local groupdefs = { ["book"] = "Books", ["vessel"] = "Vessels", ["dye"] = "Dyes", ["stick"] = "Sticks", ["wool"] = "Wool", ["sand"] = "Sand", ["wood"] = "Wood", ["stone"] = "Stones", ["metal"] = "Metal", ["tree"] = "Tree Trunks", ["fence"] = "Fences", ["wall"] = "Walls", ["leaves"] = "Leaves and Needles", ["flower"] = "Flowers", ["sapling"] = "Saplings", ["cracky"] = "Cracky", ["crumbly"] = "Crumbly", ["choppy"] = "Choppy", ["snappy"] = "Snappy", ["bendy"] = "Bendy", ["oddly_breakable_by_hand"] = "Hand-breakable", ["fleshy"] = "Flesh", } local miscgroups = { "book", "vessel", "dye", "stick", "wool", "sand", "wood", "stone", "metal", "tree", "fence", "wall", "leaves", "flower", "sapling" } local mininggroups = { "cracky", "crumbly", "choppy", "snappy", "bendy", "oddly_breakable_by_hand" } local forced_items = { "default:cloud", "bones:bones", "farming:soil", "farming:soil_wet", "farming:desert_sand_soil", "farming:desert_sand_soil_wet", "fire:basic_flame", "farming:wheat_8", "farming:cotton_8", } local item_name_overrides = { ["screwdriver:screwdriver"] = "Screwdriver", ["fire:basic_flame"] = "Basic Flame", ["farming:wheat_8"] = "Wheat Plant", ["farming:cotton_8"] = "Cotton Plant", ["default:lava_source"] = "Lava", ["default:water_source"] = "Water", ["default:river_water_source"] = "River Water", } doc.sub.items.add_real_group_names(groupdefs) doc.sub.items.add_notable_groups(miscgroups) doc.sub.items.add_mining_groups(mininggroups) doc.sub.items.add_forced_item_entries(forced_items) doc.sub.items.add_item_name_overrides(item_name_overrides) -- Minetest Game Factoids -- Groups flammable, puts_out_fire local function f_fire(itemstring, def) local s = "" -- Fire if def.groups.flammable == 1 then s = s .. "This block is flammable and burns slowly." elseif def.groups.flammable == 2 then s = s .. "This block is flammable and burns at medium speed." elseif def.groups.flammable == 3 then s = s .. "This block is highly flammable and burns very quickly." elseif def.groups.flammable == 4 then s = s .. "This block is very easily set on fire and burns extremely quickly." elseif def.groups.flammable ~= nil then s = s .. "This block is flammable." end if def.groups.puts_out_fire ~= nil then if def.groups.flammable ~= nil then s = s .. "\n" end s = s .. "This block will extinguish nearby fire." end if def.groups.igniter ~= nil then if def.groups.flammable ~= nil or def.groups.puts_out_fire ~= nil then s = s .. "\n" end s = s .. "This block will set flammable blocks within a radius of "..def.groups.igniter.." on fire." end return s end -- flora group local function f_flora(itemstring, def) if def.groups.flora == 1 then return "This block belongs to the Flora group. It a living organism which likes to grow and spread on dirt with grass or dirt with dry grass when it is in light. On desert sand, it will wither and die and turn into a dry shrub." else return "" end end -- soil group local function f_soil(itemstring, def) if def.groups.soil == 1 then return "This block is natural soil. It supports the spreading of blocks belonging to the Flora group and the growth of blocks belonging to the Saplings group." elseif def.groups.soil == 2 or def.groups.soil == 3 then return "This block serves as a soil for wild plants (Flora, Saplings) as well as plants grown from seeds. It supports their growth and spreading." else return "" end end doc.sub.items.register_factoid("nodes", "groups", f_fire) doc.sub.items.register_factoid("nodes", "groups", f_flora) doc.sub.items.register_factoid("nodes", "groups", f_soil) -- Add node aliases for i=2,5 do doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "default:grass_1", "default:grass_"..i) doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "default:dry_grass_1", "default:dry_grass_"..i) end for i=1,7 do doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "farming:wheat_8", "farming:wheat_"..i) doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "farming:cotton_8", "farming:cotton_"..i) end doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "default:lava_source", "default:lava_flowing") doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "default:water_source", "default:water_flowing") doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "default:river_water_source", "default:river_water_flowing") -- Gather help texts dofile(minetest.get_modpath("doc_minetest_game") .. "/helptexts.lua") -- Achievement local awardchecktime = 0 if minetest.get_modpath("awards") ~= nil then -- TODO: Change the goal to unlocking/discovering all block entries of Minetest Game -- (excluding unused blocks like default:cloud) awards.register_achievement("doc_minetest_game_allnodes", { title = "Block Index Completed", icon = "doc_awards_icon_generic.png", description = "Read all help entries about blocks.", }) minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) -- Check awards every 30 seconds awardchecktime = awardchecktime + dtime if awardchecktime < 30 then return end awardchecktime = 30 - awardchecktime local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for p=1,#players do local playername = players[p]:get_player_name() local count = doc.get_viewed_count(playername, "nodes") if count ~= nil and count >= doc.get_entry_count("nodes") then awards.unlock(playername, "doc_minetest_game_allnodes") end end end) end