BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterreduce knockback on normal tools without actual settingTenPlus16 years
origin/HEADreduce knockback on normal tools without actual settingTenPlus16 years
origin/masterreduce knockback on normal tools without actual settingTenPlus16 years
20181016commit e545cc80f4...TenPlus16 years
mob_api_21sep2018commit afb7e01b91...TenPlus16 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2018-11-02reduce knockback on normal tools without actual settingHEADorigin/masterorigin/HEADmasterTenPlus1
2018-11-02and to or for jump counterTenPlus1
2018-11-01if mob jumps against wall 4 times then turn, moved back to old line_of_sight ...TenPlus1
2018-10-05tweak mob counter per area20181016TenPlus1
2018-10-01added attack_chance to mob definitionTenPlus1
2018-09-28nil check on spawn collisionboxTenPlus1
2018-09-15tweak collision functionmob_api_21sep2018TenPlus1
2018-09-14added pushable flag for mobs so they can be pushed by playerTenPlus1
2018-09-09add custom on_punch for mob arrowsTenPlus1
2018-09-08lifetimer check every 0.25 secondsTenPlus1