# Maple
Maple Tree for Minetest by ExeterDad

This mod adds a maple tree to the minetest game. Originally written for the Hometown server (http://hometownserver.com/) by ExeterDad (https://forum.minetest.net/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=10544).

## The tree

![Maple Tree](https://github.com/h-v-smacker/maple/blob/master/maple_in_the_wild.jpg)

## Bonemeal

The mod now registers itself with the bonemeal API, and saplings should be recognized automatically.

~~If you are using the bonemeal mod, you can add this to mods.lua to enable maple support:~~

if minetest.get_modpath("maple") then
		{"maple:maple_sapling", maple.grow_sapling, "soil"},

## Technic chainsaw

Add this to technic/technic/tools/chainsaw.lua to enable support for maple trees for the chainsaw tool:

-- Support maple
if minetest.get_modpath("maple") then
	timber_nodenames["maple:maple_tree"]         = true
	if chainsaw_leaves then
		timber_nodenames["maple:maple_leaves"] = true

## Stairs and slabs

Maple tries to register fancy wooden shapes for maple wood with stairs or moreblocks.

## Drawers

If storage drawers mod is available, maple registers the corresponding assortment of drawers.

## Arcs

If pkarcs (simple arcs) mod is found, maple arcs are registered.