#This can cause digtrons to operate without consuming fuel or building materials,
#though they still check whether they have enough in inventory.
#It's a separate setting from regular creative mode.
digtron_uses_resources (Digtron uses resources) bool true

#When true, lava counts as protected blocks.
digtron_lava_impassible (Lava is impassible to Digtrons) bool true

#When true, diggers deal damage to creatures when they trigger.
digtron_damage_creatures (Digtrons cause damage) bool true

#How many seconds a digtron waits between cycles.
#Auto-controllers can make this wait longer, but cannot make it shorter.
digtron_cycle_time (Minimum Digtron cycle time in seconds) float 1.0 0.0 60.0

#How many Digtron blocks can be moved for each adjacent
#solid block that the Digtron has traction against
digtron_traction_factor (Digtron traction factor) float 3.0 0.0 1000.0

#The maximum extrusion setting permitted for a Digtron builder module.
digtron_maximum_extrusion (Digtron maximum extrusion) int 25 1 100

digtron_marker_crate_good_duration (Duration that 'good' crate markers last) float 3.0 0.0 100.0
digtron_marker_crate_bad_duration (Duration that 'bad' crate markers last) float 9.0 0.0 100.0

[Fuel costs]

#eg, stone.
#In a default Minetest game one lump of coal provides 40.0 units of fuel.
digtron_dig_cost_cracky (Fuel cost for digging cracky blocks) float 1.0 0.0 100.0
# eg, dirt, sand.
#In a default Minetest game one lump of coal provides 40.0 units of fuel.
digtron_dig_cost_crumbly (Fuel cost for digging crumbly blocks) float 0.5 0.0 100.0
#eg, wood.
#In a default Minetest game one lump of coal provides 40.0 units of fuel.
digtron_dig_cost_choppy (Fuel cost for digging choppy blocks) float 0.75 0.0 100.0
#Fuel cost to dig a block that doesn't fall into one of the other categories.
#In a default Minetest game one lump of coal provides 40.0 units of fuel.
digtron_dig_cost_default (Fuel cost for digging other block types) float 0.5 0.0 100.0
#How much fuel is required to build a block
digtron_build_cost (Fuel cost to build one block) float 1.0 0.0 100.0

#If the [technic] mod is installed Digtron can draw power from technic batteries.
#A full battery holds 10000 electrical units. This is divided by the power ratio
#setting to convert it into fuel units.
digtron_power_ratio (Electrical charge to coal heat conversion ratio) int 1 1000 100