AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-08-28Remove redundant bit of information in leaves infoWuzzy
2016-08-26Fix dropped door items being unidentifiableWuzzy
2016-08-26Expose tnt_radius, fix fire infoWuzzy
2016-08-25Update sign descWuzzy
2016-08-16Use correct images for doorsWuzzy
2016-08-15Don't force cloud and dirt with footsteps anymoreWuzzy
2016-08-15Add TODO listWuzzy
2016-08-15Add dirt with grass and footstepsWuzzy
2016-08-15Proofread tool and craftitem helpWuzzy
2016-08-15Proofread and correct all nodesWuzzy
2016-08-15Add distinction for apple treesWuzzy
2016-08-15Customize leaves descriptionsWuzzy
2016-08-15Turn leafdecay into a factoidWuzzy
2016-08-15Add hoe usage countWuzzy
2016-08-15Update fence gate helpWuzzy
2016-08-15Update desert stoneWuzzy
2016-08-15Add texts for upcoming “block” blocksWuzzy
2016-08-15Update ore texts with height infoWuzzy
2016-08-13Add aliases for xpanesWuzzy
2016-08-13Remove add_mining_groupsWuzzy
2016-08-11Fix dependsWuzzy
2016-08-10Fix all door and fence gate entriesWuzzy
... which also move doors to the nodes category
2016-08-10Add furnace and trapdoor aliasesWuzzy
2016-08-10Add alias for burning TNTWuzzy
2016-08-10TNT fallWuzzy
2016-08-10Minor TNT updateWuzzy
2016-08-10Fix obsidian textsWuzzy
2016-08-10Update bucket textsWuzzy
2016-08-10Minor screwdriver updateWuzzy
2016-08-10Register boat object for doc_identifierWuzzy
2016-08-09Update papyrus helpWuzzy
2016-08-09Update bones helpWuzzy
2016-08-09Minor farming fixesWuzzy
2016-08-05Force and add Book With TextWuzzy
2016-08-05Rename oddly_breakable_by_handWuzzy
2016-08-05Use doc_items templatesWuzzy
2016-08-05Declare mining groupsWuzzy
2016-08-04Update leafdecay infoWuzzy
2016-08-04Update cactus, dry grass, grassWuzzy
2016-08-04Update papyrus textWuzzy
2016-08-04Update dirt textsWuzzy
2016-08-04Fix gunpowder textWuzzy
2016-08-04Simplify groupsWuzzy
2016-08-03Add fence and wall groupsWuzzy
2016-08-03Add missing node textsWuzzy
2016-08-03Complete some help texts, including deco blocksWuzzy
2016-08-03Improve helptexts, remove redundancyWuzzy
2016-08-03Rename gather functionWuzzy
2016-08-03Move hand help textWuzzy