path: root/leaves.lua
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-01-21Optimize code, allfaces leaves by default, leaves walkable by defaultTenPlus1
2015-11-23Added wield imagesTenPlus1
2015-11-14Added birch tree, tweaked mapgen and abm'sTenPlus1
2015-08-31Changed Bamboo biome, added bamboo tree, bush, tidied codeTenPlus1
2015-08-10made pore block flammableTenPlus1
2015-08-10Fixed acacia leaves dropTenPlus1
2015-07-29Stopped pine leaves dropping too many itemsTenPlus1
2015-07-25Tweaked and Tidied codeTenPlus1
2015-07-24Use default acacia tree nodes if available...TenPlus1
2015-07-04Code tidy and fixed fruit not droppingTenPlus1
2015-05-29Code Tidy (thanks HybridDog)tenplus1
2015-05-20Fixed light_max, added scorched wood recipetenplus1
2015-04-25Placed leaves will not decay, added beanbush to mapgentenplus1
2015-04-09changed acacia sapling droptenplus1
2014-11-09First Commit by TenPlus1tenplus1