 1 and player_pos.x <= layout.extents.max_x + 1 and
+ player_pos.y >= layout.extents.min_y - 1 and player_pos.y <= layout.extents.max_y + 1 and
+ player_pos.z >= layout.extents.min_z - 1 and player_pos.z <= layout.extents.max_z + 1 then
+ move_player = true
+ end
+ -- damage the weak flesh
+ if digtron.diggers_damage_creatures then
+ for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
+ local target = minetest.get_node(location)
+ local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
+ if targetdef.damage_creatures ~= nil then
+ targetdef.damage_creatures(clicker, location, digtron.find_new_pos(location, target.param2), controlling_coordinate)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --move the array
+ digtron.move_digtron(facing, layout.all, layout.extents, nodes_dug, clicker:get_player_name())
+ local oldpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
+ pos = digtron.find_new_pos(pos, facing)
+ meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ if move_player then
+ clicker:moveto(digtron.find_new_pos(player_pos, facing), true)
+ end
+ local building_fuel_cost = 0
+ local strange_failure = false
+ -- execute_build on all digtron components that have one
+ for k, location in pairs( do
+ local target = minetest.get_node(location)
+ local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
+ if targetdef.execute_build ~= nil then
+ --using the old location of the controller as fallback so that any leftovers land with the rest of the digger output. Not that there should be any.
+ local build_return = targetdef.execute_build(location, clicker, layout.inventories, layout.protected, nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, oldpos)
+ if build_return == false then
+ -- This happens if there's insufficient inventory, but we should have confirmed there was sufficient inventory during test phase.
+ -- So this should never happen. However, "should never happens" happen sometimes. So
+ -- don't interrupt the build cycle as a whole, we've already moved so might as well try to complete as much as possible.
+ strange_failure = true
+ elseif build_return == true and not digtron.creative_mode == true then
+ building_fuel_cost = building_fuel_cost + digtron.build_cost
+ end
+ else
+ minetest.log(string.format("%s has builder group but is missing execute_build method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.",
+ end
+ end
+ local status_text = ""
+ if strange_failure then
+ -- We weren't able to detect this build failure ahead of time, so make a big noise now. This is strange, shouldn't happen.
+ minetest.sound_play("dingding", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
+ minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
+ status_text = "Digtron unexpectedly failed to execute one or more build operations, likely due to an inventory error.\n"
+ end
+ -- acutally burn the fuel needed
+ local fuel_cost = digging_fuel_cost + building_fuel_cost
+ fuel_burning = fuel_burning - fuel_cost
+ if digtron.particle_effects then
+ table.insert(particle_systems, burn_smoke(pos, fuel_cost))
+ end
+ if fuel_burning < 0 then
+ fuel_burning = fuel_burning + digtron.burn(layout.fuelstores, -fuel_burning, false)
+ end
+ meta:set_float("fuel_burning", fuel_burning)
+ status_text = status_text .. string.format("Heat remaining in controller furnace: %d", fuel_burning)
+ -- Eyecandy
+ for _, particles in pairs(particle_systems) do
+ minetest.add_particlespawner(particles)
+ end
+ -- finally, dig out any nodes remaining to be dug. Some of these will have had their flag revoked because
+ -- a builder put something there or because they're another digtron node.
+ local node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = nodes_dug:pop()
+ while node_to_dig ~= nil do
+ if whether_to_dig == true then
+ minetest.log("action", string.format("%s uses Digtron to dig %s at (%d, %d, %d)", clicker:get_player_name(), minetest.get_node(node_to_dig).name, node_to_dig.x, node_to_dig.y, node_to_dig.z))
+ minetest.remove_node(node_to_dig)
+ end
+ -- all of the digtron's nodes wind up in nodes_dug, so this is an ideal place to stick
+ -- a check to make sand fall after the digtron has passed.
+ minetest.check_for_falling({x=node_to_dig.x, y=node_to_dig.y+1, z=node_to_dig.z})
+ node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = nodes_dug:pop()
+ end
+ return pos, status_text
diff --git a/util_layout.lua b/util_layout.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae75fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util_layout.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+digtron.get_all_digtron_neighbours = function(pos, player)
+ -- returns table containing a list of all digtron node locations, lists of special digtron node types, a table of the coordinate extents of the digtron array, a Pointset of protected nodes, and a number to determine how many adjacent solid non-digtron nodes there are (for traction)
+ local layout = {}
+ --initialize. We're assuming that the start position is a controller digtron, should be a safe assumption since only the controller node should call this
+ layout.traction = 0
+ layout.all = {}
+ layout.inventories = {}
+ layout.fuelstores = {}
+ layout.diggers = {}
+ = {}
+ layout.extents = {}
+ layout.water_touching = false
+ layout.lava_touching = false
+ layout.protected = Pointset.create() -- if any nodes we look at are protected, make note of that. That way we don't need to keep re-testing protection state later.
+ layout.controller = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z} --Make a deep copy of the pos parameter just in case the calling code wants to play silly buggers with it
+ table.insert(layout.all, layout.controller)
+ layout.extents.max_x = pos.x
+ layout.extents.min_x = pos.x
+ layout.extents.max_y = pos.y
+ layout.extents.min_y = pos.y
+ layout.extents.max_z = pos.z
+ layout.extents.min_z = pos.z
+ -- temporary pointsets used while searching
+ local to_test = Pointset.create()
+ local tested = Pointset.create()
+ tested:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true)
+ to_test:set(pos.x + 1, pos.y, pos.z, true)
+ to_test:set(pos.x - 1, pos.y, pos.z, true)
+ to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z, true)
+ to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y - 1, pos.z, true)
+ to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1, true)
+ to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 1, true)
+ if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) and not minetest.check_player_privs(player, "protection_bypass") then
+ layout.protected:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true)
+ end
+ -- Do a loop on to_test positions, adding new to_test positions as we find digtron nodes. This is a flood fill operation
+ -- that follows node faces (no diagonals)
+ local testpos, _ = to_test:pop()
+ while testpos ~= nil do
+ tested:set(testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z, true) -- track nodes we've looked at to prevent infinite loops
+ local node = minetest.get_node(testpos)
+ if == "ignore" then
+ --buildtron array is next to unloaded nodes, too dangerous to do anything. Abort.
+ layout.all = nil
+ return layout
+ end
+ if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) and not minetest.check_player_privs(player, "protection_bypass") then
+ layout.protected:set(testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z, true)
+ end
+ if minetest.get_item_group(, "water") ~= 0 then
+ layout.water_touching = true
+ elseif minetest.get_item_group(, "lava") ~= 0 then
+ layout.lava_touching = true
+ if digtron.lava_impassible == true then
+ layout.protected:set(testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z, true)
+ end
+ end
+ local group_number = minetest.get_item_group(, "digtron")
+ if group_number > 0 then
+ --found one. Add it to the digtrons output
+ table.insert(layout.all, testpos)
+ -- update extents
+ layout.extents.max_x = math.max(layout.extents.max_x, testpos.x)
+ layout.extents.min_x = math.min(layout.extents.min_x, testpos.x)
+ layout.extents.max_y = math.max(layout.extents.max_y, testpos.y)
+ layout.extents.min_y = math.min(layout.extents.min_y, testpos.y)
+ layout.extents.max_z = math.max(layout.extents.max_z, testpos.z)
+ layout.extents.min_z = math.min(layout.extents.min_z, testpos.z)
+ -- add a reference to this node's position to special node lists
+ if group_number == 2 then
+ table.insert(layout.inventories, testpos)
+ elseif group_number == 3 then
+ table.insert(layout.diggers, testpos)
+ elseif group_number == 4 then
+ table.insert(, testpos)
+ elseif group_number == 5 then
+ table.insert(layout.fuelstores, testpos)
+ elseif group_number == 6 then
+ table.insert(layout.inventories, testpos)
+ table.insert(layout.fuelstores, testpos)
+ end
+ --queue up potential new test points adjacent to this digtron node
+ to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x + 1, testpos.y, testpos.z, true)
+ to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x - 1, testpos.y, testpos.z, true)
+ to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y + 1, testpos.z, true)
+ to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y - 1, testpos.z, true)
+ to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z + 1, true)
+ to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z - 1, true)
+ elseif minetest.registered_nodes[].buildable_to ~= true then
+ -- Tracks whether the digtron is hovering in mid-air. If any part of the digtron array touches something solid it gains traction.
+ layout.traction = layout.traction + 1
+ end
+ testpos, _ = to_test:pop()
+ end
+ return layout
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util_movement.lua b/util_movement.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..204d045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util_movement.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+digtron.move_node = function(pos, newpos, player_name)
+ -- Moves nodes, preserving digtron metadata and inventory
+ local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
+ local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[]
+ local oldnode = minetest.get_node(newpos)
+ minetest.log("action", string.format("%s moves %s from (%d, %d, %d) to (%d, %d, %d), displacing %s", player_name,, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, newpos.x, newpos.y, newpos.z,
+ minetest.add_node(newpos, {, param1=node.param1, param2=node.param2 })
+ if node_def.after_place_node then
+ node_def.after_place_node(newpos)
+ end
+ local oldmeta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local oldinv = oldmeta:get_inventory()
+ local list = oldinv:get_list("main")
+ local fuel = oldinv:get_list("fuel")
+ local oldformspec = oldmeta:get_string("formspec")
+ local newmeta = minetest.get_meta(newpos)
+ local newinv = newmeta:get_inventory()
+ newinv:set_list("main", list)
+ newinv:set_list("fuel", fuel)
+ newmeta:set_string("formspec", oldformspec)
+ newmeta:set_string("triggering_player", oldmeta:get_string("triggering_player")) -- for auto-controllers
+ newmeta:set_int("offset", oldmeta:get_int("offset"))
+ newmeta:set_int("period", oldmeta:get_int("period"))
+ newmeta:set_int("build_facing", oldmeta:get_int("build_facing"))
+ newmeta:set_float("fuel_burning", oldmeta:get_float("fuel_burning"))
+ newmeta:set_string("infotext", oldmeta:get_string("infotext"))
+ -- Move the little floaty entity inside the builders
+ if minetest.get_item_group(, "digtron") == 4 then
+ digtron.update_builder_item(newpos)
+ end
+ -- remove node from old position
+ minetest.remove_node(pos)
+ if node_def.after_dig_node then
+ node_def.after_dig_node(pos)
+ end
+digtron.move_digtron = function(facing, digtrons, extents, nodes_dug, player_name)
+ -- move everything. Note! order is important or they'll step on each other, that's why this has complicated loops and filtering.
+ -- Nodes are moved in a "caterpillar" pattern - front plane first, then next plane back, then next plane back, etc.
+ -- positions in the digtron list will be updated when this method executes. Note that the inventories list shares
+ -- references to the node position tables in the digtron list, so it will reflect the updates too.
+ local dir = digtron.facedir_to_dir_map[facing]
+ local increment
+ local filter
+ local index
+ local target
+ if dir == 1 then -- z+
+ filter = "z"
+ increment = -1
+ index = extents.max_z
+ target = extents.min_z
+ extents.max_z = extents.max_z + 1
+ extents.min_z = extents.min_z + 1
+ elseif dir == 2 then -- x+
+ filter = "x"
+ increment = -1
+ index = extents.max_x
+ target = extents.min_x
+ extents.max_x = extents.max_x + 1
+ extents.min_x = extents.min_x + 1
+ elseif dir == 3 then -- z-
+ filter = "z"
+ increment = 1
+ index = extents.min_z
+ target = extents.max_z
+ extents.max_z = extents.max_z - 1
+ extents.min_z = extents.min_z - 1
+ elseif dir == 4 then -- x-
+ filter = "x"
+ increment = 1
+ index = extents.min_x
+ target = extents.max_x
+ extents.max_x = extents.max_x - 1
+ extents.min_x = extents.min_x - 1
+ elseif dir == 5 then -- y-
+ filter = "y"
+ increment = 1
+ index = extents.min_y
+ target = extents.max_y
+ extents.max_y = extents.max_y - 1
+ extents.min_y = extents.min_y - 1
+ elseif dir == 6 then -- y+
+ filter = "y"
+ increment = -1
+ index = extents.max_y
+ target = extents.min_y
+ extents.max_y = extents.max_y + 1
+ extents.min_y = extents.min_y + 1
+ end
+ while index ~= target + increment do
+ for k, location in pairs(digtrons) do
+ if location[filter] == index then
+ local newpos = digtron.find_new_pos(location, facing)
+ digtron.move_node(location, newpos, player_name)
+ --By updating the digtron position table in-place we also update all the special node tables as well
+ digtrons[k].x= newpos.x
+ digtrons[k].y= newpos.y
+ digtrons[k].z= newpos.z
+ nodes_dug:set(newpos.x, newpos.y, newpos.z, false) -- we've moved a digtron node into this space, mark it so that we don't dig it.
+ end
+ end
+ index = index + increment
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file