path: root/food_basic/locale/fr.txt
diff options
authorLeMagnesium <>2015-05-02 14:58:43 +0200
committerLeMagnesium <>2015-05-02 15:08:57 +0200
commit489f2797ab3d5790e2d528fdb474097f585f66da (patch)
treebd98ea68cd07136088de48551da5be4c54452c65 /food_basic/locale/fr.txt
parent7dd36b85e16c227186672973f0fd983dcceadfd7 (diff)
Added french translation into Intllib's local files
- Added french translation in the local files. Every field is translated.
Diffstat (limited to 'food_basic/locale/fr.txt')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/food_basic/locale/fr.txt b/food_basic/locale/fr.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b5a13a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/food_basic/locale/fr.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Traduction française / French translation
+Wheat = Blé
+Flour = Farine
+Potato = Pomme de terre
+Tomato = Tomate
+Carrot = Carotte
+Orange = Orange
+Milk = Lait
+Egg = Oeuf
+Cocoa Bean = Fève de caco
+Raw meat = Viande crue
+Venison = Venaison
+Sugar = Sucre
+Chocolate Powder = Poudre de chocolat
+Dark Chocolate = Chocolat noir
+Milk Chocolate = Chocolat blanc
+Pasta = Pâtes
+Bowl = Bol
+Butter = Beurre
+Cheese = Fromage
+Baked Potato = Pomme de terre cuite
+Pasta Bake = Plat de pâtes
+Raw Pasta Bake = Plat de pâtes crues
+chicken Soup = Soupe de poulet
+tomato Soup = Soupe de tomate
+Uncooked tomato Soup = Soupe de tomate crue
+Uncooked chicken Soup = Soupe de poulet crue
+apple Juice = Jus de pomme
+cactus Juice = Jus de cactus
+Rainbow Juice = Jus d'arc-en-ciel
+Orange Juice = Jus d'orange
+Cake = Gâteau
+Chocolate Cake = Gâteau au chocolat
+Carrot Cake = Gâteau à la carotte
+Cheese cake = Gâteau au fromage
+Cake Mix = Pâte pour gâteau
+Chocolate Cake Mix = Pâte pour gâteau au chocolat
+Carrot Cake Mix = Pâte pour gâteau à la carotte
+Cheese Cake Mix = Pâte pour gâteau au fromage