path: root/hunger.lua
diff options
authorWuzzy <>2015-02-04 01:24:27 +0100
committerWuzzy <>2015-02-04 01:24:27 +0100
commit860d0b38fd1d1d015aa4e28958c92301f3d88e1c (patch)
tree85924b670e50be96dc047caa69a1c066ad063ede /hunger.lua
parent8a9d81303c8cf0188cd2f421ba0a8c4b9b64008e (diff)
Remove armor and hunger
Diffstat (limited to 'hunger.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 361 deletions
diff --git a/hunger.lua b/hunger.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c4e787..0000000
--- a/hunger.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
--- Keep these for backwards compatibility
-function hud.save_hunger(player)
- hud.set_hunger(player)
-function hud.load_hunger(player)
- hud.get_hunger(player)
--- Poison player
-local function poisenp(tick, time, time_left, player)
- time_left = time_left + tick
- if time_left < time then
- minetest.after(tick, poisenp, tick, time, time_left, player)
- else
- --reset hud image
- end
- if player:get_hp()-1 > 0 then
- player:set_hp(player:get_hp()-1)
- end
-function hud.item_eat(hunger_change, replace_with_item, poisen, heal)
- return function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
- if itemstack:take_item() ~= nil and user ~= nil then
- local name = user:get_player_name()
- local h = tonumber(hud.hunger[name])
- local hp = user:get_hp()
- -- Saturation
- if h < 30 and hunger_change then
- h = h + hunger_change
- if h > 30 then h = 30 end
- hud.hunger[name] = h
- hud.set_hunger(user)
- end
- -- Healing
- if hp < 20 and heal then
- hp = hp + heal
- if hp > 20 then hp = 20 end
- user:set_hp(hp)
- end
- -- Poison
- if poisen then
- --set hud-img
- poisenp(1.0, poisen, 0, user)
- end
- --sound:eat
- itemstack:add_item(replace_with_item)
- end
- return itemstack
- end
-local function overwrite(name, hunger_change, replace_with_item, poisen, heal)
- local tab = minetest.registered_items[name]
- if tab == nil then return end
- tab.on_use = hud.item_eat(hunger_change, replace_with_item, poisen, heal)
- minetest.registered_items[name] = tab
-overwrite("default:apple", 2)
-if minetest.get_modpath("farming") ~= nil then
- overwrite("farming:bread", 4)
-if minetest.get_modpath("mobs") ~= nil then
- overwrite("mobs:meat", 6)
- overwrite("mobs:meat_raw", 3)
- overwrite("mobs:rat_cooked", 5)
-if minetest.get_modpath("moretrees") ~= nil then
- overwrite("moretrees:coconut_milk", 1)
- overwrite("moretrees:raw_coconut", 2)
- overwrite("moretrees:acorn_muffin", 3)
- overwrite("moretrees:spruce_nuts", 1)
- overwrite("moretrees:pine_nuts", 1)
- overwrite("moretrees:fir_nuts", 1)
-if minetest.get_modpath("dwarves") ~= nil then
- overwrite("dwarves:beer", 2)
- overwrite("dwarves:apple_cider", 1)
- overwrite("dwarves:midus", 2)
- overwrite("dwarves:tequila", 2)
- overwrite("dwarves:tequila_with_lime", 2)
- overwrite("dwarves:sake", 2)
-if minetest.get_modpath("animalmaterials") ~= nil then
- overwrite("animalmaterials:milk", 2)
- overwrite("animalmaterials:meat_raw", 3)
- overwrite("animalmaterials:meat_pork", 3)
- overwrite("animalmaterials:meat_beef", 3)
- overwrite("animalmaterials:meat_chicken", 3)
- overwrite("animalmaterials:meat_lamb", 3)
- overwrite("animalmaterials:meat_venison", 3)
- overwrite("animalmaterials:meat_undead", 3, "", 3)
- overwrite("animalmaterials:meat_toxic", 3, "", 5)
- overwrite("animalmaterials:meat_ostrich", 3)
- overwrite("animalmaterials:fish_bluewhite", 2)
- overwrite("animalmaterials:fish_clownfish", 2)
-if minetest.get_modpath("fishing") ~= nil then
- overwrite("fishing:fish_raw", 2)
- overwrite("fishing:fish_cooked", 5)
- overwrite("fishing:sushi", 6)
- overwrite("fishing:shark", 4)
- overwrite("fishing:shark_cooked", 8)
- overwrite("fishing:pike", 4)
- overwrite("fishing:pike_cooked", 8)
-if minetest.get_modpath("glooptest") ~= nil then
- overwrite("glooptest:kalite_lump", 1)
-if minetest.get_modpath("bushes") ~= nil then
- overwrite("bushes:sugar", 1)
- overwrite("bushes:strawberry", 2)
- overwrite("bushes:berry_pie_raw", 3)
- overwrite("bushes:berry_pie_cooked", 4)
- overwrite("bushes:basket_pies", 15)
-if minetest.get_modpath("bushes_classic") then
- -- bushes_classic mod, as found in the plantlife modpack
- local berries = {
- "strawberry",
- "blackberry",
- "blueberry",
- "raspberry",
- "gooseberry",
- "mixed_berry"}
- for _, berry in ipairs(berries) do
- if berry ~= "mixed_berry" then
- overwrite("bushes:"..berry, 1)
- end
- overwrite("bushes:"..berry.."_pie_raw", 2)
- overwrite("bushes:"..berry.."_pie_cooked", 5)
- overwrite("bushes:basket_"..berry, 15)
- end
-if minetest.get_modpath("mushroom") ~= nil then
- overwrite("mushroom:brown", 1)
- overwrite("mushroom:red", 1, "", 3)
-if minetest.get_modpath("docfarming") ~= nil then
- overwrite("docfarming:carrot", 3)
- overwrite("docfarming:cucumber", 2)
- overwrite("docfarming:corn", 3)
- overwrite("docfarming:potato", 4)
- overwrite("docfarming:bakedpotato", 5)
- overwrite("docfarming:raspberry", 3)
-if minetest.get_modpath("farming_plus") ~= nil then
- overwrite("farming_plus:carrot_item", 3)
- overwrite("farming_plus:banana", 2)
- overwrite("farming_plus:orange_item", 2)
- overwrite("farming:pumpkin_bread", 4)
- overwrite("farming_plus:strawberry_item", 2)
- overwrite("farming_plus:tomato_item", 2)
- overwrite("farming_plus:potato_item", 4)
- overwrite("farming_plus:rhubarb_item", 2)
-if minetest.get_modpath("mtfoods") ~= nil then
- overwrite("mtfoods:dandelion_milk", 1)
- overwrite("mtfoods:sugar", 1)
- overwrite("mtfoods:short_bread", 4)
- overwrite("mtfoods:cream", 1)
- overwrite("mtfoods:chocolate", 2)
- overwrite("mtfoods:cupcake", 2)
- overwrite("mtfoods:strawberry_shortcake", 2)
- overwrite("mtfoods:cake", 3)
- overwrite("mtfoods:chocolate_cake", 3)
- overwrite("mtfoods:carrot_cake", 3)
- overwrite("mtfoods:pie_crust", 3)
- overwrite("mtfoods:apple_pie", 3)
- overwrite("mtfoods:rhubarb_pie", 2)
- overwrite("mtfoods:banana_pie", 3)
- overwrite("mtfoods:pumpkin_pie", 3)
- overwrite("mtfoods:cookies", 2)
- overwrite("mtfoods:mlt_burger", 5)
- overwrite("mtfoods:potato_slices", 2)
- overwrite("mtfoods:potato_chips", 3)
- --mtfoods:medicine
- overwrite("mtfoods:casserole", 3)
- overwrite("mtfoods:glass_flute", 2)
- overwrite("mtfoods:orange_juice", 2)
- overwrite("mtfoods:apple_juice", 2)
- overwrite("mtfoods:apple_cider", 2)
- overwrite("mtfoods:cider_rack", 2)
-if minetest.get_modpath("fruit") ~= nil then
- overwrite("fruit:apple", 2)
- overwrite("fruit:pear", 2)
- overwrite("fruit:bananna", 3)
- overwrite("fruit:orange", 2)
-if minetest.get_modpath("mush45") ~= nil then
- overwrite("mush45:meal", 4)
-if minetest.get_modpath("seaplants") ~= nil then
- overwrite("seaplants:kelpgreen", 1)
- overwrite("seaplants:kelpbrown", 1)
- overwrite("seaplants:seagrassgreen", 1)
- overwrite("seaplants:seagrassred", 1)
- overwrite("seaplants:seasaladmix", 6)
- overwrite("seaplants:kelpgreensalad", 1)
- overwrite("seaplants:kelpbrownsalad", 1)
- overwrite("seaplants:seagrassgreensalad", 1)
- overwrite("seaplants:seagrassgreensalad", 1)
-if minetest.get_modpath("mobfcooking") ~= nil then
- overwrite("mobfcooking:cooked_pork", 6)
- overwrite("mobfcooking:cooked_ostrich", 6)
- overwrite("mobfcooking:cooked_beef", 6)
- overwrite("mobfcooking:cooked_chicken", 6)
- overwrite("mobfcooking:cooked_lamb", 6)
- overwrite("mobfcooking:cooked_venison", 6)
- overwrite("mobfcooking:cooked_fish", 6)
-if minetest.get_modpath("creatures") ~= nil then
- overwrite("creatures:meat", 6)
- overwrite("creatures:flesh", 3)
- overwrite("creatures:rotten_flesh", 3, "", 3)
-if minetest.get_modpath("ethereal") then
- overwrite("ethereal:strawberry", 1)
- overwrite("ethereal:banana", 4)
- overwrite("ethereal:pine_nuts", 1)
- overwrite("ethereal:bamboo_sprout", 0, "", 3)
- overwrite("ethereal:fern_tubers", 1)
- overwrite("ethereal:banana_bread", 7)
- overwrite("ethereal:mushroom_plant", 2)
- overwrite("ethereal:coconut_slice", 2)
- overwrite("ethereal:golden_apple", 4, "", nil, 10)
- overwrite("ethereal:wild_onion_plant", 2)
- overwrite("ethereal:mushroom_soup", 4, "ethereal:bowl")
- overwrite("ethereal:mushroom_soup_cooked", 6, "ethereal:bowl")
- overwrite("ethereal:hearty_stew", 6, "ethereal:bowl", 3)
- overwrite("ethereal:hearty_stew_cooked", 10, "ethereal:bowl")
- if minetest.get_modpath("bucket") then
- overwrite("ethereal:bucket_cactus", 2, "bucket:bucket_empty")
- end
- overwrite("ethereal:fish_raw", 2)
- overwrite("ethereal:fish_cooked", 5)
- overwrite("ethereal:seaweed", 1)
- overwrite("ethereal:yellowleaves", 1, "", nil, 1)
- overwrite("ethereal:sashimi", 4)
-if minetest.get_modpath("farming") and farming.mod == "redo" then
- overwrite("farming:bread", 6)
- overwrite("farming:potato", 1)
- overwrite("farming:baked_potato", 6)
- overwrite("farming:cucumber", 4)
- overwrite("farming:tomato", 4)
- overwrite("farming:carrot", 3)
- overwrite("farming:carrot_gold", 6, "", nil, 8)
- overwrite("farming:corn", 3)
- overwrite("farming:corn_cob", 5)
- overwrite("farming:melon_slice", 2)
- overwrite("farming:pumpkin_slice", 1)
- overwrite("farming:pumpkin_bread", 9)
- overwrite("farming:coffee_cup", 2, "farming:drinking_cup")
- overwrite("farming:coffee_cup_hot", 3, "farming:drinking_cup", nil, 2)
- overwrite("farming:cookie", 2)
- overwrite("farming:chocolate_dark", 3)
- overwrite("farming:donut", 4)
- overwrite("farming:donut_chocolate", 6)
- overwrite("farming:donut_apple", 6)
- overwrite("farming:raspberries", 1)
- if minetest.get_modpath("vessels") then
- overwrite("farming:smoothie_raspberry", 2, "vessels:drinking_glass")
- end
- overwrite("farming:rhubarb", 1)
- overwrite("farming:rhubarb_pie", 6)
-if minetest.get_modpath("kpgmobs") ~= nil then
- overwrite("kpgmobs:uley", 3)
- overwrite("kpgmobs:meat", 6)
- overwrite("kpgmobs:rat_cooked", 5)
- overwrite("kpgmobs:med_cooked", 4)
- if minetest.get_modpath("bucket") then
- overwrite("kpgmobs:bucket_milk", 4, "bucket:bucket_empty")
- end
-if minetest.get_modpath("jkfarming") ~= nil then
- overwrite("jkfarming:carrot", 3)
- overwrite("jkfarming:corn", 3)
- overwrite("jkfarming:melon_part", 2)
- overwrite("jkfarming:cake", 3)
-if minetest.get_modpath("jkanimals") ~= nil then
- overwrite("jkanimals:meat", 6)
-if minetest.get_modpath("jkwine") ~= nil then
- overwrite("jkwine:grapes", 2)
- overwrite("jkwine:winebottle", 1)
-if minetest.get_modpath("cooking") ~= nil then
- overwrite("cooking:meat_beef_cooked", 4)
- overwrite("cooking:fish_bluewhite_cooked", 3)
- overwrite("cooking:fish_clownfish_cooked", 1)
- overwrite("cooking:meat_chicken_cooked", 2)
- overwrite("cooking:meat_cooked", 2)
- overwrite("cooking:meat_pork_cooked", 3)
- overwrite("cooking:meat_toxic_cooked", -3)
- overwrite("cooking:meat_venison_cooked", 3)
- overwrite("cooking:meat_undead_cooked", 1)
--- player-action based hunger changes
-function hud.handle_node_actions(pos, oldnode, player, ext)
- if not player or not player:is_player() then
- return
- end
- local name = player:get_player_name()
- local exhaus = hud.exhaustion[name]
- -- placenode event
- if not ext then
- end
- -- assume its send by main timer when movement detected
- if not pos and not oldnode then
- end
- exhaus = exhaus + new
- if exhaus > HUD_HUNGER_EXHAUST_LVL then
- exhaus = 0
- local h = tonumber(hud.hunger[name])
- h = h - 1
- if h < 0 then h = 0 end
- hud.hunger[name] = h
- hud.set_hunger(player)
- end
- hud.exhaustion[name] = exhaus