--[=[ Main tables ]=] playereffects = {} --[[ table containing the groups (experimental) ]] playereffects.groups = {} --[[ table containing all the HUD info tables, indexed by player names. A single HUD info table is formatted like this: { text_id = 1, icon_id=2, pos = 0 } Where: text_id: HUD ID of the textual effect description icon_id: HUD ID of the effect icon (optional) pos: Y offset factor (starts with 0) Example of full table: { ["player1"] = {{ text_id = 1, icon_id=4, pos = 0 }}, ["player2] = { { text_id = 5, icon_id=6, pos = 0 }, { text_id = 7, icon_id=8, pos = 1 } } } ]] playereffects.hudinfos = {} --[[ table containing all the effect types ]] playereffects.effect_types = {} --[[ table containing all the active effects ]] playereffects.effects = {} --[[ table containing all the inactive effects. Effects become inactive if a player leaves an become active again if they join again. ]] playereffects.inactive_effects = {} -- Variable for counting the effect_id playereffects.last_effect_id = 0 --[=[ Include settings ]=] dofile(minetest.get_modpath("playereffects").."/settings.lua") -- defaults if(playereffects.use_hud == nil) then playereffects.use_hud = true end if(playereffects.use_autosave == nil) then playereffects.use_autosave = true end if(playereffects.autosave_time == nil) then playereffects.autosave_time = 10 end if(playereffects.use_examples == nil) then playereffects.use_examples = false end --[=[ Load inactive_effects and last_effect_id from playereffects.mt, if this file exists ]=] do local filepath = minetest.get_worldpath().."/playereffects.mt" local file = io.open(filepath, "r") if file then minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] playereffects.mt opened.") local string = file:read() io.close(file) if(string ~= nil) then local savetable = minetest.deserialize(string) playereffects.inactive_effects = savetable.inactive_effects minetest.debug("[playereffects] playereffects.mt successfully read.") minetest.debug("[playereffects] inactive_effects = "..dump(playereffects.inactive_effects)) playereffects.last_effect_id = savetable.last_effect_id minetest.debug("[playereffects] last_effect_id = "..dump(playereffects.last_effect_id)) end end end function playereffects.next_effect_id() playereffects.last_effect_id = playereffects.last_effect_id + 1 return playereffects.last_effect_id end --[=[ API functions ]=] function playereffects.register_effect_type(effect_type_id, description, icon, groups, apply, cancel, hidden, cancel_on_death, repeat_interval) local effect_type = {} effect_type.description = description effect_type.apply = apply effect_type.groups = groups effect_type.icon = icon if cancel ~= nil then effect_type.cancel = cancel else effect_type.cancel = function() end end if hidden ~= nil then effect_type.hidden = hidden else effect_type.hidden = false end if cancel_on_death ~= nil then effect_type.cancel_on_death = cancel_on_death else effect_type.cancel_on_death = true end effect_type.repeat_interval = repeat_interval playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id] = effect_type minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Effect type "..effect_type_id.." registered!") end function playereffects.apply_effect_type(effect_type_id, duration, player, repeat_interval_time_left) local start_time = os.time() local is_player = false if(type(player)=="userdata") then if(player.is_player ~= nil) then if(player:is_player() == true) then is_player = true end end end if(is_player == false) then minetest.log("error", "[playereffects] Attempted to apply effect type "..effect_type_id.." to a non-player!") return false end local playername = player:get_player_name() local groups = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].groups for k,v in pairs(groups) do playereffects.cancel_effect_group(v, playername) end local metadata if(playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].repeat_interval == nil) then local status = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].apply(player) if(status == false) then minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Attempt to apply effect type "..effect_type_id.." to player "..playername.." failed!") return false else metadata = status end end local effect_id = playereffects.next_effect_id() local smallest_hudpos local biggest_hudpos = -1 local free_hudpos if(playereffects.hudinfos[playername] == nil) then playereffects.hudinfos[playername] = {} end local hudinfos = playereffects.hudinfos[playername] for effect_id, hudinfo in pairs(hudinfos) do local hudpos = hudinfo.pos if(hudpos > biggest_hudpos) then biggest_hudpos = hudpos end if(smallest_hudpos == nil) then smallest_hudpos = hudpos elseif(hudpos < smallest_hudpos) then smallest_hudpos = hudpos end end if(smallest_hudpos == nil) then free_hudpos = 0 elseif(smallest_hudpos >= 0) then free_hudpos = smallest_hudpos - 1 else free_hudpos = biggest_hudpos + 1 end local repeat_interval = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].repeat_interval if(repeat_interval ~= nil) then if(repeat_interval_time_left == nil) then repeat_interval_time_left = repeat_interval end end --[[ show no more than 20 effects on the screen, so that hud_update does not need to be called so often ]] local text_id, icon_id if(free_hudpos <= 20) then text_id, icon_id = playereffects.hud_effect(effect_type_id, player, free_hudpos, duration, repeat_interval_time_left) local hudinfo = { text_id = text_id, icon_id = icon_id, pos = free_hudpos, } playereffects.hudinfos[playername][effect_id] = hudinfo else text_id, icon_id = nil, nil end local effect = { playername = playername, effect_id = effect_id, effect_type_id = effect_type_id, start_time = start_time, repeat_interval_start_time = start_time, time_left = duration, repeat_interval_time_left = repeat_interval_time_left, metadata = metadata, } playereffects.effects[effect_id] = effect -- minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Effect type "..effect_type_id.." applied to player "..playername.." (effect_id = "..effect_id..").") if(repeat_interval ~= nil) then minetest.after(repeat_interval_time_left, playereffects.repeater, effect_id, duration, player, playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].apply) else minetest.after(duration, function(effect_id) playereffects.cancel_effect(effect_id) end, effect_id) end return effect_id end function playereffects.repeater(effect_id, repetitions, player, apply) local effect = playereffects.effects[effect_id] if(effect ~= nil) then local repetitions = effect.time_left apply(player) repetitions = repetitions - 1 effect.time_left = repetitions if(repetitions <= 0) then playereffects.cancel_effect(effect_id) else local repeat_interval = playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].repeat_interval effect.repeat_interval_time_left = repeat_interval effect.repeat_interval_start_time = os.time() minetest.after( repeat_interval, playereffects.repeater, effect_id, repetitions, player, apply ) end end end function playereffects.cancel_effect_type(effect_type_id, cancel_all, playername) local effects = playereffects.get_player_effects(playername) if(cancel_all==nil) then all = false end for e=1, #effects do if(effects[e].effect_type_id == effect_type_id) then playereffects.cancel_effect(effects[e].effect_id) if(cancel_all==false) then return end end end end function playereffects.cancel_effect_group(groupname, playername) local effects = playereffects.get_player_effects(playername) for e=1,#effects do local effect = effects[e] local thesegroups = playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].groups local delete = false for g=1,#thesegroups do if(thesegroups[g] == groupname) then playereffects.cancel_effect(effect.effect_id) break end end end end function playereffects.get_remaining_effect_time(effect_id) local now = os.time() local effect = playereffects.effects[effect_id] if(effect ~= nil) then return (effect.time_left - os.difftime(now, effect.start_time)) else return nil end end function playereffects.cancel_effect(effect_id) local effect = playereffects.effects[effect_id] if(effect ~= nil) then local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(effect.playername) local hudinfo = playereffects.hudinfos[effect.playername][effect_id] if(hudinfo ~= nil) then if(hudinfo.text_id~=nil) then player:hud_remove(hudinfo.text_id) end if(hudinfo.icon_id~=nil) then player:hud_remove(hudinfo.icon_id) end playereffects.hudinfos[effect.playername][effect_id] = nil end playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].cancel(effect, player) playereffects.effects[effect_id] = nil -- minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Effect type "..effect.effect_type_id.." cancelled from player "..effect.playername.."!") end end function playereffects.get_player_effects(playername) if(minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) ~= nil) then local effects = {} for k,v in pairs(playereffects.effects) do if(v.playername == playername) then table.insert(effects, v) end end return effects else return {} end end --[=[ Saving all data to file ]=] function playereffects.save_to_file() local save_time = os.time() local savetable = {} local inactive_effects = {} for id,effecttable in pairs(playereffects.inactive_effects) do local playername = id if(inactive_effects[playername] == nil) then inactive_effects[playername] = {} end for i=1,#effecttable do table.insert(inactive_effects[playername], effecttable[i]) end end for id,effect in pairs(playereffects.effects) do local new_duration, new_repeat_duration if(playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].repeat_interval ~= nil) then new_duration = effect.time_left new_repeat_duration = effect.repeat_interval_time_left - os.difftime(save_time, effect.repeat_interval_start_time) else new_duration = effect.time_left - os.difftime(save_time, effect.start_time) end local new_effect = { effect_id = effect.effect_id, effect_type_id = effect.effect_type_id, time_left = new_duration, repeat_interval_time_left = new_repeat_duration, start_time = effect.start_time, repeat_interval_start_time = effect.repeat_interval_start_time, playername = effect.playername, metadata = effect.metadata } if(inactive_effects[effect.playername] == nil) then inactive_effects[effect.playername] = {} end table.insert(inactive_effects[effect.playername], new_effect) end savetable.inactive_effects = inactive_effects savetable.last_effect_id = playereffects.last_effect_id local savestring = minetest.serialize(savetable) local filepath = minetest.get_worldpath().."/playereffects.mt" local file = io.open(filepath, "w") if file then file:write(savestring) io.close(file) minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Wrote playereffects data into "..filepath..".") else minetest.log("error", "[playereffects] Failed to write playereffects data into "..filepath..".") end end --[=[ Callbacks ]=] --[[ Cancel all effects on player death ]] minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player) local effects = playereffects.get_player_effects(player:get_player_name()) for e=1,#effects do if(playereffects.effect_types[effects[e].effect_type_id].cancel_on_death == true) then playereffects.cancel_effect(effects[e].effect_id) end end end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) local leave_time = os.time() local playername = player:get_player_name() local effects = playereffects.get_player_effects(playername) playereffects.hud_clear(player) if(playereffects.inactive_effects[playername] == nil) then playereffects.inactive_effects[playername] = {} end for e=1,#effects do local new_duration = effects[e].time_left - os.difftime(leave_time, effects[e].start_time) local new_effect = effects[e] new_effect.time_left = new_duration table.insert(playereffects.inactive_effects[playername], new_effect) playereffects.cancel_effect(effects[e].effect_id) end end) minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Server shuts down. Rescuing data into playereffects.mt") playereffects.save_to_file() end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local playername = player:get_player_name() -- load all the effects again (if any) if(playereffects.inactive_effects[playername] ~= nil) then for i=1,#playereffects.inactive_effects[playername] do local effect = playereffects.inactive_effects[playername][i] playereffects.apply_effect_type(effect.effect_type_id, effect.time_left, player, effect.repeat_interval_time_left) end playereffects.inactive_effects[playername] = nil end end) playereffects.globalstep_timer = 0 playereffects.autosave_timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) playereffects.globalstep_timer = playereffects.globalstep_timer + dtime playereffects.autosave_timer = playereffects.autosave_timer + dtime -- Update HUDs of all players if(playereffects.globalstep_timer >= 1) then playereffects.globalstep_timer = 0 local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for p=1,#players do playereffects.hud_update(players[p]) end end -- Autosave into file if(playereffects.use_autosave == true and playereffects.autosave_timer >= playereffects.autosave_time) then playereffects.autosave_timer = 0 minetest.log("action", "[playereffects] Autosaving mod data to playereffects.mt ...") playereffects.save_to_file() end end) --[=[ HUD ]=] function playereffects.hud_update(player) if(playereffects.use_hud == true) then local now = os.time() local playername = player:get_player_name() local hudinfos = playereffects.hudinfos[playername] if(hudinfos ~= nil) then for effect_id, hudinfo in pairs(hudinfos) do local effect = playereffects.effects[effect_id] if(effect ~= nil and hudinfo.text_id ~= nil) then local description = playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].description local repeat_interval = playereffects.effect_types[effect.effect_type_id].repeat_interval if(repeat_interval ~= nil) then local repeat_interval_time_left = os.difftime(effect.repeat_interval_start_time + effect.repeat_interval_time_left, now) player:hud_change(hudinfo.text_id, "text", description .. " ("..tostring(effect.time_left).."/"..tostring(repeat_interval_time_left) .. "s )") else local time_left = os.difftime(effect.start_time + effect.time_left, now) player:hud_change(hudinfo.text_id, "text", description .. " ("..tostring(time_left).." s)") end end end end end end function playereffects.hud_clear(player) if(playereffects.use_hud == true) then local playername = player:get_player_name() local hudinfos = playereffects.hudinfos[playername] if(hudinfos ~= nil) then for effect_id, hudinfo in pairs(hudinfos) do local effect = playereffects.effects[effect_id] if(hudinfo.text_id ~= nil) then player:hud_remove(hudinfo.text_id) end if(hudinfo.icon_id ~= nil) then player:hud_remove(hudinfo.icon_id) end playereffects.hudinfos[playername][effect_id] = nil end end end end function playereffects.hud_effect(effect_type_id, player, pos, time_left, repeat_interval_time_left) local text_id, icon_id local effect_type = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id] if(playereffects.use_hud == true and effect_type.hidden == false) then local color if(playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].cancel_on_death == true) then color = 0xFFFFFF else color = 0xF0BAFF end local description = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].description local text if(repeat_interval_time_left ~= nil) then text = description .. " ("..tostring(time_left).."/"..tostring(repeat_interval_time_left) .. "s )" else text = description .. " ("..tostring(time_left).." s)" end text_id = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", position = { x = 1, y = 0.3 }, name = "effect_"..effect_type_id, text = text, scale = { x = 170, y = 20}, alignment = { x = -1, y = 0 }, direction = 1, number = color, offset = { x = -5, y = pos*20 } }) if(playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].icon ~= nil) then icon_id = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", scale = { x = 1, y = 1 }, position = { x = 1, y = 0.3 }, name = "effect_icon_"..effect_type_id, text = playereffects.effect_types[effect_type_id].icon, alignment = { x = -1, y=0 }, direction = 0, offset = { x = -186, y = pos*20 }, }) end else text_id = nil icon_id = nil end return text_id, icon_id end -- LOAD EXAMPLES if(playereffects.use_examples == true) then dofile(minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()).."/examples.lua") end