path: root/helptexts.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'helptexts.lua')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/helptexts.lua b/helptexts.lua
index 8b0096b..e06174c 100644
--- a/helptexts.lua
+++ b/helptexts.lua
@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ local fencedesc = S("A fence post. When multiple of these are placed to next to
local fencegatedesc = S("Fence gates can be opened or closed and can be easily jumped over. Other fence posts will connect nicely to fence gates.")
local fencegateuse = S("Right-click the gate to open or close it.")
local walldesc = S("A piece of wall. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure. You can easily jump over a low wall.")
-local slabdesc = S("Slabs are half as high as their full block counterparts. Slabs can be easily stepped on without needing to jump. They are useful to create long staircases and many other structures. When a slab is placed on another slab of the same type, a new full block is created.")
+local slabdesc = S("A slab is half as high as their full block counterparts and can occupy either the lower or upper half of a block. Low slabs can be easily stepped on without needing to jump. When a slab is placed on another slab of the same type, a new full block is created.")
+local slabuse = S("To place a low slab, place it on the floor or the bottom half of the side of a block. To place a high slab, place it on the ceiling or the upper half of the side of a block.")
local stairdesc = S("Stairs are useful to reach higher places by walking over them; jumping is not required.")
@@ -548,6 +550,37 @@ local export_usagehelp = {
["default:key"] = S("Wield the key and right-click on a locked thing to attempt to access it. If the key fits, you perform the action (e.g. you open a door). If it doesn't fit, the key does nothing."),
["default:skeleton_key"] = S("Go to the locked thing you own to match the key for. Right-click on it to turn the skeleton key into a key and permanently match it to the locked thing. Any player who possesses this key can now access the locked thing you have selected—but only this! Note that you don't need keys for the things you own. If the locked thing has been removed, the key will stop working."),
+ ["stairs:slab_wood"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_junglewood"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_pine_wood"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_acacia_wood"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_aspen_wood"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_stone"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_cobble"] = slabuse .. "\n" .. S("A cobblestone slab will slowly turn into a mossy cobblestone slab when it is near water (or any other block in the @1 group).", groupname_water),
+ ["stairs:slab_mossycobble"] = slabuse .. "\n" .. S("A mossy cobblestone slab is created when a cobblestone slab is near water (or any other block in the @1 group) for a while.", groupname_water),
+ ["stairs:slab_desert_cobble"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_desert_stone"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_stonebrick"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_sandstone"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_sandstonebrick"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_desert_sandstone"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_desert_sandstone_block"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_desert_sandstone_brick"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_silver_sandstone"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_silver_sandstone_block"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_silver_sandstone_brick"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_ice"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_snowblock"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_desert_stonebrick"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_obsidian"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_obsidianbrick"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_brick"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_straw"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_steelblock"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_copperblock"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_bronzeblock"] = slabuse,
+ ["stairs:slab_goldblock"] = slabuse,
local export_uses = {