path: root/corn.lua
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-03-12added food groups to make items more compatible with other modsTenPlus1
2017-07-26lowered ethanol burntime from 240 to 80TenPlus1
2017-04-30Make hemp oil bottle placableTenPlus1
2017-04-29Ethanol Bottle can now be placedTenPlus1
2017-02-12Amend visual_scale for plantlike nodesTenPlus1
2016-05-30Added intllib support (thanks Xanthin)TenPlus1
2016-03-10Added barley, tidied and tweaked codeTenPlus1
2015-07-05Code tidy and tweakTenPlus1
2015-02-11Fixed Ethanol burn timetenplus1
2014-11-09Signed-off-by: tenplus1tenplus1