local groupdefs = {

local forced_nodes = {

local item_name_overrides = {
	["screwdriver:screwdriver"] = "Screwdriver",
	["fire:basic_flame"] = "Basic Flame",

local groups_to_string = function(grouptable)
	local gstring = ""
	if #grouptable == 0 then
		return nil
	for id, value in pairs(grouptable) do
		if groupdefs[id] ~= nil then
			gstring = gstring .. groupdefs[id][value] .. "\\, "
	return gstring

local burntime_to_text = function(burntime)
	if burntime == nil then
		return "unknown"
	elseif burntime == 1 then
		return "1 second"
		return string.format("%d seconds", burntime)

doc.new_category("nodes", {
	name = "Blocks",
	build_formspec = function(data)
		if data then
			local longdesc = data.longdesc
			local usagehelp = data.usagehelp

			local formstring = ""
			if data.itemstring ~= "air" then
				formstring = formstring .. "item_image[11,0;1,1;"..data.itemstring.."]"
			formstring = formstring .. "textarea[0.25,1;10,8;;"
			if longdesc ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "Description: "..longdesc.."\n\n"
			if usagehelp ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "Usage help: "..usagehelp .. "\n\n"
			formstring = formstring .. "Maximum stack size: "..data.def.stack_max.. "\n"

			local yesno = function(bool)
				if bool==true then return "Yes"
				elseif bool==false then return "No"
				else return "N/A" end

			formstring = formstring .. "Collidable: "..yesno(data.def.walkable).. "\n"
			local liquid
			if data.def.liquidtype ~= "none" then liquid = true else liquid = false end
			formstring = formstring .. "Liquid: "..yesno(liquid).. "\n"
			if liquid then
				local range, renew, viscos
				if data.def.liquid_range then range = data.def.liquid_range else range = 8 end
				if data.def.liquid_renewable ~= nil then renew = data.def.liquid_renewable else renew = true end
				if data.def.liquid_viscosity then viscos = data.def.liquid_viscosity else viscosity = 0 end
				formstring = formstring .. "Liquid range: "..range.. "\n"
				formstring = formstring .. "Liquid viscosity: "..viscos.. "\n"
				formstring = formstring .. "Renewable liquid: "..yesno(renew).. "\n"
			formstring = formstring .. "Pointable: "..yesno(data.def.pointable).. "\n"
			formstring = formstring .. "Transparent to sunlight: "..yesno(data.def.sunlight_propagates).. "\n"

			formstring = formstring .. "\n"

			-- Global factoids
			if data.def.buildable_to == true then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block will be replaced when building on it.\n"
			if data.def.light_source == 15 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is an extremely bright light source. It glows as bright the sun.\n"
			elseif data.def.light_source == 14 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is a very bright light source.\n"
			elseif data.def.light_source > 12 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is a bright light source.\n"
			elseif data.def.light_source > 5 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is a light source of medium luminance.\n"
			elseif data.def.light_source > 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is a weak light source and glows faintly.\n"
			elseif data.def.light_source == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block glows faintly. It is barely noticable.\n"
			if data.def.climbable == true then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block can be climbed.\n"
			if data.def.damage_per_second > 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block causes a damage of "..data.def.damage_per_second.." hit points per second.\n"
			elseif data.def.damage_per_second == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block causes a damage of "..data.def.damage_per_second.." hit point per second.\n"
			elseif data.def.damage_per_second < -1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block heals "..data.def.damage_per_second.." hit points per second.\n"
			elseif data.def.damage_per_second == -1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block heals "..data.def.damage_per_second.." hit point per second.\n"
			if data.def.drowning > 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of "..data.def.drowning.." hit points every 2 seconds.\n"
			elseif data.def.drowning == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of "..data.def.drowning.." hit point every 2 seconds.\n"

			if data.def.drops ~= "" then
				if data.def.groups.immortal == 1 then
					formstring = formstring .. "This block can not be dug by ordinary digging tools.\n"
				if data.def.groups.dig_immediate == 2 then
					formstring = formstring .. "This block can be dug by any tool in half a second.\n"
				elseif data.def.groups.dig_immediate == 3 then
					formstring = formstring .. "This block can be dug by any tool immediately.\n"
				if data.def.groups.immortal == 1 then
					formstring = formstring .. "This block can not be destroyed by ordinary digging tools.\n"
				if data.def.groups.dig_immediate == 2 then
					formstring = formstring .. "This block can be destroyed by any tool in half a second.\n"
				elseif data.def.groups.dig_immediate == 3 then
					formstring = formstring .. "This block can be destroyed by any tool immediately.\n"

			if data.def.groups.falling_node == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is affected by gravity and can fall.\n"
			if data.def.groups.attached_node == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block must be attached to another block\\, otherwise it will drop as an item.\n"
			if data.def.groups.disable_jump == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "You can not jump while standing on this block.\n"
			local fdap = data.def.groups.fall_damage_add_percent 
			if fdap ~= nil then
				if fdap > 0 then
					formstring = formstring .. "The fall damage on this block is increased by "..fdap.."%.\n"
				elseif fdap == -100 then
					formstring = formstring .. "This block negates all fall damage.\n"
					formstring = formstring .. "The fall damage on this block is reduced by "..math.abs(fdap).."%.\n"
			local bouncy = data.def.groups.bouncy
			if bouncy ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of "..bouncy.."%.\n"

			formstring = formstring .. "\n"

			-- minetest_game factoids
			if data.def.groups.flammable == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is flammable and burns slowly.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.flammable == 2 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is flammable and burns at medium speed.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.flammable == 3 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is highly flammable and burns very quickly.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.flammable == 4 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is very easily set on fire and burns extremely quickly.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.flammable ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is flammable.\n"

			if data.def.groups.puts_out_fire ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block will extinguish nearby fire.\n"

			formstring = formstring .. "\n"
			if data.def.groups.oddly_breakable_by_hand ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block can be dug by hand.\n"

			if data.def.groups.cracky == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is slightly cracky and can be dug by a strong pickaxe.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.cracky == 2 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is cracky and can be dug by a pickaxe.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.cracky == 3 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is very cracky and can be dug easily by a pickaxe.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.cracky ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is cracky in some way.\n"

			if data.def.groups.crumbly == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is slightly crumbly and can be dug by a good shovel.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.crumbly == 2 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is crumbly and can be dug by a shovel.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.crumbly == 3 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is very crumbly and can be dug easily by a shovel.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.crumbly ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is crumbly in some way.\n"

			if data.def.groups.explody == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is a bit prone to explosions.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.explody == 2 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is prone to explosions.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.explody == 3 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is very prone to explosions and easily affected by them.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.explody ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is prone to explosions to some extent.\n"

			if data.def.groups.snappy == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is slightly snappy and can be dug by fine tools.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.snappy == 2 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is snappy and can be dug by fine tools.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.snappy == 3 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is highly snappy and can be dug easily by fine tools.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.snappy ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is to some extent snappy.\n"

			if data.def.groups.choppy == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is a bit choppy and can be dug by axes and other tools which involve brute force.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.choppy == 2 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is choppy and can be dug by axes and other tools which involve brute force.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.choppy == 3 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is highly choppy and can easily be dug by axes and other tools which involve brute force.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.choppy ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is choppy to some extent and can be dug by axes and similar tools.\n"

			if data.def.groups.flora == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is a living organism which likes to grow and spread on dirt with grass or dirt with dry grass when it is in light. On desert sand, it will wither and die and turn into a dry shrub.\n"

			if data.def.groups.soil == 1 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is natural soil for wild plants such as grass, mushrooms or and supports their growth and spreading.\n"
			elseif data.def.groups.soil == 2 or data.def.groups.soil == 3 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block serves as a soil for wild plants as well as plants grown from seeds. It supports their growth and spreading.\n"

			if data.def.groups.fleshy ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is made out of flesh.\n"

			formstring = formstring .. "\n"
			-- Show other “exposable” groups
			local gstring = groups_to_string(data.def.groups)
			if gstring ~= nil then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block is member of the following additional groups: "..groups_to_string(data.def.groups).."\n\n"

			-- Show fuel recipe
			local result =  minetest.get_craft_result({method = "fuel", items = {data.itemstring}})
			if result ~= nil and result.time > 0 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of "..burntime_to_text(result.time)..".\n"

			formstring = formstring .. ";]"

			return formstring
			return "label[0,1;NO DATA AVALIABLE!"

-- Add node aliases
for i=2,5 do
	doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "default:grass_1", "default:grass_"..i)
	doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "default:dry_grass_1", "default:dry_grass_"..i)
for i=2,8 do
	doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "farming:wheat_1", "farming:wheat_"..i)
	doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "farming:cotton_1", "farming:cotton_"..i)

doc.new_category("tools", {
	name = "Tools and weapons",
	build_formspec = function(data)
		if data then
			local longdesc = data.longdesc or "N/A"
			local usagehelp = data.usagehelp or "N/A"
			local formstring = ""
			-- Hand
			if data.itemstring == "" then
				formstring = formstring .. "image[11,0;1,1;"..minetest.formspec_escape(minetest.registered_items[""].wield_image).."]"
			-- Other tools
				formstring = formstring .. "item_image[11,0;1,1;"..data.itemstring.."]"
			formstring = formstring .. "textarea[0.25,1;10,8;;Description: "..longdesc.."\n\n"
			formstring = formstring .. "Usage: "..usagehelp .. "\n\n"
			formstring = formstring .. "Maximum stack size: "..data.def.stack_max.. "\n"

			local yesno = function(bool)
				if bool==true then return "Yes"
				elseif bool==false then return "No"
				else return "N/A" end

			local range = 4.0
			if data.def.range ~= nil then range = data.def.range end
			formstring = formstring .. "Range: "..range.."\n"

			formstring = formstring .. "\n"

			if data.def.tool_capabilities ~= nil and data.def.tool_capabilities ~= {} then
				local punch = 1.0
				if data.def.tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval ~= nil then
					punch = data.def.tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval
				formstring = formstring .. "Full punch interval: "..punch.." s\n"
				local groupcaps = data.def.tool_capabilities.groupcaps
				if groupcaps ~= nil then
					formstring = formstring .. "Groupcaps:\n"
					for k,v in pairs(groupcaps) do
						formstring = formstring .. k .. ": blabla" .. "\n"

				local damage_groups = data.def.tool_capabilities.damage_groups
				if damage_groups ~= nil then
					formstring = formstring .. "Damage groups:\n"
					for k,v in pairs(damage_groups) do
						formstring = formstring .. k .. ": " .. v .. " HP\n"

			formstring = formstring .. "\n"

			-- Global factoids
			if data.def.liquids_pointable == true then
				formstring = formstring .. "This item will point to liquids rather than ignore them.\n"

			-- Show fuel recipe
			local result = minetest.get_craft_result({method = "fuel", items = {data.itemstring}})
			if result ~= nil and result.time > 0 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of "..burntime_to_text(result.time)..".\n"

			formstring = formstring .. ";]"

			return formstring
			return "label[0,1;NO DATA AVALIABLE!"

doc.new_category("craftitems", {
	name = "Miscellaneous items",
	build_formspec = function(data)
		if data then
			local longdesc = data.longdesc or "N/A"
			local usagehelp = data.usagehelp or "N/A"
			local formstring = "item_image[11,0;1,1;"..data.itemstring.."]"
			formstring = formstring .. "textarea[0.25,1;10,8;;Description: "..longdesc.."\n\n"
			formstring = formstring .. "Usage: "..usagehelp .. "\n\n"
			formstring = formstring .. "Maximum stack size: "..data.def.stack_max.. "\n"

			local yesno = function(bool)
				if bool==true then return "Yes"
				elseif bool==false then return "No"
				else return "N/A" end

			local range = 4.0
			if data.def.range ~= nil then range = data.def.range end
			formstring = formstring .. "Range: "..range.."\n"

			formstring = formstring .. "\n"

			if data.def.tool_capabilities ~= nil and data.def.tool_capabilities ~= {} then
				formstring = formstring .. "Full punch interval: "..data.def.tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval.." s\n"
				local groupcaps = data.def.tool_capabilities.groupcaps
				formstring = formstring .. "Groupcaps:\n"
				for k,v in pairs(groupcaps) do
					formstring = formstring .. k .. ": blabla" .. "\n"

				formstring = formstring .. "Damage groups:\n"
				local damage_groups = data.def.tool_capabilities.damage_groups
				for k,v in pairs(damage_groups) do
					formstring = formstring .. k .. ": " .. v .. " HP\n"

			formstring = formstring .. "\n"

			-- Global factoids
			if data.def.liquids_pointable == true then
				formstring = formstring .. "This tool will point to liquids rather than ignore them.\n"

			-- Show fuel recipe
			local result = minetest.get_craft_result({method = "fuel", items = {data.itemstring}})
			if result ~= nil and result.time > 0 then
				formstring = formstring .. "This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of "..burntime_to_text(result.time)..".\n"

			formstring = formstring .. ";]"

			return formstring
			return "label[0,1;NO DATA AVALIABLE!"

doc.sub.minetest_game = {}
doc.sub.minetest_game.help = {}
doc.sub.minetest_game.help.longdesc = {}
doc.sub.minetest_game.help.usagehelp = {}
-- Gather help texts
function doc.sub.minetest_game.add_helptexts(longdesc, usagehelp)
	for k,v in pairs(longdesc) do
		doc.sub.minetest_game.help.longdesc[k] = v
	for k,v in pairs(usagehelp) do
		doc.sub.minetest_game.help.usagehelp[k] = v

dofile(minetest.get_modpath("doc_minetest_game") .. "/helptexts.lua")

local function gather_descs()
	local help = doc.sub.minetest_game.help
	doc.new_entry("nodes", "air", {
		name = "Air",
		data = {
			itemstring = "air",
			longdesc = "A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.",
			def = minetest.registered_nodes["air"],
	for id, def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do
		local name, ld, uh
		name = def.description
		local forced = false
		for i=1, #forced_nodes do
			if id == forced_nodes[i] then forced = true end
		if item_name_overrides[id] ~= nil then
			name = item_name_overrides[id]
			name = def.description
		if not (name == nil or name == "" or def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory) or forced then
			if help.longdesc[id] ~= nil then
				ld = help.longdesc[id]
			if help.usagehelp[id] ~= nil then
				uh = help.usagehelp[id]
			local infotable = {
				name = name,
				data = {
					longdesc = ld,
					usagehelp = uh,
					itemstring = id,
					def = def,
			doc.new_entry("nodes", id, infotable)

	-- Add the hand
	doc.new_entry("tools", "", {
		name = "Hand",
		data = {
			longdesc = "You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can dig the weakest blocks and deal minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are usually better than the hand. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave is it were the hand when you start mining or punching.",
			itemstring = "",
			def = minetest.registered_items[""]
	for id, def in pairs(minetest.registered_tools) do
		local name, ld, uh
		if item_name_overrides[id] ~= nil then
			name = item_name_overrides[id]
			name = def.description
		if not (name == nil or name == "" or def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory) then
			if help.longdesc[id] ~= nil then
				ld = help.longdesc[id]
			if help.usagehelp[id] ~= nil then
				uh = help.usagehelp[id]
			local infotable = {
				name = name,
				data = {
					longdesc = ld,
					usagehelp = uh,
					itemstring = id,
					def = def,
			doc.new_entry("tools", id, infotable)

	for id, def in pairs(minetest.registered_craftitems) do
		local name, ld, uh
		name = def.description
		if not (name == nil or name == "" or def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory) then
			if help.longdesc[id] ~= nil then
				ld = help.longdesc[id]
			if help.usagehelp[id] ~= nil then
				uh = help.usagehelp[id]
			local infotable = {
				name = name,
				data = {
					longdesc = ld,
					usagehelp = uh,
					itemstring = id,
					def = def,
			doc.new_entry("craftitems", id, infotable)

minetest.after(0, gather_descs)