path: root/node_storage.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'node_storage.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 276 deletions
diff --git a/node_storage.lua b/node_storage.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5284490..0000000
--- a/node_storage.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
--- internationalization boilerplate
-local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
-local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua")
--- Storage buffer. Builder nodes draw from this inventory and digger nodes deposit into it.
--- Note that inventories are digtron group 2.
-minetest.register_node("digtron:inventory", {
- description = S("Digtron Inventory Storage"),
- _doc_items_longdesc = digtron.doc.inventory_longdesc,
- _doc_items_usagehelp = digtron.doc.inventory_usagehelp,
- groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3, digtron = 2, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1},
- drop = "digtron:inventory",
- sounds = digtron.metal_sounds,
- paramtype2= "facedir",
- drawtype = "nodebox",
- paramtype = "light",
- is_ground_content = false,
- tiles = {
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_storage.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_storage.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_storage.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_storage.png",
- },
- on_construct = function(pos)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("formspec",
- "size[8,9.3]" ..
- default.gui_bg ..
- default.gui_bg_img ..
- default.gui_slots ..
- "label[0,0;" .. S("Inventory items") .. "]" ..
- "list[current_name;main;0,0.6;8,4;]" ..
- "list[current_player;main;0,5.15;8,1;]" ..
- "list[current_player;main;0,6.38;8,3;8]" ..
- "listring[current_name;main]" ..
- "listring[current_player;main]" ..
- default.get_hotbar_bg(0,5.15)
- )
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- inv:set_size("main", 8*4)
- end,
- can_dig = function(pos,player)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- return inv:is_empty("main")
- end,
- -- Pipeworks compatibility
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- tube = (function() if minetest.get_modpath("pipeworks") then return {
- insert_object = function(pos, node, stack, direction)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- return inv:add_item("main", stack)
- end,
- can_insert = function(pos, node, stack, direction)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- return inv:room_for_item("main", stack)
- end,
- input_inventory = "main",
- connect_sides = {left = 1, right = 1, back = 1, front = 1, bottom = 1, top = 1}
- } end end)(),
- after_place_node = (function() if minetest.get_modpath("pipeworks") then return pipeworks.after_place end end)(),
- after_dig_node = (function() if minetest.get_modpath("pipeworks") then return pipeworks.after_dig end end)()
--- Fuel storage. Controller node draws fuel from here.
--- Note that fuel stores are digtron group 5.
-minetest.register_node("digtron:fuelstore", {
- description = S("Digtron Fuel Storage"),
- _doc_items_longdesc = digtron.doc.fuelstore_longdesc,
- _doc_items_usagehelp = digtron.doc.fuelstore_usagehelp,
- groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3, digtron = 5, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1},
- drop = "digtron:fuelstore",
- sounds = digtron.metal_sounds,
- paramtype2= "facedir",
- drawtype = "nodebox",
- paramtype = "light",
- is_ground_content = false,
- tiles = {
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable.png^digtron_storage.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable.png^digtron_storage.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable.png^digtron_storage.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable.png^digtron_storage.png",
- },
- on_construct = function(pos)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("formspec",
- "size[8,9.3]" ..
- default.gui_bg ..
- default.gui_bg_img ..
- default.gui_slots ..
- "label[0,0;" .. S("Fuel items") .. "]" ..
- "list[current_name;fuel;0,0.6;8,4;]" ..
- "list[current_player;main;0,5.15;8,1;]" ..
- "list[current_player;main;0,6.38;8,3;8]" ..
- "listring[current_name;fuel]" ..
- "listring[current_player;main]" ..
- default.get_hotbar_bg(0,5.15)
- )
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- inv:set_size("fuel", 8*4)
- end,
- -- Only allow fuel items to be placed in fuel
- allow_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
- if listname == "fuel" then
- if minetest.get_craft_result({method="fuel", width=1, items={stack}}).time ~= 0 then
- return stack:get_count()
- else
- return 0
- end
- end
- return 0
- end,
- can_dig = function(pos,player)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- return inv:is_empty("fuel")
- end,
- -- Pipeworks compatibility
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- tube = (function() if minetest.get_modpath("pipeworks") then return {
- insert_object = function(pos, node, stack, direction)
- if minetest.get_craft_result({method="fuel", width=1, items={stack}}).time ~= 0 then
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- return inv:add_item("fuel", stack)
- end
- return stack
- end,
- can_insert = function(pos, node, stack, direction)
- if minetest.get_craft_result({method="fuel", width=1, items={stack}}).time ~= 0 then
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- return inv:room_for_item("fuel", stack)
- end
- return false
- end,
- input_inventory = "fuel",
- connect_sides = {left = 1, right = 1, back = 1, front = 1, bottom = 1, top = 1}
- } end end)(),
- after_place_node = (function() if minetest.get_modpath("pipeworks") then return pipeworks.after_place end end)(),
- after_dig_node = (function() if minetest.get_modpath("pipeworks")then return pipeworks.after_dig end end)()
--- Combined storage. Group 6 has both an inventory and a fuel store
-minetest.register_node("digtron:combined_storage", {
- description = S("Digtron Combined Storage"),
- _doc_items_longdesc = digtron.doc.combined_storage_longdesc,
- _doc_items_usagehelp = digtron.doc.combined_storage_usagehelp,
- groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3, digtron = 6, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1},
- drop = "digtron:combined_storage",
- sounds = digtron.metal_sounds,
- paramtype2= "facedir",
- drawtype = "nodebox",
- paramtype = "light",
- is_ground_content = false,
- tiles = {
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable_small.png^[transformR180^digtron_flammable_small.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable_small.png^[transformR180^digtron_flammable_small.png", "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable_small.png^digtron_storage.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable_small.png^digtron_storage.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable_small.png^digtron_storage.png",
- "digtron_plate.png^digtron_crossbrace.png^digtron_flammable_small.png^digtron_storage.png",
- },
- on_construct = function(pos)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("formspec",
- "size[8,9.9]" ..
- default.gui_bg ..
- default.gui_bg_img ..
- default.gui_slots ..
- "label[0,0;" .. S("Inventory items") .. "]" ..
- "list[current_name;main;0,0.6;8,3;]" ..
- "label[0,3.5;" .. S("Fuel items") .. "]" ..
- "list[current_name;fuel;0,4.1;8,1;]" ..
- "list[current_player;main;0,5.75;8,1;]" ..
- "list[current_player;main;0,6.98;8,3;8]" ..
- "listring[current_name;main]" ..
- "listring[current_player;main]" ..
- default.get_hotbar_bg(0,5.75)
- )
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- inv:set_size("main", 8*3)
- inv:set_size("fuel", 8*1)
- end,
- -- Only allow fuel items to be placed in fuel
- allow_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
- if listname == "fuel" then
- if minetest.get_craft_result({method="fuel", width=1, items={stack}}).time ~= 0 then
- return stack:get_count()
- else
- return 0
- end
- end
- return stack:get_count() -- otherwise, allow all drops
- end,
- allow_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player)
- if to_list == "main" then
- return count
- end
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- local stack = inv:get_stack(from_list, from_index)
- if minetest.get_craft_result({method="fuel", width=1, items={stack}}).time ~= 0 then
- return stack:get_count()
- end
- return 0
- end,
- can_dig = function(pos,player)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- return inv:is_empty("fuel") and inv:is_empty("main")
- end,
- -- Pipeworks compatibility
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- tube = (function() if minetest.get_modpath("pipeworks") then return {
- insert_object = function(pos, node, stack, direction)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- if minetest.get_craft_result({method="fuel", width=1, items={stack}}).time ~= 0 and direction.y == 1 then
- return inv:add_item("fuel", stack)
- end
- return inv:add_item("main", stack)
- end,
- can_insert = function(pos, node, stack, direction)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- if minetest.get_craft_result({method="fuel", width=1, items={stack}}).time ~= 0 and direction.y == 1 then
- return inv:room_for_item("fuel", stack)
- end
- return inv:room_for_item("main", stack)
- end,
- input_inventory = "main",
- connect_sides = {left = 1, right = 1, back = 1, front = 1, bottom = 1, top = 1}
- } end end)(),
- after_place_node = (function() if minetest.get_modpath("pipeworks") then return pipeworks.after_place end end)(),
- after_dig_node = (function() if minetest.get_modpath("pipeworks") then return pipeworks.after_dig end end)()
--- Hopper compatibility
-if minetest.get_modpath("hopper") and hopper ~= nil and hopper.add_container ~= nil then
- hopper:add_container({
- {"top", "digtron:inventory", "main"},
- {"bottom", "digtron:inventory", "main"},
- {"side", "digtron:inventory", "main"},
- {"top", "digtron:fuelstore", "fuel"},
- {"bottom", "digtron:fuelstore", "fuel"},
- {"side", "digtron:fuelstore", "fuel"},
- {"top", "digtron:combined_storage", "main"},
- {"bottom", "digtron:combined_storage", "main"},
- {"side", "digtron:combined_storage", "fuel"},
- })