local S if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then S = intllib.Getter(minetest.get_current_modname()) else S = function(s) return s end end minetest.register_craftitem("doc_encyclopedia:encyclopedia", { description = S("Encyclopedia"), _doc_items_longdesc = S("Allows you to access the documentation system."), _doc_items_usagehelp = S("Wield it, then leftclick to access the documentation system."), stack_max = 1, inventory_image = "doc_encyclopedia_encyclopedia.png", wield_image = "doc_encyclopedia_encyclopedia.png", wield_scale = { x=1, y=1, z=2.25 }, on_use = function(itemstack, user) doc.show_doc(user:get_player_name()) end, groups = { book=1 }, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "doc_encyclopedia:encyclopedia", recipe = { {"group:stick", "group:stick", ""}, {"group:stick", "", "group:stick"}, {"group:stick", "group:stick", ""}, } })