-- Initial speed of a box. local SPEED = 10 -- Acceleration of a box. local ACCEL = 0.1 -- Elevator interface/database version. local VERSION = 8 -- Maximum time a box can go without players nearby. local PTIMEOUT = 120 -- Detect optional mods. local technic_path = minetest.get_modpath("technic") local chains_path = minetest.get_modpath("chains") local homedecor_path = minetest.get_modpath("homedecor") -- Central "network" table. local elevator = { motors = {}, } local elevator_file = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/elevator" local function load_elevator() local file = io.open(elevator_file) if file then elevator = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*all")) or {} file:close() end end local function save_elevator() local f = io.open(elevator_file .. ".tmp", "w") f:write(minetest.serialize(elevator)) f:close() os.rename(elevator_file .. ".tmp", elevator_file) end load_elevator() -- Elevator boxes in action. local boxes = {} -- Player formspecs. local formspecs = {} -- Player near box timeout. local lastboxes = {} -- Players riding boxes. local riding = {} -- Globalstep timer. local time = 0 -- Helper function to read unloaded nodes. local function get_node(pos) local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node then return node end local _,_ = VoxelManip():read_from_map(pos, pos) return minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) end -- Use homedecor's placeholder if possible. local placeholder = homedecor_path and "homedecor:expansion_placeholder" or "elevator:placeholder" if homedecor then minetest.register_alias("elevator:placeholder", "homedecor:expansion_placeholder") else -- Placeholder node, in the style of homedecor. minetest.register_node(placeholder, { description = "Expansion Placeholder", selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, }, groups = { not_in_creative_inventory=1 }, drawtype = "airlike", paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, walkable = false, buildable_to = false, is_ground_content = false, on_dig = function(pos, node, player) minetest.remove_node(pos) minetest.set_node(pos, {name=placeholder}) end }) end -- Cause to ride beginning at and targetting . local function create_box(motorhash, pos, target, sender) -- First create the box. local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "elevator:box") obj:set_pos(pos) -- Attach the player. sender:set_pos(pos) sender:set_attach(obj, "", {x=0, y=0, z=0}, {x=0, y=0, z=0}) sender:set_eye_offset({x=0, y=-9, z=0},{x=0, y=-9, z=0}) -- Set the box properties. obj:get_luaentity().motor = motorhash obj:get_luaentity().uid = math.floor(math.random() * 1000000) obj:get_luaentity().attached = sender:get_player_name() obj:get_luaentity().start = pos obj:get_luaentity().target = target obj:get_luaentity().halfway = {x=pos.x, y=(pos.y+target.y)/2, z=pos.z} obj:get_luaentity().vmult = (target.y < pos.y) and -1 or 1 -- Set the speed. obj:setvelocity({x=0, y=SPEED*obj:get_luaentity().vmult, z=0}) obj:setacceleration({x=0, y=ACCEL*obj:get_luaentity().vmult, z=0}) -- Set the tables. boxes[motorhash] = obj riding[sender:get_player_name()] = { motor = motorhash, pos = pos, target = target, box = obj, } return obj end -- Try to teleport player away from any closed (on) elevator node. local function teleport_player_from_elevator(player) local function solid(pos) if not minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name] then return true end return minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name].walkable end local pos = vector.round(player:getpos()) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) -- elevator_off is like a shaft, so the player would already be falling. if node.name == "elevator:elevator_on" then local front = vector.subtract(pos, minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2)) local front_above = vector.add(front, {x=0, y=1, z=0}) local front_below = vector.subtract(front, {x=0, y=1, z=0}) -- If the front isn't solid, it's ok to teleport the player. if not solid(front) and not solid(front_above) then player:setpos(front) end end end minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) -- Don't want to run this too often. time = time + dtime if time < 0.5 then return end time = 0 -- Only count riders who are still logged in. local newriding = {} for _,p in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local pos = p:getpos() local name = p:get_player_name() newriding[name] = riding[name] -- If the player is indeed riding, update their position. if newriding[name] then newriding[name].pos = pos end end riding = newriding for name,r in pairs(riding) do -- If the box is no longer loaded or existent, create another. local ok = r.box and r.box.getpos and r.box:getpos() and r.box:get_luaentity() and r.box:get_luaentity().attached == name if not ok then minetest.log("action", "[elevator] "..minetest.pos_to_string(r.pos).." created due to lost rider.") minetest.after(0, create_box, r.motor, r.pos, r.target, minetest.get_player_by_name(name)) end end -- Ensure boxes are deleted after seconds if there are no players nearby. for motor,obj in pairs(boxes) do if type(obj) ~= "table" then return end lastboxes[motor] = lastboxes[motor] and math.min(lastboxes[motor], PTIMEOUT) or PTIMEOUT lastboxes[motor] = math.max(lastboxes[motor] - 1, 0) local pos = obj:getpos() if pos then for _,object in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 5)) do if object.is_player and object:is_player() then lastboxes[motor] = PTIMEOUT break end end if lastboxes[motor] < 1 then minetest.log("action", "[elevator] "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos).." broke due to lack of players.") boxes[motor] = false end else minetest.log("action", "[elevator] "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos).." broke due to lack of position during player check.") boxes[motor] = false end end end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) -- We don't want players potentially logging into open elevators. teleport_player_from_elevator(player) end) local function phash(pos) return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end local function punhash(pos) return minetest.string_to_pos(pos) end -- Starting from , locate a motor hash. local function locate_motor(pos) local p = vector.new(pos) while true do local node = get_node(p) if node.name == "elevator:elevator_on" or node.name == "elevator:elevator_off" then p.y = p.y + 2 elseif node.name == "elevator:shaft" then p.y = p.y + 1 elseif node.name == "elevator:motor" then return phash(p) else return nil end end end local function build_motor(hash) local need_saving = false local motor = elevator.motors[hash] -- Just ignore motors that don't exist. if not motor then return end local p = punhash(hash) local node = get_node(p) -- And ignore motors that aren't motors. if node.name ~= "elevator:motor" then return end p.y = p.y - 1 motor.elevators = {} motor.pnames = {} motor.labels = {} -- Run down through the shaft, storing information about elevators. while true do local node = get_node(p) if node.name == "elevator:shaft" then p.y = p.y - 1 else p.y = p.y - 1 local node = get_node(p) if node.name == "elevator:elevator_on" or node.name == "elevator:elevator_off" then table.insert(motor.elevators, phash(p)) table.insert(motor.pnames, tostring(p.y)) table.insert(motor.labels, "") p.y = p.y - 1 need_saving = true else break end end end -- Set the elevators fully. for i,m in ipairs(motor.elevators) do local pos = punhash(m) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_int("version", VERSION) if meta:get_string("motor") ~= hash then build_motor(meta:get_string("motor")) end motor.labels[i] = meta:get_string("label") meta:set_string("motor", hash) if motor.labels[i] ~= meta:get_string("infotext") then meta:set_string("infotext", motor.labels[i]) end end if need_saving then save_elevator() end end local function unbuild(pos, add) local need_saving = false local p = table.copy(pos) p.y = p.y - 1 -- Loop down through the network, set any elevators below this to the off position. while true do local node = get_node(p) if node.name == "elevator:shaft" then p.y = p.y - 1 else p.y = p.y - 1 local node = get_node(p) if node.name == "elevator:elevator_on" or node.name == "elevator:elevator_off" then local meta = minetest.get_meta(p) meta:set_string("motor", "") p.y = p.y - 1 else break end end end -- After a short delay, build the motor and handle box removal. minetest.after(0.01, function(p2, add) if not p2 or not add then return end p2.y = p2.y + add local motorhash = locate_motor(p2) build_motor(motorhash) -- If there's a box below this point, break it. if boxes[motorhash] and boxes[motorhash]:getpos() and p2.y >= boxes[motorhash]:getpos().y then boxes[motorhash] = nil end -- If the box does not exist, just clear it. if boxes[motorhash] and not boxes[motorhash]:getpos() then boxes[motorhash] = nil end end, table.copy(pos), add) end minetest.register_node("elevator:motor", { description = "Elevator Motor", tiles = { "default_steel_block.png", "default_steel_block.png", "elevator_motor.png", "elevator_motor.png", "elevator_motor.png", "elevator_motor.png", }, groups = {cracky=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack) -- Set up the motor table. elevator.motors[phash(pos)] = { elevators = {}, pnames = {}, labels = {}, } save_elevator() build_motor(phash(pos)) end, on_destruct = function(pos) -- Destroy everything related to this motor. boxes[phash(pos)] = nil elevator.motors[phash(pos)] = nil save_elevator() end, }) for _,mode in ipairs({"on", "off"}) do local nodename = "elevator:elevator_"..mode local on = (mode == "on") local box local cbox if on then -- Active elevators have a ceiling and floor. box = { { 0.48, -0.5,-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5 , -0.5, 0.48, 0.48, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5,-0.5 ,-0.48, 1.5, 0.5}, { -0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.48, 0.5}, { -0.5, 1.45,-0.5,0.5, 1.5, 0.5}, } cbox = table.copy(box) -- But you can enter them from the top. cbox[5] = nil else -- Inactive elevators are almost like shafts. box = { { 0.48, -0.5,-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5 , -0.5, 0.48, 0.48, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5,-0.5 ,-0.48, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5 , -0.5, -0.48, 0.5, 1.5, -0.5}, } cbox = box end minetest.register_node(nodename, { description = "Elevator", drawtype = "nodebox", sunlight_propagates = false, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = box, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = cbox, }, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = box, }, tiles = on and { "default_steel_block.png", "default_steel_block.png", "elevator_box.png", "elevator_box.png", "elevator_box.png", "elevator_box.png", } or { "elevator_box.png", "elevator_box.png", "elevator_box.png", "elevator_box.png", "elevator_box.png", "elevator_box.png", }, groups = {cracky=1, choppy=1, snappy=1}, drop = "elevator:elevator_off", -- Emit a bit of light when active. light_source = (on and 4 or nil), after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_int("version", VERSION) -- Add a placeholder to avoid nodes being placed in the top. local p = vector.add(pos, {x=0, y=1, z=0}) local p2 = minetest.dir_to_facedir(placer:get_look_dir()) minetest.set_node(p, {name=placeholder, paramtype2="facedir", param2=p2}) -- Try to build a motor above. local motor = locate_motor(pos) if motor then build_motor(motor) end end, after_dig_node = function(pos, node, meta, digger) unbuild(pos, 2) end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local pos = pointed_thing.above local node = minetest.get_node(vector.add(pos, {x=0, y=1, z=0})) if (node ~= nil and node.name ~= "air" and node.name ~= placeholder) then return end return minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing); end, on_rightclick = function(pos, node, sender) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) formspecs[sender:get_player_name()] = {pos} if on then if vector.distance(sender:get_pos(), pos) > 1 or minetest.get_node(sender:get_pos()).name ~= nodename then minetest.chat_send_player(sender:get_player_name(), "You are not inside the booth.") return end -- Build the formspec from the motor table. local formspec local tpnames = {} local tpnames_l = {} local motorhash = meta:get_string("motor") local motor = elevator.motors[motorhash] for ji,jv in ipairs(motor.pnames) do if tonumber(jv) ~= pos.y then table.insert(tpnames, jv) table.insert(tpnames_l, (motor.labels[ji] and motor.labels[ji] ~= "") and (jv.." - "..motor.labels[ji]) or jv) end end formspecs[sender:get_player_name()] = {pos, tpnames} if #tpnames > 0 then formspec = "size[4,6]" .."label[0,0;Click once to travel.]" .."textlist[-0.1,0.5;4,4;target;"..table.concat(tpnames_l, ",").."]" .."field[0.25,5.25;4,0;label;;"..minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("label")).."]" .."button_exit[-0.05,5.5;4,1;setlabel;Set label]" else formspec = "size[4,2]" .."label[0,0;No targets available.]" .."field[0.25,1.25;4,0;label;;"..minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("label")).."]" .."button_exit[-0.05,1.5;4,1;setlabel;Set label]" end minetest.show_formspec(sender:get_player_name(), "elevator:elevator", formspec) elseif not elevator.motors[meta:get_string("motor")] then formspec = "size[4,2]" .."label[0,0;This elevator is inactive.]" .."field[0.25,1.25;4,0;label;;"..minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("label")).."]" .."button_exit[-0.05,1.5;4,1;setlabel;Set label]" minetest.show_formspec(sender:get_player_name(), "elevator:elevator", formspec) elseif boxes[meta:get_string("motor")] then formspec = "size[4,2]" .."label[0,0;This elevator is in use.]" .."field[0.25,1.25;4,0;label;;"..minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("label")).."]" .."button_exit[-0.05,1.5;4,1;setlabel;Set label]" minetest.show_formspec(sender:get_player_name(), "elevator:elevator", formspec) end end, on_destruct = function(pos) local p = vector.add(pos, {x=0, y=1, z=0}) if get_node(p).name == placeholder then minetest.remove_node(p) end end, }) end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(sender, formname, fields) if formname ~= "elevator:elevator" then return end local pos = formspecs[sender:get_player_name()] and formspecs[sender:get_player_name()][1] or nil if not pos then return true end local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if fields.setlabel then if minetest.is_protected(pos, sender:get_player_name()) then return true end meta:set_string("label", fields.label) meta:set_string("infotext", fields.label) -- Rebuild the elevator shaft so the other elevators can read this label. local motorhash = meta:get_string("motor") build_motor(elevator.motors[motorhash] and motorhash or locate_motor(pos)) return true end -- Double check if it's ok to go. if vector.distance(sender:get_pos(), pos) > 1 then return true end if fields.target then local closeformspec = "" -- HACK: With player information extensions enabled, we can check if closing formspecs are now allowed. This is specifically used on Survival in Ethereal. local pi = minetest.get_player_information(sender:get_player_name()) if (not (pi.major == 0 and pi.minor == 4 and pi.patch == 15)) and (pi.protocol_version or 29) < 29 then closeformspec = "size[4,2] label[0,0;You are now using the elevator.\nUpgrade Minetest to avoid this dialog.] button_exit[0,1;4,1;close;Close]" end -- End hacky HACK. minetest.after(0.2, minetest.show_formspec, sender:get_player_name(), "elevator:elevator", closeformspec) -- Ensure we're connected to a motor. local motorhash = meta:get_string("motor") local motor = elevator.motors[motorhash] if not motor then motorhash = locate_motor(pos) motor = elevator.motors[motorhash] if motor then meta:set_string("motor", "") build_motor(motorhash) minetest.chat_send_player(sender:get_player_name(), "Recalibrated to a new motor, please try again.") return true end end if not motor then minetest.chat_send_player(sender:get_player_name(), "This elevator is not attached to a motor.") return true end -- Locate our target elevator. local target = nil local selected_target = formspecs[sender:get_player_name()][2][minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.target).index] for i,v in ipairs(motor.pnames) do if v == selected_target then target = punhash(motor.elevators[i]) end end -- Found the elevator? Then go! if target then -- Final check. if boxes[motorhash] then minetest.chat_send_player(sender:get_player_name(), "This elevator is in use.") return true end local obj = create_box(motorhash, pos, target, sender) -- Teleport anyone standing within an on elevator out, or they'd fall through the off elevators. for _,p in ipairs(motor.elevators) do local p = punhash(p) for _,object in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(p, 0.6)) do if object.is_player and object:is_player() then if object:get_player_name() ~= obj:get_luaentity().attached then teleport_player_from_elevator(object) end end end end else minetest.chat_send_player(sender:get_player_name(), "This target is invalid.") return true end return true end return true end) -- Compatability with an older version. minetest.register_alias("elevator:elevator", "elevator:elevator_off") -- Ensure an elevator is up to the latest version. local function upgrade_elevator(pos, meta) if meta:get_int("version") ~= VERSION then minetest.log("action", "[elevator] Updating elevator with old version at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) minetest.after(0, function(pos) build_motor(locate_motor(pos)) end, pos) meta:set_int("version", VERSION) meta:set_string("formspec", "") meta:set_string("infotext", meta:get_string("label")) end end -- Convert off to on when applicable. local offabm = function(pos, node) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) upgrade_elevator(pos, meta) if not boxes[meta:get_string("motor")] and elevator.motors[meta:get_string("motor")] then node.name = "elevator:elevator_on" minetest.swap_node(pos, node) end end minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = {"elevator:elevator_off"}, interval = 1, chance = 1, action = offabm, }) -- Convert on to off when applicable. minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = {"elevator:elevator_on"}, interval = 1, chance = 1, action = function(pos, node) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) upgrade_elevator(pos, meta) if boxes[meta:get_string("motor")] or not elevator.motors[meta:get_string("motor")] then node.name = "elevator:elevator_off" minetest.swap_node(pos, node) end end, }) minetest.register_node("elevator:shaft", { description = "Elevator Shaft", tiles = { "elevator_shaft.png" }, drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow, sunlight_propagates = true, groups = {cracky=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-8/16,-8/16,-8/16,-7/16,8/16,8/16}, {7/16,-8/16,-8/16,8/16,8/16,8/16}, {-7/16,-8/16,-8/16,7/16,8/16,-7/16}, {-7/16,-8/16,8/16,7/16,8/16,7/16}, }, }, collisionbox = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-8/16,-8/16,-8/16,-7/16,8/16,8/16}, {7/16,-8/16,-8/16,8/16,8/16,8/16}, {-7/16,-8/16,-8/16,7/16,8/16,-7/16}, {-7/16,-8/16,8/16,7/16,8/16,7/16}, }, }, after_place_node = function(pos) -- We might have connected a motor above to an elevator below. build_motor(locate_motor(pos)) end, on_destruct = function(pos) -- Remove boxes and deactivate elevators below us. unbuild(pos, 1) end, }) local box = { { 0.48, -0.5,-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5 , -0.5, 0.48, 0.48, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5,-0.5 ,-0.48, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5 , -0.5, -0.48, 0.5, 1.5, -0.5}, { -0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.48, 0.5}, { -0.5, 1.45,-0.5,0.5, 1.5, 0.5}, } -- Elevator box node. Not intended to be placeable. minetest.register_node("elevator:elevator_box", { description = "Elevator", drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = 'light', paramtype2 = "facedir", wield_scale = {x=0.6, y=0.6, z=0.6}, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5 } }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = box, }, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = box, }, tiles = { "default_steel_block.png", "default_steel_block.png", "elevator_box.png", "elevator_box.png", "elevator_box.png", "elevator_box.png", }, groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = 1}, light_source = 4, }) -- Remove the player from self, and teleport them to pos if specified. local function detach(self, pos) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(self.attached) local attached = player:get_attach() if not attached or attached:get_luaentity().uid ~= self.uid then return end player:set_detach() player:set_eye_offset({x=0, y=0, z=0},{x=0, y=0, z=0}) if pos then player:setpos(pos) minetest.after(0.1, function(pl, p) pl:setpos(p) end, player, pos) end riding[self.attached] = nil end local box_entity = { physical = false, collisionbox = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, visual = "wielditem", visual_size = {x=1, y=1}, textures = {"elevator:elevator_box"}, attached = "", motor = false, target = false, start = false, lastpos = false, halfway = false, vmult = 0, on_activate = function(self, staticdata) -- Don't want the box being destroyed by anything except the elevator system. self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) end, on_step = function(self, dtime) local pos = self.object:getpos() -- First, check if this box needs removed. -- If the motor has a box and it isn't this box. if boxes[self.motor] and boxes[self.motor] ~= self.object then minetest.log("action", "[elevator] "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos).." broke due to duplication.") self.object:remove() return end -- If our attached player can't be found. if not minetest.get_player_by_name(self.attached) then minetest.log("action", "[elevator] "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos).." broke due to lack of attachee logged in.") self.object:remove() boxes[self.motor] = nil return end -- If our attached player is no longer with us. if not minetest.get_player_by_name(self.attached):get_attach() or minetest.get_player_by_name(self.attached):get_attach():get_luaentity().uid ~= self.uid then minetest.log("action", "[elevator] "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos).." broke due to lack of attachee.") self.object:remove() boxes[self.motor] = nil return end -- If our motor's box is nil, we should self-destruct. if not boxes[self.motor] then minetest.log("action", "[elevator] "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos).." broke due to nil entry in boxes.") detach(self) self.object:remove() boxes[self.motor] = nil return end minetest.get_player_by_name(self.attached):setpos(pos) -- Ensure lastpos is set to something. self.lastpos = self.lastpos or pos -- Loop through all travelled nodes. for y=self.lastpos.y,pos.y,((self.lastpos.y > pos.y) and -0.5 or 0.5) do local p = vector.round({x=pos.x, y=y, z=pos.z}) local node = get_node(p) if node.name == "elevator:shaft" then -- Nothing, just continue on our way. elseif node.name == "elevator:elevator_on" or node.name == "elevator:elevator_off" then -- If this is our target, detach the player here, destroy this box, and update the target elevator without waiting for the abm. if vector.distance(p, self.target) < 1 then minetest.log("action", "[elevator] "..minetest.pos_to_string(p).." broke due to arrival.") detach(self, vector.add(self.target, {x=0, y=-0.4, z=0})) self.object:remove() boxes[self.motor] = nil offabm(self.target, node) return end else -- Check if we're in the top part of an elevator, if so it's fine. local below = vector.add(p, {x=0,y=-1,z=0}) local belownode = get_node(below) if belownode.name ~= "elevator:elevator_on" and belownode.name ~= "elevator:elevator_off" then -- If we aren't, then break the box. minetest.log("action", "[elevator] "..minetest.pos_to_string(p).." broke on "..node.name) boxes[self.motor] = nil detach(self, p) self.object:remove() return end end end self.lastpos = pos end, } minetest.register_entity("elevator:box", box_entity) if technic_path and chains_path then minetest.register_craft({ output = "elevator:elevator", recipe = { {"technic:cast_iron_ingot", "chains:chain", "technic:cast_iron_ingot"}, {"technic:cast_iron_ingot", "default:mese_crystal", "technic:cast_iron_ingot"}, {"technic:stainless_steel_ingot", "default:glass", "technic:stainless_steel_ingot"}, }, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "elevator:shaft", recipe = { {"technic:cast_iron_ingot", "default:glass"}, {"default:glass", "glooptest:chainlink"}, }, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "elevator:motor", recipe = { {"default:diamond", "technic:control_logic_unit", "default:diamond"}, {"default:steelblock", "technic:motor", "default:steelblock"}, {"chains:chain", "default:diamond", "chains:chain"} }, }) else -- Recipes without technic & chains required. end