doc = {} doc.VERSION = {} doc.VERSION.MAJOR = 0 doc.VERSION.MINOR = 1 doc.VERSION.PATCH = 0 doc.VERSION.STRING = "0.1.0" = {} = {} function doc.new_category(id, def) if[id] == nil and id ~= nil then[id] = {}[id].entries = {}[id].def = def return true else return false end end doc.new_category("one", {name="One"}) doc.new_category("two", {name="Two"}) doc.new_category("three", {name="Three"}) function doc.new_entry(category_id, entry_id, def) if[category_id] ~= nil then[category_id].entries[entry_id] = def return true else return false end end function doc.show_doc(playername) local formspec = doc.formspec_core()..doc.formspec_main() minetest.show_formspec(playername, "doc:main", formspec) end function doc.formspec_core(tab) if tab == nil then tab = 1 else tab = tostring(tab) end return "size[12,9]tabheader[0,0;doc_header;Main,Category,Entry;"";true;false]" end function doc.formspec_main() local y = 1 local formstring = "label[0,0;Available help topics:]" for id,data in pairs( do local button = "button[0,"..y..";3,1;button_category_"";""]" formstring = formstring .. button y = y + 1 end return formstring end function doc.formspec_category() return "label[0,1;Category]" end function doc.formspec_entry() return "label[0,1;Entry]" end function doc.process_form(player,formname,fields) local playername = player:get_player_name() --[[ process clicks on the tab header ]] if(formname == "doc:main" or formname == "doc:category" or formname == "doc:entry") then if fields.doc_header ~= nil then local tab = tonumber(fields.doc_header) local formspec, subformname, contents if(tab==1) then contents = doc.formspec_main() subformname = "main" elseif(tab==2) then contents = doc.formspec_category() subformname = "category" elseif(tab==3) then contents = doc.formspec_entry() subformname = "entry" end formspec = doc.formspec_core(tab)..contents minetest.show_formspec(playername, "doc:" .. subformname, formspec) return end end end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(doc.process_form) minetest.register_chatcommand("doc", { params = "", description = "Show in-game documentation system.", privs = {}, func = function(playername, param) doc.show_doc(playername) end, } )