path: root/README.txt
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-07-02Remove incorrect text in README fileWuzzy
2015-05-25Version 1.2.1, update changelogWuzzy
2015-05-21Declare version 1.2.0Wuzzy
2015-05-20Various settings, now only use minetest.conf instead of hudbars.confWuzzy
2015-05-19Add alternative statbar display modesWuzzy
For those nostalgists. ;-)
2015-05-19Add preliminary display mode settingWuzzy
Intentionally not in README.txt yet, because the positions cannot be set in minetest.conf yet.
2015-05-19Add HUD bar sorting featureWuzzy
2015-03-23Update changelog and release 1.1.0Wuzzy
2015-03-23Add setting to configure breath bar auto-hidingWuzzy
2015-03-04Increment version and update changelogWuzzy
2015-02-23Version 1.0.2Wuzzy
2015-02-21Set version to 1.0.1Wuzzy
2015-02-12Declare release 1.0.0Wuzzy
2015-02-12Copy-editing of README.txtWuzzy
2015-02-12Increment minor version numberWuzzy
2015-02-12Refactor settingsWuzzy
2015-02-09hud.conf → hudbars.confWuzzy
2015-02-09Update API documentation and bump minor versionWuzzy
2015-02-07Bump minor version numberWuzzy
2015-02-07Add initial API documentationWuzzy
2015-02-05Update changelog, add comment about SemVerWuzzy
2015-02-05Update READMEWuzzy
2015-02-04Change name of mod to “HUD bars” [hudbars]Wuzzy
2014-10-03Remove debug output, push to 1.4BlockMen
2014-08-16Add support for ethereal and push to 1.3.3BlockMen
2014-08-05Push to 1.3.2BlockMen
2014-05-13Compatibility update (scaling statbars)BlockMen
2014-04-14Die by starving, push to 1.3BlockMen
2014-04-10Sort supported mods alphabetically (+food mod)BlockMen
2014-04-08Fix typo, more food supportXanthin
2014-04-06Images update and push to 1.2BlockMen
2013-09-13Add support for 3darmor mod, add poisen food and restructure codeBlockMen
2013-09-09Various fixes and mark as stableBlockMen
2013-08-29Update README.txtBlockMen
2013-08-25Use builtin support of hotbar texturesBlockMen
2013-07-21Enable builtin drowningBlockMen
2013-07-20Add fancy HUD inventory barBlockMen
2013-07-03Update README.txtBlockMen
2013-07-02Update README.txtBlockMen
2013-07-01Update README.txtBlockMen
2013-06-28Update to 0.2BlockMen
2013-06-28Initial commitBlockMen