doc.sub.items = {} -- Template texts doc.sub.items.temp = {} doc.sub.items.temp.deco = "This is a decorational block." = "This block is a building block for creating various buildings." doc.sub.items.temp.craftitem = "This item is primarily used for crafting other items." = "Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it." doc.sub.items.temp.eat_bad = "Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this?" -- Local stuff local groupdefs = {} local mininggroups = {} local miscgroups = {} -- List of forcefully added (true) and hidden (false) items local forced_items = { ["ignore"] = false } local hidden_items = {} local item_name_overrides = { [""] = "Hand", ["air"] = "Air" } -- Helper functions local yesno = function(bool) if bool==true then return "Yes" elseif bool==false then return "No" else return "N/A" end end local groups_to_string = function(grouptable, filter) local gstring = "" local groups_count = 0 for id, value in pairs(grouptable) do if groupdefs[id] ~= nil and (filter == nil or filter[id] == true) then -- Readable group name if groups_count > 0 then gstring = gstring .. ", " end gstring = gstring .. groupdefs[id] groups_count = groups_count + 1 end end if groups_count == 0 then return nil, 0 else return gstring, groups_count end end -- Replaces all newlines with spaces local scrub_newlines = function(text) local new, x = string.gsub(text, "\n", " ") return new end --[[ Append a newline to text, unless it already ends with a newline. ]] local newline = function(text) if string.sub(text, #text, #text) == "\n" then return text else return text .. "\n" end end --[[ Make sure the text ends with two newlines by appending any missing newlines at the end, if neccessary. ]] local newline2 = function(text) if string.sub(text, #text-1, #text) == "\n\n" then return text elseif string.sub(text, #text, #text) == "\n" then return text .. "\n" else return text .. "\n\n" end end -- Extract suitable item description for formspec local description_for_formspec = function(itemstring) local description = minetest.registered_items[itemstring].description if description == nil or description == "" then return minetest.formspec_escape(itemstring) else return minetest.formspec_escape(scrub_newlines(description)) end end local group_to_string = function(groupname) if groupdefs[groupname] ~= nil then return groupdefs[groupname] else return groupname end end local burntime_to_text = function(burntime) if burntime == nil then return "unknown" elseif burntime == 1 then return "1 second" else return string.format("%d seconds", burntime) end end local toolcaps_to_text = function(tool_capabilities) local formstring = "" if tool_capabilities ~= nil and tool_capabilities ~= {} then local punch = 1.0 if tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval ~= nil then punch = tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval end formstring = formstring .. "Full punch interval: "..punch.." s\n\n" local groupcaps = tool_capabilities.groupcaps if groupcaps ~= nil then formstring = formstring .. "This tool is capable of mining.\nMining capabilities:\n" for k,v in pairs(groupcaps) do local minrating, maxrating for rating, time in pairs(v.times) do if minrating == nil then minrating = rating else if minrating > rating then minrating = rating end end if maxrating == nil then maxrating = rating else if maxrating < rating then maxrating = rating end end end local ratingstring = "Unknown rating" if minrating ~= nil and maxrating ~= nil then if minrating == maxrating then ratingstring = "Rating "..minrating else ratingstring = "Rating "..minrating.."-"..maxrating end end local levelstring if v.maxlevel == 0 then levelstring = "level 0" elseif v.maxlevel ~= nil then levelstring = "level 0-"..v.maxlevel else levelstring = "any level" end formstring = formstring .. "• " .. group_to_string(k) .. ": "..ratingstring..", ".. levelstring .. "\n" end end formstring = newline2(formstring) local damage_groups = tool_capabilities.damage_groups if damage_groups ~= nil then formstring = formstring .. "This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.\nMaximum damage per hit:\n" for k,v in pairs(damage_groups) do formstring = formstring .. "• " .. group_to_string(k) .. ": " .. v .. " HP\n" end end end return formstring end local range_factoid = function(itemstring, def) local handrange = minetest.registered_items[""].range local itemrange = def.range if itemstring == "" then if handrange ~= nil then return "Range: "..itemrange else return "Range: 4" end else if handrange == nil then handrange = 4 end if itemrange ~= nil then return "Range: "..itemrange else return "Range: "..item_name_overrides[""].." ("..handrange..")" end end end -- Smelting fuel factoid local fuel_factoid = function(itemstring, ctype) local formstring = "" local result, decremented = minetest.get_craft_result({method = "fuel", items = {itemstring}}) if result ~= nil and result.time > 0 then local base if ctype == "tools" then base = "This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of %s." elseif ctype == "nodes" then base = "This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of %s." else base = "This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of %s." end formstring = formstring .. string.format(base, burntime_to_text(result.time)) local replaced = decremented.items[1]:get_name() if not decremented.items[1]:is_empty() and replaced ~= itemstring then formstring = formstring .. " Using it as fuel turns it into: "..description_for_formspec(replaced).."." end formstring = newline(formstring) end return formstring end -- For factoids local factoid_generators = {} factoid_generators.nodes = {} = {} factoid_generators.craftitems = {} function doc.sub.items.register_factoid(category_id, factoid_type, factoid_generator) local ftable = { fgen = factoid_generator, ftype = factoid_type } if category_id == "nodes" then table.insert(factoid_generators.nodes, ftable) return true elseif category_id == "tools" then table.insert(, ftable) return true elseif category_id == "craftitems" then table.insert(factoid_generators.craftitems, ftable) return true else return false end end doc.new_category("nodes", { hide_entries_by_default = true, name = "Blocks", description = "Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space", build_formspec = function(data) if data then local longdesc = data.longdesc local usagehelp = data.usagehelp local formstring = "" if data.itemstring ~= "air" then if data.image ~= nil then formstring = formstring .. "image[11,0;1,1;""]" else formstring = formstring .. "item_image[11,0;1,1;""]" end end local datastring = "" if longdesc ~= nil then datastring = datastring .. "Description: "..longdesc.."\n\n" end if usagehelp ~= nil then datastring = datastring .. "Usage help: "..usagehelp.. "\n\n" end datastring = datastring .. "Maximum stack size: " "\n" datastring = datastring .. range_factoid(data.itemstring, data.def) .. "\n" datastring = newline2(datastring) if data.def.liquids_pointable == true then datastring = datastring .. "This block points to liquids.\n" end if data.def.on_use ~= nil then datastring = datastring .. "Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.\n" end datastring = newline2(datastring) datastring = datastring .. toolcaps_to_text(data.def.tool_capabilities) datastring = datastring .. "Collidable: "..yesno(data.def.walkable).. "\n" local liquid if data.def.liquidtype ~= "none" then liquid = true else liquid = false end if data.def.pointable == true then datastring = datastring .. "Pointable: Yes\n" elseif liquid then datastring = datastring .. "Pointable: Only by special items\n" else datastring = datastring .. "Pointable: No\n" end datastring = newline2(datastring) if liquid then datastring = newline(datastring, false) datastring = datastring .. "This block is a liquid with these properties:\n" local range, renew, viscos if data.def.liquid_range then range = data.def.liquid_range else range = 8 end if data.def.liquid_renewable ~= nil then renew = data.def.liquid_renewable else renew = true end if data.def.liquid_viscosity then viscos = data.def.liquid_viscosity else viscos = 0 end if renew then datastring = datastring .. "• Renewable\n" else datastring = datastring .. "• Not renewable\n" end if range == 0 then datastring = datastring .. "• No flowing\n" else datastring = datastring .. "• Flowing range: "..range.. "\n" end datastring = datastring .. "• Viscosity: "..viscos.. "\n" end datastring = newline2(datastring) -- Global factoids --- Direct interaction with the player ---- Damage (very important) if data.def.damage_per_second > 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block causes a damage of "" hit points per second.\n" elseif data.def.damage_per_second == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block causes a damage of "" hit point per second.\n" elseif data.def.damage_per_second < -1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block heals "" hit points per second.\n" elseif data.def.damage_per_second == -1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block heals "" hit point per second.\n" end if data.def.drowning > 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of "" hit points every 2 seconds.\n" elseif data.def.drowning == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of "" hit point every 2 seconds.\n" end local fdap = data.def.groups.fall_damage_add_percent if fdap ~= nil then if fdap > 0 then datastring = datastring .. "The fall damage on this block is increased by "..fdap.."%.\n" elseif fdap <= -100 then datastring = datastring .. "This block negates all fall damage.\n" else datastring = datastring .. "The fall damage on this block is reduced by "..math.abs(fdap).."%.\n" end end ---- Movement if data.def.groups.disable_jump == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "You can not jump while standing on this block.\n" end if data.def.climbable == true then datastring = datastring .. "This block can be climbed.\n" end local bouncy = data.def.groups.bouncy if bouncy ~= nil then datastring = datastring .. "This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of "..bouncy.."%.\n" end ---- Sounds local function is_silent(def, soundtype) return def.sounds == nil or def.sounds[soundtype] == nil or def.sounds[soundtype] == "" or (type(data.def.sounds[soundtype]) == "table" and (data.def.sounds[soundtype].name == nil or data.def.sounds[soundtype].name == "")) end local silentstep, silentdig, silentplace = false, false, false if data.def.walkable and is_silent(data.def, "footstep") then silentstep = true end if data.def.diggable and is_silent(data.def, "dig") and is_silent(data.def, "dug") then silentdig = true end if is_silent(data.def, "place") and data.itemstring ~= "air" then silentplace = true end if silentstep and silentdig and silentplace then datastring = datastring .. "This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.\n" elseif silentdig and silentplace then datastring = datastring .. "This block is completely silent when mined or built.\n" else if silentstep then datastring = datastring .. "Walking on this block is completely silent.\n" end if silentdig then datastring = datastring .. "Mining this block is completely silent.\n" end if silentplace then datastring = datastring .. "Building this block is completely silent.\n" end end -- Block activity --- Gravity if data.def.groups.falling_node == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block is affected by gravity and can fall.\n" end --- Dropping and destruction if data.def.buildable_to == true then datastring = datastring .. "Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.\n" if data.def.walkable then datastring = datastring .. "Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.\n" end end if data.def.walkable == false then if data.def.buildable_to == false and (data.def.paramtype2 == "wallmounted" or data.def.groups.attached_node == 1) then datastring = datastring .. "This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.\n" else datastring = datastring .. "This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.\n" end end if data.def.groups.attached_node == 1 then if data.def.paramtype2 == "wallmounted" then datastring = datastring .. "This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.\n" else datastring = datastring .. "This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.\n" end end if data.def.floodable == true then datastring = datastring .. "Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.\n" end -- Block appearance --- Light if data.def.light_source == 15 then datastring = datastring .. "This block is an extremely bright light source. It glows as bright the sun.\n" elseif data.def.light_source == 14 then datastring = datastring .. "This block is a very bright light source.\n" elseif data.def.light_source > 12 then datastring = datastring .. "This block is a bright light source.\n" elseif data.def.light_source > 5 then datastring = datastring .. "This block is a light source of medium luminance.\n" elseif data.def.light_source > 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block is a weak light source and glows faintly.\n" elseif data.def.light_source == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block glows faintly. It is barely noticable.\n" end if data.def.paramtype == "light" and data.def.sunlight_propagates then datastring = datastring .. "This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.\n" elseif data.def.paramtype == "light" then datastring = datastring .. "This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.\n" elseif data.def.sunlight_propagates then datastring = datastring .. "This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.\n" end --- List nodes/groups to which this node connects to if data.def.connects_to ~= nil then local nodes = {} local groups = {} for c=1,#data.def.connects_to do local itemstring = data.def.connects_to[c] if string.sub(itemstring,1,6) == "group:" then groups[string.sub(itemstring,7,#itemstring)] = 1 else table.insert(nodes, itemstring) end end local nstring = "" for n=1,#nodes do local name if item_name_overrides[nodes[n]] ~= nil then name = item_name_overrides[nodes[n]] else name = description_for_formspec(minetest.registered_nodes[nodes[n]]) end if n > 1 then nstring = nstring .. ", " end if name ~= nil then nstring = nstring .. name else nstring = nstring .. "Unknown Node" end end if #nodes == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block connects to this block: "..nstring..".\n" elseif #nodes > 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block connects to these blocks: "..nstring..".\n" end local gstring, gcount = groups_to_string(groups) if gcount == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block connects to blocks of the "..gstring.." group.\n" elseif gcount > 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block connects to blocks of the following groups: "..gstring..".\n" end end datastring = newline2(datastring) -- Mining groups if data.def.pointable ~= false and (data.def.liquid_type == "none" or data.def.liquid_type == nil) then -- Check if there are no mining groups at all local nogroups = true for groupname,_ in pairs(mininggroups) do if data.def.groups[groupname] ~= nil or groupname == "dig_immediate" then nogroups = false break end end -- dig_immediate if data.def.drop ~= "" then if data.def.groups.dig_immediate == 2 then datastring = datastring .. "This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.\n" elseif data.def.groups.dig_immediate == 3 then datastring = datastring .. "This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.\n" -- Note: “unbreakable” is an unofficial group for undiggable blocks elseif data.def.diggable == false or nogroups or data.def.groups.immortal == 1 or data.def.groups.unbreakable == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools.\n" end else if data.def.groups.dig_immediate == 2 then datastring = datastring .. "This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.\n" elseif data.def.groups.dig_immediate == 3 then datastring = datastring .. "This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.\n" elseif data.def.diggable == false or nogroups or data.def.groups.immortal == 1 or data.def.groups.unbreakable == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.\n" end end -- Expose “ordinary” mining groups (crumbly, cracky, etc.) and level group -- Skip this for immediate digging to avoid redundancy if data.def.groups.dig_immediate ~= 3 then local mstring = "This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its mining level.\n" mstring = mstring .. "Mining ratings:\n" local minegroupcount = 0 for group,_ in pairs(mininggroups) do local rating = data.def.groups[group] if rating ~= nil then mstring = mstring .. "• "..group_to_string(group)..": "..rating.."\n" minegroupcount = minegroupcount + 1 end end if data.def.groups.level ~= nil then mstring = mstring .. "Mining level: ""\n" else mstring = mstring .. "Mining level: 0\n" end if minegroupcount > 0 then datastring = datastring .. mstring end end end datastring = newline2(datastring) -- Custom factoids are inserted here for i=1,#factoid_generators.nodes do datastring = datastring .. factoid_generators.nodes[i].fgen(data.itemstring, data.def) datastring = newline(datastring) end datastring = newline2(datastring) -- Show other “exposable” groups in quick list local gstring, gcount = groups_to_string(data.def.groups, miscgroups) if gstring ~= nil then if gcount == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block belongs to the "..gstring.." group.\n" else datastring = datastring .. "This block belongs to these groups: "..gstring..".\n" end end datastring = newline2(datastring) -- Non-default drops if data.def.drop ~= nil and data.def.drop ~= data.itemstring and data.itemstring ~= "air" then -- TODO: Calculate drop probabilities of max > 1 like for max == 1 local get_desc = function(stack) return description_for_formspec(stack:get_name()) end if data.def.drop == "" then datastring = datastring .. "This block won't drop anything when mined.\n" elseif type(data.def.drop) == "string" then local dropstack = ItemStack(data.def.drop) if dropstack:get_name() ~= data.itemstring and dropstack:get_name() ~= 1 then local desc = get_desc(dropstack) local count = dropstack:get_count() local finalstring if count > 1 then finalstring = count .. "×"..desc else finalstring = desc end datastring = datastring .. "This block will drop the following when mined: "..finalstring.."\n" end elseif type(data.def.drop) == "table" and data.def.drop.items ~= nil then local max = data.def.drop.max_items if max == nil then datastring = datastring .. "This block will drop the following items when mined: " elseif max == 1 then if #data.def.drop.items == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This block will drop the following when mined: " else datastring = datastring .. "This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: " end else datastring = datastring .. "This block will randomly drop up to "..max.." drops of the following possible drops when mined: " end -- Save calculated probabilities into a table for later output local probtables = {} local probtable local rarity_history = {} for i=1,#data.def.drop.items do local local_rarity = data.def.drop.items[i].rarity local chance = 1 local rarity = 1 if local_rarity == nil then local_rarity = 1 end if max == 1 then -- Chained probability table.insert(rarity_history, local_rarity) chance = 1 for r=1, #rarity_history do local chance_factor if r > 1 and rarity_history[r-1] == 1 then chance = 0 break end if r == #rarity_history then chance_factor = 1/rarity_history[r] else chance_factor = (rarity_history[r]-1)/rarity_history[r] end chance = chance * chance_factor end if chance > 0 then rarity = 1/chance end else rarity = local_rarity chance = 1/rarity end -- Exclude impossible drops if chance > 0 then probtable = {} probtable.items = {} for j=1,#data.def.drop.items[i].items do local dropstack = ItemStack(data.def.drop.items[i].items[j]) local itemstring = dropstack:get_name() local desc = get_desc(dropstack) local count = dropstack:get_count() if not(itemstring == nil or itemstring == "" or count == 0) then if probtable.items[itemstring] == nil then probtable.items[itemstring] = {desc = desc, count = count} else probtable.items[itemstring].count = probtable.items[itemstring].count + count end end end probtable.rarity = rarity if #data.def.drop.items[i].items > 0 then table.insert(probtables, probtable) end end end -- Do some cleanup of the probability table if max == 1 or max == nil then -- Sort by rarity local comp = function(p1, p2) return p1.rarity < p2.rarity end table.sort(probtables, comp) end -- Output probability table local pcount = 0 for i=1, #probtables do if pcount > 0 then datastring = datastring .. ", " end local probtable = probtables[i] local icount = 0 for _, itemtable in pairs(probtable.items) do if icount > 0 then datastring = datastring .. " and " end local desc = itemtable.desc local count = itemtable.count if count ~= 1 then desc = count .. "×" .. desc end datastring = datastring .. desc icount = icount + 1 end local rarity = probtable.rarity -- No percentage if there's only one possible guaranteed drop if not(rarity == 1 and #data.def.drop.items == 1) then local chance = (1/rarity)*100 local ca = "" if rarity > 200 then -- <0.5% -- For very low percentages datastring = datastring .. " (<0.5%)" else -- Add circa indicator for percentages with decimal point -- FIXME: Is this check actually reliable? if math.fmod(chance, 1) > 0 then ca = "ca. " end datastring = datastring .. string.format(" (%s%.0f%%)", ca, chance) end end pcount = pcount + 1 end formtring = datastring .. "." datastring = newline(datastring) end end -- Show fuel recipe datastring = newline2(datastring) datastring = datastring .. fuel_factoid(data.itemstring, "nodes") formstring = formstring .. doc.widgets.text(datastring, 0, 0.5, 10.8, 8) return formstring else return "label[0,1;NO DATA AVALIABLE!" end end }) doc.new_category("tools", { hide_entries_by_default = true, name = "Tools and weapons", description = "Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons", build_formspec = function(data) if data then local longdesc = data.longdesc local usagehelp = data.usagehelp local formstring = "" -- Hand if data.itemstring == "" then formstring = formstring .. "image[11,0;1,1;"..minetest.registered_items[""].wield_image.."]" -- Other tools elseif data.image ~= nil then formstring = formstring .. "image[11,0;1,1;""]" else formstring = formstring .. "item_image[11,0;1,1;""]" end local datastring = "" if longdesc ~= nil then datastring = datastring .. "Description: "..longdesc datastring = newline2(datastring) end if usagehelp ~= nil then datastring = datastring .. "Usage help: "..usagehelp datastring = newline2(datastring) end if data.itemstring ~= "" then datastring = datastring .. "Maximum stack size: " "\n" end datastring = datastring .. range_factoid(data.itemstring, data.def) .. "\n" datastring = newline2(datastring) if data.def.liquids_pointable == true then datastring = datastring .. "This tool points to liquids.\n" end if data.def.on_use ~= nil then datastring = datastring .. "Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.\n" end datastring = newline(datastring) datastring = datastring .. toolcaps_to_text(data.def.tool_capabilities) datastring = newline2(datastring) -- Show other “exposable” groups local gstring, gcount = groups_to_string(data.def.groups, miscgroups) if gstring ~= nil then if gcount == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This tool belongs to the "..gstring.." group.\n" else datastring = datastring .. "This tool belongs to these groups: "..gstring..".\n" end end -- Show fuel recipe datastring = newline2(datastring) datastring = datastring .. fuel_factoid(data.itemstring, "tools") formstring = formstring .. doc.widgets.text(datastring, 0, 0.5, 10.8, 8) return formstring else return "label[0,1;NO DATA AVALIABLE!" end end }) doc.new_category("craftitems", { hide_entries_by_default = true, name = "Miscellaneous items", description = "Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)", build_formspec = function(data) if data then local longdesc = data.longdesc local usagehelp = data.usagehelp local formstring = "" if data.image ~= nil then formstring = formstring .. "image[11,0;1,1;""]" else formstring = formstring .. "item_image[11,0;1,1;""]" end local datastring = "" if longdesc ~= nil then datastring = datastring .. "Description: "..longdesc.."\n\n" end if usagehelp ~= nil then datastring = datastring .. "Usage help: "..usagehelp.. "\n\n" end datastring = datastring .. "Maximum stack size: " "\n" datastring = datastring .. range_factoid(data.itemstring, data.def) .. "\n" datastring = newline2(datastring) if data.def.liquids_pointable == true then datastring = datastring .. "This item points to liquids.\n" end if data.def.on_use ~= nil then datastring = datastring .. "Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.\n" end datastring = newline(datastring) datastring = datastring .. toolcaps_to_text(data.def.tool_capabilities) datastring = newline2(datastring) -- Show other “exposable” groups local gstring, gcount = groups_to_string(data.def.groups, miscgroups) if gstring ~= nil then if gcount == 1 then datastring = datastring .. "This item belongs to the "..gstring.." group.\n" else datastring = datastring .. "This item belongs to these groups: "..gstring..".\n" end end -- Show fuel recipe datastring = newline2(datastring) datastring = datastring .. fuel_factoid(data.itemstring, "craftitems") formstring = formstring .. doc.widgets.text(datastring, 0, 0.5, 10.8, 8) return formstring else return "label[0,1;NO DATA AVALIABLE!" end end }) = {} = {} = {} = {} -- Sets the long description for a table of items function doc.sub.items.set_items_longdesc(longdesc_table) for k,v in pairs(longdesc_table) do[k] = v end end -- Sets the usage help texts for a table of items function doc.sub.items.set_items_usagehelp(usagehelp_table) for k,v in pairs(usagehelp_table) do[k] = v end end function doc.sub.items.add_item_image_overrides(image_overrides) for itemstring, new_image in pairs(image_overrides) do[itemstring] = new_image end end -- Register group definition stuff -- “Real” group names to replace the rather technical names function doc.sub.items.add_real_group_names(groupnames) for internal, real in pairs(groupnames) do groupdefs[internal] = real end end -- Adds groups to be displayed in the generic “misc.” groups -- factoid. Those groups should be neither be used as mining -- groups nor as damage groups and should be relevant to the -- player in someway. function doc.sub.items.add_notable_groups(groupnames) for g=1,#groupnames do miscgroups[groupnames[g]] = true end end -- Add items which will be forced to be added to the item list, -- even if the item is not in creative inventory function doc.sub.items.add_forced_item_entries(itemstrings) for i=1,#itemstrings do forced_items[itemstrings[i]] = true end end -- Add items which will be forced *not* to be added to the item list function doc.sub.items.add_suppressed_item_entries(itemstrings) for i=1,#itemstrings do forced_items[itemstrings[i]] = false end end -- Add items which will be hidden from the entry list, but their entries -- are still created. function doc.sub.items.add_hidden_item_entries(itemstrings) for i=1,#itemstrings do hidden_items[itemstrings[i]] = true end end -- Register a list of entry names where the entry name should differ -- from the original item description function doc.sub.items.add_item_name_overrides(itemstrings) for internal, real in pairs(itemstrings) do item_name_overrides[internal] = real end end local function gather_descs() local help = -- 1st pass -- Gather all groups used for mining for id, def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if def.tool_capabilities ~= nil then local groupcaps = def.tool_capabilities.groupcaps if groupcaps ~= nil then for k,v in pairs(groupcaps) do if mininggroups[k] ~= true then mininggroups[k] = true end end end end end -- 2nd pass: Add entries -- Set default air text -- Custom longdesc and usagehelp may be set by mods through the add_helptexts function if help.longdesc["air"] == nil then help.longdesc["air"] = "A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something." end -- NOTE: New group “not_in_doc”: Items with this group will not have entries -- NOTE: New group “hide_from_doc”: Items with this group will not be visible in the entry list initially local add_entries = function(deftable, category_id) for id, def in pairs(deftable) do local name, ld, uh, im local forced = false if (forced_items[id] == true or def.groups.in_doc) and def ~= nil then forced = true end if item_name_overrides[id] ~= nil then name = item_name_overrides[id] else name = def.description end if not (name == nil or name == "" or def.groups.not_in_doc or forced_items[id] == false) or forced then if help.longdesc[id] ~= nil then ld = help.longdesc[id] end if help.usagehelp[id] ~= nil then uh = help.usagehelp[id] end if help.image[id] ~= nil then im = help.image[id] end local hidden if id == "air" then hidden = false end local custom_image name = scrub_newlines(name) local infotable = { name = name, hidden = hidden, data = { longdesc = ld, usagehelp = uh, image = im, itemstring = id, def = def, } } doc.new_entry(category_id, id, infotable) end end end -- Add node entries add_entries(minetest.registered_nodes, "nodes") -- Add entry for the default tool (“hand”) -- Custom longdesc and usagehelp may be set by mods through the add_helptexts function if help.longdesc[""] == nil then -- Default text help.longdesc[""] = "Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand." end doc.new_entry("tools", "", { name = item_name_overrides[""], hidden = false, data = { longdesc = help.longdesc[""], usagehelp = help.usagehelp[""], itemstring = "", def = minetest.registered_items[""] } }) -- Add tool entries add_entries(minetest.registered_tools, "tools") -- Add craftitem entries add_entries(minetest.registered_craftitems, "craftitems") end --[[ Reveal items as the player progresses through the game. Items are revealed by: * Digging, punching or placing node, * Crafting * Having item in inventory (not instantly revealed) ]] local function reveal_item(playername, itemstring) local category_id if minetest.registered_nodes[itemstring] ~= nil then category_id = "nodes" elseif minetest.registered_tools[itemstring] ~= nil then category_id = "tools" elseif minetest.registered_craftitems[itemstring] ~= nil then category_id = "craftitems" elseif minetest.registered_items[itemstring] ~= nil then category_id = "craftitems" else return false end doc.mark_entry_as_revealed(playername, category_id, itemstring) return true end local function reveal_items_in_inventory(player) local inv = player:get_inventory() local list = inv:get_list("main") for l=1, #list do reveal_item(player:get_player_name(), list[l]:get_name()) end end minetest.register_on_dignode(function(pos, oldnode, digger) if digger ~= nil then reveal_item(digger:get_player_name(), reveal_items_in_inventory(digger) end end) minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) reveal_item(puncher:get_player_name(), end) minetest.register_on_placenode(function(pos, newnode, placer, oldnode, itemstack, pointed_thing) reveal_item(placer:get_player_name(), itemstack:get_name()) end) minetest.register_on_craft(function(itemstack, player, old_craft_grid, craft_inv) reveal_item(player:get_player_name(), itemstack:get_name()) end) minetest.register_on_item_eat(function(hp_change, replace_with_item, itemstack, user, pointed_thing) reveal_item(user:get_player_name(), itemstack:get_name()) if replace_with_item ~= nil then reveal_item(user:get_player_name(), replace_with_item) end end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) reveal_items_in_inventory(player) end) --[[ Periodically check all items in player inventory and reveal them all. TODO: Check whether there's a serious performance impact on servers with many players. TODO: If possible, try to replace this functionality by updating the revealed items as soon the player obtained a new item (probably needs new Minetest callbacks). ]] local checktime = 8 local timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) timer = timer + dtime if timer > checktime then local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for p=1, #players do reveal_items_in_inventory(players[p]) end timer = math.fmod(timer, checktime) end end) minetest.after(0, gather_descs)