path: root/node_builders.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'node_builders.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/node_builders.lua b/node_builders.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 424eb67..0000000
--- a/node_builders.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
--- internationalization boilerplate
-local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
-local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua")
--- Note: builders go in group 4 and have both test_build and execute_build methods.
-local builder_formspec = nil
-if minetest.get_modpath("doc") then
- builder_formspec = "size[8,5.2]" ..
- default.gui_bg ..
- default.gui_bg_img ..
- default.gui_slots ..
- "list[current_name;main;0,0;1,1;]" ..
- "label[0,0.8;" .. S("Block to build") .. "]" ..
- "field[1.3,0.8;1,0.1;extrusion;" .. S("Extrusion") .. ";${extrusion}]" ..
- "tooltip[extrusion;" .. S("Builder will extrude this many blocks in the direction it is facing.\nCan be set from 1 to @1.\nNote that Digtron won't build into unloaded map regions.", digtron.maximum_extrusion) .. "]" ..
- "field[2.3,0.8;1,0.1;period;" .. S("Periodicity") .. ";${period}]" ..
- "tooltip[period;" .. S("Builder will build once every n steps.\nThese steps are globally aligned, so all builders with the\nsame period and offset will build on the same location.") .. "]" ..
- "field[3.3,0.8;1,0.1;offset;" .. S("Offset") .. ";${offset}]" ..
- "tooltip[offset;" .. S("Offsets the start of periodicity counting by this amount.\nFor example, a builder with period 2 and offset 0 builds\nevery even-numbered block and one with period 2 and\noffset 1 builds every odd-numbered block.") .. "]" ..
- "button_exit[4.0,0.5;1,0.1;set;" .. S("Save &\nShow") .. "]" ..
- "tooltip[set;" .. S("Saves settings") .. "]" ..
- "field[5.3,0.8;1,0.1;build_facing;" .. S("Facing") .. ";${build_facing}]" ..
- "tooltip[build_facing;" .. S("Value from 0-23. Not all block types make use of this.\nUse the 'Read & Save' button to copy the facing of the block\ncurrently in the builder output location.") .. "]" ..
- "button_exit[6.0,0.5;1,0.1;read;" .. S("Read &\nSave") .. "]" ..
- "tooltip[read;" .. S("Reads the facing of the block currently in the build location,\nthen saves all settings.") .. "]" ..
- "list[current_player;main;0,1.3;8,1;]" ..
- default.get_hotbar_bg(0,1.3) ..
- "list[current_player;main;0,2.5;8,3;8]" ..
- "listring[current_player;main]" ..
- "listring[current_name;main]" ..
- "button_exit[7.0,0.5;1,0.1;help;" .. S("Help") .. "]" ..
- "tooltip[help;" .. S("Show documentation about this block") .. "]"
- builder_formspec = "size[8,5.2]" ..
- default.gui_bg ..
- default.gui_bg_img ..
- default.gui_slots ..
- "list[current_name;main;0.5,0;1,1;]" ..
- "label[0.5,0.8;" .. S("Block to build") .. "]" ..
- "field[2.3,0.8;1,0.1;extrusion;" .. S("Extrusion") .. ";${extrusion}]" ..
- "tooltip[extrusion;" .. S("Builder will extrude this many blocks in the direction it is facing.\nCan be set from 1 to @1.\nNote that Digtron won't build into unloaded map regions.", digtron.maximum_extrusion) .. "]" ..
- "field[3.3,0.8;1,0.1;period;" .. S("Periodicity") .. ";${period}]" ..
- "tooltip[period;" .. S("Builder will build once every n steps.\nThese steps are globally aligned, so all builders with the\nsame period and offset will build on the same location.") .. "]" ..
- "field[4.3,0.8;1,0.1;offset;" .. S("Offset") .. ";${offset}]" ..
- "tooltip[offset;" .. S("Offsets the start of periodicity counting by this amount.\nFor example, a builder with period 2 and offset 0 builds\nevery even-numbered block and one with period 2 and\noffset 1 builds every odd-numbered block.") .. "]" ..
- "button_exit[5.0,0.5;1,0.1;set;" .. S("Save &\nShow") .. "]" ..
- "tooltip[set;" .. S("Saves settings") .. "]" ..
- "field[6.3,0.8;1,0.1;build_facing;" .. S("Facing") .. ";${build_facing}]" ..
- "tooltip[build_facing;" .. S("Value from 0-23. Not all block types make use of this.\nUse the 'Read & Save' button to copy the facing of the block\ncurrently in the builder output location.") .. "]" ..
- "button_exit[7.0,0.5;1,0.1;read;" .. S("Read &\nSave") .. "]" ..
- "tooltip[read;" .. S("Reads the facing of the block currently in the build location,\nthen saves all settings.") .. "]" ..
- "list[current_player;main;0,1.3;8,1;]" ..
- default.get_hotbar_bg(0,1.3) ..
- "list[current_player;main;0,2.5;8,3;8]" ..
- "listring[current_player;main]" ..
- "listring[current_name;main]"
--- Builds objects in the targeted node. This is a complicated beastie.
-minetest.register_node("digtron:builder", {
- description = S("Digtron Builder Module"),
- _doc_items_longdesc = digtron.doc.builder_longdesc,
- _doc_items_usagehelp = digtron.doc.builder_usagehelp,
- groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3, digtron = 4},
- drop = "digtron:builder",
- sounds = digtron.metal_sounds,
- paramtype = "light",
- paramtype2= "facedir",
- is_ground_content = false,
- tiles = {
- "digtron_plate.png^[transformR90",
- "digtron_plate.png^[transformR270",
- "digtron_plate.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^[transformR180",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_builder.png",
- "digtron_plate.png",
- },
- drawtype = "nodebox",
- node_box = {
- type = "fixed",
- fixed = {
- {-0.25, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5}, -- FrontFrame_top
- {-0.25, -0.5, 0.3125, 0.25, -0.3125, 0.5}, -- FrontFrame_bottom
- {0.3125, -0.25, 0.3125, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5}, -- FrontFrame_right
- {-0.5, -0.25, 0.3125, -0.3125, 0.25, 0.5}, -- FrontFrame_left
- {-0.5, 0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.5, 0.5}, -- edge_topright
- {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5}, -- edge_bottomright
- {0.25, 0.25, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, -- edge_topleft
- {0.25, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5}, -- edge_bottomleft
- {-0.25, 0.4375, -0.5, 0.25, 0.5, -0.4375}, -- backframe_top
- {-0.25, -0.5, -0.5, 0.25, -0.4375, -0.4375}, -- backframe_bottom
- {-0.5, -0.25, -0.5, -0.4375, 0.25, -0.4375}, -- backframe_left
- {0.4375, -0.25, -0.5, 0.5, 0.25, -0.4375}, -- Backframe_right
- {-0.0625, -0.3125, 0.3125, 0.0625, 0.3125, 0.375}, -- frontcross_vertical
- {-0.3125, -0.0625, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.0625, 0.375}, -- frontcross_horizontal
- }
- },
- on_construct = function(pos)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("formspec", builder_formspec)
- meta:set_int("period", 1)
- meta:set_int("offset", 0)
- meta:set_int("build_facing", 0)
- meta:set_int("extrusion", 1)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- inv:set_size("main", 1)
- end,
- on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local period = tonumber(fields.period)
- local offset = tonumber(fields.offset)
- local build_facing = tonumber(fields.build_facing)
- local extrusion = tonumber(fields.extrusion)
- if period and period > 0 then
- meta:set_int("period", math.floor(tonumber(fields.period)))
- else
- period = meta:get_int("period")
- end
- if offset then
- meta:set_int("offset", math.floor(tonumber(fields.offset)))
- else
- offset = meta:get_int("offset")
- end
- if build_facing and build_facing >= 0 and build_facing < 24 then
- -- TODO: wallmounted facings only run from 0-5, a player could theoretically put a wallmounted item into the builder and then manually set the build facing to an invalid number
- -- Should prevent that somehow. But not tonight.
- meta:set_int("build_facing", math.floor(build_facing))
- end
- if extrusion and extrusion > 0 and extrusion <= digtron.maximum_extrusion then
- meta:set_int("extrusion", math.floor(tonumber(fields.extrusion)))
- else
- extrusion = meta:get_int("extrusion")
- end
- if fields.set then
- local buildpos = digtron.find_new_pos(pos, minetest.get_node(pos).param2)
- local x_pos = math.floor((buildpos.x+offset)/period)*period - offset
- minetest.add_entity({x=x_pos, y=buildpos.y, z=buildpos.z}, "digtron:marker")
- if x_pos >= buildpos.x then
- minetest.add_entity({x=x_pos - period, y=buildpos.y, z=buildpos.z}, "digtron:marker")
- end
- if x_pos <= buildpos.x then
- minetest.add_entity({x=x_pos + period, y=buildpos.y, z=buildpos.z}, "digtron:marker")
- end
- local y_pos = math.floor((buildpos.y+offset)/period)*period - offset
- minetest.add_entity({x=buildpos.x, y=y_pos, z=buildpos.z}, "digtron:marker_vertical")
- if y_pos >= buildpos.y then
- minetest.add_entity({x=buildpos.x, y=y_pos - period, z=buildpos.z}, "digtron:marker_vertical")
- end
- if y_pos <= buildpos.y then
- minetest.add_entity({x=buildpos.x, y=y_pos + period, z=buildpos.z}, "digtron:marker_vertical")
- end
- local z_pos = math.floor((buildpos.z+offset)/period)*period - offset
- minetest.add_entity({x=buildpos.x, y=buildpos.y, z=z_pos}, "digtron:marker"):setyaw(1.5708)
- if z_pos >= buildpos.z then
- minetest.add_entity({x=buildpos.x, y=buildpos.y, z=z_pos - period}, "digtron:marker"):setyaw(1.5708)
- end
- if z_pos <= buildpos.z then
- minetest.add_entity({x=buildpos.x, y=buildpos.y, z=z_pos + period}, "digtron:marker"):setyaw(1.5708)
- end
- elseif then
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local facing = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
- local buildpos = digtron.find_new_pos(pos, facing)
- meta:set_int("build_facing", minetest.get_node(buildpos).param2)
- end
- if and minetest.get_modpath("doc") then --check for mod in case someone disabled it after this digger was built
- minetest.after(0.5, doc.show_entry, sender:get_player_name(), "nodes", "digtron:builder", true)
- end
- digtron.update_builder_item(pos)
- end,
- on_destruct = function(pos)
- digtron.remove_builder_item(pos)
- end,
- after_place_node = function(pos)
- digtron.update_builder_item(pos)
- end,
- allow_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
- if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), "digtron") ~= 0 then
- return 0 -- don't allow builders to be set to build Digtron nodes, they'll just clog the output.
- end
- local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=pos})
- inv:set_stack(listname, index, stack:take_item(1))
- return 0
- end,
- allow_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
- local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=pos})
- inv:set_stack(listname, index, ItemStack(""))
- return 0
- end,
- -- "builder at pos, imagine that you're in test_pos. If you're willing and able to build from there, take the item you need from inventory.
- -- return the item you took and the inventory location you took it from so it can be put back after all the other builders have been tested.
- -- If you couldn't get the item from inventory, return an error code so we can abort the cycle.
- -- If you're not supposed to build at all, or the location is obstructed, return 0 to let us know you're okay and we shouldn't abort."
- --return code and accompanying value:
- -- 0, {} -- not supposed to build, no error
- -- 1, {{itemstack, source inventory pos}, ...} -- can build, took items from inventory
- -- 2, {{itemstack, source inventory pos}, ...}, itemstack -- was supposed to build, but couldn't get the item from inventory
- -- 3, {} -- builder configuration error
- test_build = function(pos, test_pos, inventory_positions, protected_nodes, nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, controller_pos)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local facing = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
- local buildpos = digtron.find_new_pos(test_pos, facing)
- if (buildpos[controlling_coordinate] + meta:get_int("offset")) % meta:get_int("period") ~= 0 then
- --It's not the builder's turn to build right now.
- return 0, {}
- end
- local extrusion_count = 0
- local extrusion_target = meta:get_int("extrusion")
- if extrusion_target == nil or extrusion_target < 1 or extrusion_target > 100 then
- extrusion_target = 1 -- failsafe
- end
- local return_items = {}
- local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=pos})
- local item_stack = inv:get_stack("main", 1)
- if item_stack:is_empty() then
- return 3, {} -- error code for "this builder's item slot is unset"
- end
- while extrusion_count < extrusion_target do
- if not digtron.can_move_to(buildpos, protected_nodes, nodes_dug) then
- --using "can_move_to" instead of "can_build_to" test case in case the builder is pointed "backward", and will thus
- --be building into the space that it's currently in and will be vacating after moving, or in case the builder is aimed
- --sideways and a fellow digtron node was ahead of it (will also be moving out of the way).
- --If the player has built his digtron stupid (eg has another digtron node in the place the builder wants to build) this
- --assumption is wrong, but I can't hold the player's hand through *every* possible bad design decision. Worst case,
- --the digtron will think its inventory can't handle the next build step and abort the build when it actually could have
- --managed one more cycle. That's not a bad outcome for a digtron array that was built stupidly to begin with.
- return 1, return_items
- end
- local source_location = digtron.take_from_inventory(item_stack:get_name(), inventory_positions)
- if source_location ~= nil then
- table.insert(return_items, {item=item_stack, location=source_location})
- else
- return 2, return_items, item_stack -- error code for "needed an item but couldn't get it from inventory"
- end
- extrusion_count = extrusion_count + 1
- buildpos = digtron.find_new_pos(buildpos, facing)
- end
- return 1, return_items
- end,
- execute_build = function(pos, player, inventory_positions, protected_nodes, nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, controller_pos)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local build_facing = tonumber(meta:get_int("build_facing"))
- local facing = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
- local buildpos = digtron.find_new_pos(pos, facing)
- if (buildpos[controlling_coordinate] + meta:get_int("offset")) % meta:get_int("period") ~= 0 then
- return 0
- end
- local extrusion_count = 0
- local extrusion_target = meta:get_int("extrusion")
- if extrusion_target == nil or extrusion_target < 1 or extrusion_target > 100 then
- extrusion_target = 1 -- failsafe
- end
- local built_count = 0
- local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=pos})
- local item_stack = inv:get_stack("main", 1)
- if item_stack:is_empty() then
- return built_count
- end
- while extrusion_count < extrusion_target do
- if not digtron.can_build_to(buildpos, protected_nodes, nodes_dug) then
- return built_count
- end
- local oldnode = minetest.get_node(buildpos)
- if digtron.creative_mode then
- local returned_stack, success = digtron.item_place_node(item_stack, player, buildpos, build_facing)
- if success == true then
- minetest.log("action", string.format(S("%s uses Digtron to build %s at (%d, %d, %d), displacing %s"), player:get_player_name(), item_stack:get_name(), buildpos.x, buildpos.y, buildpos.z,
- nodes_dug:set(buildpos.x, buildpos.y, buildpos.z, false)
- built_count = built_count + 1
- else
- return built_count
- end
- end
- local sourcepos = digtron.take_from_inventory(item_stack:get_name(), inventory_positions)
- if sourcepos == nil then
- -- item not in inventory! Need to sound the angry buzzer to let the player know, so return a negative number.
- return (built_count + 1) * -1
- end
- local returned_stack, success = digtron.item_place_node(item_stack, player, buildpos, build_facing)
- if success == true then
- minetest.log("action", string.format(S("%s uses Digtron to build %s at (%d, %d, %d), displacing %s"), player:get_player_name(), item_stack:get_name(), buildpos.x, buildpos.y, buildpos.z,
- --flag this node as *not* to be dug.
- nodes_dug:set(buildpos.x, buildpos.y, buildpos.z, false)
- digtron.award_item_built(item_stack:get_name(), player:get_player_name())
- built_count = built_count + 1
- else
- --failed to build, target node probably obstructed. Put the item back in inventory.
- --Should probably never reach this since we're guarding against can_build_to, above, but this makes things safe if we somehow do.
- digtron.place_in_specific_inventory(item_stack, sourcepos, inventory_positions, controller_pos)
- return built_count
- end
- extrusion_count = extrusion_count + 1
- buildpos = digtron.find_new_pos(buildpos, facing)
- end
- return built_count
- end,
-}) \ No newline at end of file