path: root/api.lua
diff options
authorTenPlus1 <>2016-04-15 19:56:24 +0100
committerTenPlus1 <>2016-04-15 19:56:24 +0100
commit58c757772fd9e000bf2c86f349588cd39e1ef239 (patch)
treecd23acdce9bcb69a774d20d94b7fda81631349ec /api.lua
parente109fefc11cd0b5318f248dcec74d5921c81f740 (diff)
split on_step routines into functions
Diffstat (limited to 'api.lua')
1 files changed, 722 insertions, 690 deletions
diff --git a/api.lua b/api.lua
index e81beae..67bc189 100644
--- a/api.lua
+++ b/api.lua
@@ -882,616 +882,383 @@ function smart_mobs(self, s, p, dist, dtime)
-mobs.spawning_mobs = {}
+-- monster find someone to attack
+local monster_attack = function(self)
--- register mob function
-function mobs:register_mob(name, def)
+ if self.type ~= "monster"
+ or not damage_enabled
+ or self.state == "attack"
+ or day_docile(self) then
+ return
+ end
- mobs.spawning_mobs[name] = true
+ local s = self.object:getpos()
+ local p, sp, dist
+ local player, type, obj, min_player = nil, nil, nil, nil
+ local min_dist = self.view_range + 1
-minetest.register_entity(name, {
+ for _,oir in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s, self.view_range)) do
- stepheight = def.stepheight or 0.6,
- name = name,
- type = def.type,
- attack_type = def.attack_type,
- fly =,
- fly_in = def.fly_in or "air",
- owner = def.owner or "",
- order = def.order or "",
- on_die = def.on_die,
- do_custom = def.do_custom,
- jump_height = def.jump_height or 6,
- jump_chance = def.jump_chance or 0,
- drawtype = def.drawtype, -- DEPRECATED, use rotate instead
- rotate = math.rad(def.rotate or 0), -- 0=front, 90=side, 180=back, 270=side2
- lifetimer = def.lifetimer or 180, -- 3 minutes
- hp_min = def.hp_min or 5,
- hp_max = def.hp_max or 10,
- physical = true,
- collisionbox = def.collisionbox,
- visual = def.visual,
- visual_size = def.visual_size or {x = 1, y = 1},
- mesh = def.mesh,
- makes_footstep_sound = def.makes_footstep_sound or false,
- view_range = def.view_range or 5,
- walk_velocity = def.walk_velocity or 1,
- run_velocity = def.run_velocity or 2,
- damage = def.damage or 0,
- light_damage = def.light_damage or 0,
- water_damage = def.water_damage or 0,
- lava_damage = def.lava_damage or 0,
- fall_damage = def.fall_damage or 1,
- fall_speed = def.fall_speed or -10, -- must be lower than -2 (default: -10)
- drops = def.drops or {},
- armor = def.armor,
- on_rightclick = def.on_rightclick,
- arrow = def.arrow,
- shoot_interval = def.shoot_interval,
- sounds = def.sounds or {},
- animation = def.animation,
- follow = def.follow,
- jump = def.jump or true,
- walk_chance = def.walk_chance or 50,
- attacks_monsters = def.attacks_monsters or false,
- group_attack = def.group_attack or false,
- --fov = def.fov or 120,
- passive = def.passive or false,
- recovery_time = def.recovery_time or 0.5,
- knock_back = def.knock_back or 3,
- blood_amount = def.blood_amount or 5,
- blood_texture = def.blood_texture or "mobs_blood.png",
- shoot_offset = def.shoot_offset or 0,
- floats = def.floats or 1, -- floats in water by default
- replace_rate = def.replace_rate,
- replace_what = def.replace_what,
- replace_with = def.replace_with,
- replace_offset = def.replace_offset or 0,
- timer = 0,
- env_damage_timer = 0, -- only used when state = "attack"
- tamed = false,
- pause_timer = 0,
- horny = false,
- hornytimer = 0,
- child = false,
- gotten = false,
- health = 0,
- reach = def.reach or 3,
- htimer = 0,
- child_texture = def.child_texture,
- docile_by_day = def.docile_by_day or false,
- time_of_day = 0.5,
- fear_height = def.fear_height or 0,
- runaway = def.runaway,
- runaway_timer = 0,
- pathfinding = def.pathfinding,
- immune_to = def.immune_to or {},
- explosion_radius = def.explosion_radius,
- on_step = function(self, dtime)
- local pos = self.object:getpos()
- local yaw = self.object:getyaw() or 0
+ if oir:is_player() then
- -- when lifetimer expires remove mob (except npc and tamed)
- if self.type ~= "npc"
- and not self.tamed
- and self.state ~= "attack" then
+ player = oir
+ type = "player"
+ else
+ obj = oir:get_luaentity()
- self.lifetimer = self.lifetimer - dtime
+ if obj then
+ player = obj.object
+ type = obj.type
+ end
+ end
- if self.lifetimer <= 0 then
+ if type == "player"
+ or type == "npc" then
- -- only despawn away from player
- local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 10)
+ s = self.object:getpos()
+ p = player:getpos()
+ sp = s
- for _,oir in pairs(objs) do
+ -- aim higher to make looking up hills more realistic
+ p.y = p.y + 1
+ sp.y = sp.y + 1
- if oir:is_player() then
+ dist = get_distance(p, s)
- self.lifetimer = 20
+ if dist < self.view_range then
+ -- field of view check goes here
- return
- end
+ -- choose closest player to attack
+ --if minetest.line_of_sight(sp, p, 2) == true
+ if line_of_sight_water(self, sp, p, 2) == true
+ and dist < min_dist then
+ min_dist = dist
+ min_player = player
- minetest.log("action",
- "lifetimer expired, removed " ..
- effect(pos, 15, "tnt_smoke.png")
- self.object:remove()
- return
+ end
- if not then
- -- floating in water (or falling)
- local v = self.object:getvelocity()
- -- going up then apply gravity
- if v.y > 0.1 then
- self.object:setacceleration({
- x = 0,
- y = self.fall_speed,
- z = 0
- })
- end
- -- in water then float up
- if minetest.registered_nodes[node_ok(pos).name].groups.liquid then -- water then
+ -- attack player
+ if min_player then
+ do_attack(self, min_player)
+ end
- if self.floats == 1 then
+-- npc, find closest monster to attack
+local npc_attack = function(self)
- self.object:setacceleration({
- x = 0,
- y = -self.fall_speed / (math.max(1, v.y) ^ 2),
- z = 0
- })
- end
- else
- -- fall downwards
- self.object:setacceleration({
- x = 0,
- y = self.fall_speed,
- z = 0
- })
+ if self.type ~= "npc"
+ or not self.attacks_monsters
+ or self.state == "attack" then
+ return
+ end
- -- fall damage
- if self.fall_damage == 1
- and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0 then
+ local s = self.object:getpos()
+ local min_dist = self.view_range + 1
+ local obj, min_player = nil, nil
- local d = self.old_y - self.object:getpos().y
+ for _, oir in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s, self.view_range)) do
- if d > 5 then
+ obj = oir:get_luaentity()
- --self.object:set_hp(self.object:get_hp() - math.floor(d - 5))
- = - math.floor(d - 5)
+ if obj
+ and obj.type == "monster" then
- effect(pos, 5, "tnt_smoke.png")
+ p = obj.object:getpos()
- if check_for_death(self) then
- return
- end
- end
+ dist = get_distance(p, s)
- self.old_y = self.object:getpos().y
- end
+ if dist < min_dist then
+ min_dist = dist
+ min_player = obj.object
+ end
- -- knockback timer
- if self.pause_timer > 0 then
+ if min_player then
+ do_attack(self, min_player)
+ end
- self.pause_timer = self.pause_timer - dtime
+-- follow player if owner or holding item, if fish outta water then flop
+local follow_flop = function(self)
- if self.pause_timer < 1 then
- self.pause_timer = 0
- end
+ -- find player to follow
+ if (self.follow ~= ""
+ or self.order == "follow")
+ and not self.following
+ and self.state ~= "attack"
+ and self.state ~= "runaway" then
- return
- end
+ local s, p, dist
- -- attack timer
- self.timer = self.timer + dtime
+ for _,player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
- if self.state ~= "attack" then
+ s = self.object:getpos()
+ p = player:getpos()
+ dist = get_distance(p, s)
- if self.timer < 1 then
- return
+ if dist < self.view_range then
+ self.following = player
+ break
- self.timer = 0
+ end
- -- never go over 100
- if self.timer > 100 then
- self.timer = 1
- end
+ if self.type == "npc"
+ and self.order == "follow"
+ and self.state ~= "attack"
+ and self.owner ~= "" then
- -- node replace check (cow eats grass etc.)
- replace(self, pos)
+ -- npc stop following player if not owner
+ if self.following
+ and self.owner
+ and self.owner ~= self.following:get_player_name() then
+ self.following = nil
+ end
+ else
+ -- stop following player if not holding specific item
+ if self.following
+ and self.following:is_player()
+ and follow_holding(self, self.following) == false then
+ self.following = nil
+ end
- -- mob plays random sound at times
- if self.sounds.random
- and math.random(1, 100) == 1 then
+ end
- minetest.sound_play(self.sounds.random, {
- object = self.object,
- max_hear_distance = self.sounds.distance
- })
- end
+ -- follow that thing
+ if self.following then
- -- environmental damage timer (every 1 second)
- self.env_damage_timer = self.env_damage_timer + dtime
+ local s = self.object:getpos()
+ local p
- if (self.state == "attack" and self.env_damage_timer > 1)
- or self.state ~= "attack" then
+ if self.following:is_player() then
- self.env_damage_timer = 0
+ p = self.following:getpos()
- do_env_damage(self)
+ elseif self.following.object then
- -- custom function (defined in mob lua file)
- if self.do_custom then
- self.do_custom(self)
- end
+ p = self.following.object:getpos()
- -- find someone to attack
- if self.type == "monster"
- and damage_enabled
- and self.state ~= "attack"
- and not day_docile(self) then
+ if p then
- local s = self.object:getpos()
- local p, sp, dist
- local player = nil
- local type = nil
- local obj = nil
- local min_dist = self.view_range + 1
- local min_player = nil
+ local dist = get_distance(p, s)
- for _,oir in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s, self.view_range)) do
+ -- dont follow if out of range
+ if dist > self.view_range then
+ self.following = nil
+ else
+ local vec = {
+ x = p.x - s.x,
+ y = p.y - s.y,
+ z = p.z - s.z
+ }
- if oir:is_player() then
+ if vec.x ~= 0
+ and vec.z ~= 0 then
- player = oir
- type = "player"
- else
- obj = oir:get_luaentity()
+ yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + pi / 2) - self.rotate
- if obj then
- player = obj.object
- type = obj.type
+ if p.x > s.x then
+ yaw = yaw + pi
- end
- if type == "player"
- or type == "npc" then
- s = self.object:getpos()
- p = player:getpos()
- sp = s
- -- aim higher to make looking up hills more realistic
- p.y = p.y + 1
- sp.y = sp.y + 1
- dist = get_distance(p, s)
- if dist < self.view_range then
- -- field of view check goes here
- -- choose closest player to attack
- --if minetest.line_of_sight(sp, p, 2) == true
- if line_of_sight_water(self, sp, p, 2) == true
- and dist < min_dist then
- min_dist = dist
- min_player = player
- end
- end
+ self.object:setyaw(yaw)
- end
- -- attack player
- if min_player then
- do_attack(self, min_player)
- end
- end
- -- npc, find closest monster to attack
- local min_dist = self.view_range + 1
- local min_player = nil
+ -- anyone but standing npc's can move along
+ if dist > self.reach
+ and self.order ~= "stand" then
- if self.type == "npc"
- and self.attacks_monsters
- and self.state ~= "attack" then
- local s = self.object:getpos()
- local obj = nil
+ if (self.jump
+ and get_velocity(self) <= 0.5
+ and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0)
+ or (self.object:getvelocity().y == 0
+ and self.jump_chance > 0) then
- for _, oir in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s, self.view_range)) do
- obj = oir:get_luaentity()
- if obj
- and obj.type == "monster" then
- -- attack monster
- p = obj.object:getpos()
+ do_jump(self)
+ end
- dist = get_distance(p, s)
+ set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity)
- if dist < min_dist then
- min_dist = dist
- min_player = obj.object
+ if self.walk_chance ~= 0 then
+ set_animation(self, "walk")
+ else
+ set_velocity(self, 0)
+ set_animation(self, "stand")
- end
- if min_player then
- do_attack(self, min_player)
+ return
+ end
- -- breed and grow children
- breed(self)
- -- find player to follow
- if (self.follow ~= ""
- or self.order == "follow")
- and not self.following
- and self.state ~= "attack"
- and self.state ~= "runaway" then
- local s, p, dist
- for _,player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
+ -- water swimmers flop when on land
+ if
+ and self.fly_in == "default:water_source"
+ and self.standing_in ~= self.fly_in then
- s = self.object:getpos()
- p = player:getpos()
- dist = get_distance(p, s)
+ self.state = "flop"
+ self.object:setvelocity({x = 0, y = -5, z = 0})
- if dist < self.view_range then
- self.following = player
- break
- end
- end
- end
+ set_animation(self, "stand")
- if self.type == "npc"
- and self.order == "follow"
- and self.state ~= "attack"
- and self.owner ~= "" then
+ return
+ end
- -- npc stop following player if not owner
- if self.following
- and self.owner
- and self.owner ~= self.following:get_player_name() then
- self.following = nil
- end
- else
- -- stop following player if not holding specific item
- if self.following
- and self.following:is_player()
- and follow_holding(self, self.following) == false then
- self.following = nil
- end
+-- execute current state (stand, walk, run, attacks)
+local do_states = function(self, dtime)
- end
+ if self.state == "stand" then
- -- follow that thing
- if self.following then
+ if math.random(1, 4) == 1 then
+ local lp = nil
local s = self.object:getpos()
- local p
- if self.following:is_player() then
- p = self.following:getpos()
- elseif self.following.object then
+ if self.type == "npc" then
- p = self.following.object:getpos()
- end
- if p then
- local dist = get_distance(p, s)
+ local o = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:getpos(), 3)
- -- dont follow if out of range
- if dist > self.view_range then
- self.following = nil
- else
- local vec = {
- x = p.x - s.x,
- y = p.y - s.y,
- z = p.z - s.z
- }
+ for _,o in pairs(o) do
- if vec.x ~= 0
- and vec.z ~= 0 then
- yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + pi / 2) - self.rotate
- if p.x > s.x then
- yaw = yaw + pi
- end
- self.object:setyaw(yaw)
+ if o:is_player() then
+ lp = o:getpos()
+ break
+ end
+ end
- -- anyone but standing npc's can move along
- if dist > self.reach
- and self.order ~= "stand" then
+ -- look at any players nearby, otherwise turn randomly
+ if lp then
- if (self.jump
- and get_velocity(self) <= 0.5
- and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0)
- or (self.object:getvelocity().y == 0
- and self.jump_chance > 0) then
+ local vec = {
+ x = lp.x - s.x,
+ y = lp.y - s.y,
+ z = lp.z - s.z
+ }
- do_jump(self)
- end
+ if vec.x ~= 0
+ and vec.z ~= 0 then
- set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity)
+ yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + pi / 2) - self.rotate
- if self.walk_chance ~= 0 then
- set_animation(self, "walk")
- end
- else
- set_velocity(self, 0)
- set_animation(self, "stand")
+ if lp.x > s.x then
+ yaw = yaw + pi
- return
+ else
+ yaw = (math.random(0, 360) - 180) / 180 * pi
- end
- -- water swimmers flop when on land
- if
- and self.fly_in == "default:water_source"
- and self.standing_in ~= self.fly_in then
- self.state = "flop"
- self.object:setvelocity({x = 0, y = -5, z = 0})
- set_animation(self, "stand")
- return
+ self.object:setyaw(yaw)
- if self.state == "stand" then
- if math.random(1, 4) == 1 then
+ set_velocity(self, 0)
+ set_animation(self, "stand")
- local lp = nil
- local s = self.object:getpos()
+ -- npc's ordered to stand stay standing
+ if self.type ~= "npc"
+ or self.order ~= "stand" then
- if self.type == "npc" then
+ if self.walk_chance ~= 0
+ and math.random(1, 100) <= self.walk_chance
+ and is_at_cliff(self) == false then
- local o = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:getpos(), 3)
+ set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity)
+ self.state = "walk"
+ set_animation(self, "walk")
+ end
+ end
- for _,o in pairs(o) do
+ elseif self.state == "walk" then
- if o:is_player() then
- lp = o:getpos()
- break
- end
- end
- end
+ local s = self.object:getpos()
+ local lp = minetest.find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:water"})
- -- look at any players nearby, otherwise turn randomly
- if lp then
+ -- if water nearby then turn away
+ if lp then
- local vec = {
- x = lp.x - s.x,
- y = lp.y - s.y,
- z = lp.z - s.z
- }
+ local vec = {
+ x = lp.x - s.x,
+ y = lp.y - s.y,
+ z = lp.z - s.z
+ }
- if vec.x ~= 0
- and vec.z ~= 0 then
+ if vec.x ~= 0
+ and vec.z ~= 0 then
- yaw = (atan(vec.z / vec.x) + pi / 2) - self.rotate
+ yaw = atan(vec.z / vec.x) + 3 * pi / 2 - self.rotate
- if lp.x > s.x then
- yaw = yaw + pi
- end
- end
- else
- yaw = (math.random(0, 360) - 180) / 180 * pi
+ if lp.x > s.x then
+ yaw = yaw + pi
- set_velocity(self, 0)
- set_animation(self, "stand")
- -- npc's ordered to stand stay standing
- if self.type ~= "npc"
- or self.order ~= "stand" then
- if self.walk_chance ~= 0
- and math.random(1, 100) <= self.walk_chance
- and is_at_cliff(self) == false then
- set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity)
- self.state = "walk"
- set_animation(self, "walk")
- end
- end
- elseif self.state == "walk" then
- local s = self.object:getpos()
- local lp = minetest.find_node_near(s, 1, {"group:water"})
- -- if water nearby then turn away
- if lp then
- local vec = {
- x = lp.x - s.x,
- y = lp.y - s.y,
- z = lp.z - s.z
- }
- if vec.x ~= 0
- and vec.z ~= 0 then
- yaw = atan(vec.z / vec.x) + 3 * pi / 2 - self.rotate
- if lp.x > s.x then
- yaw = yaw + pi
- end
- self.object:setyaw(yaw)
- end
- -- otherwise randomly turn
- elseif math.random(1, 100) <= 30 then
+ -- otherwise randomly turn
+ elseif math.random(1, 100) <= 30 then
- yaw = (math.random(0, 360) - 180) / 180 * pi
+ yaw = (math.random(0, 360) - 180) / 180 * pi
- self.object:setyaw(yaw)
- end
+ self.object:setyaw(yaw)
+ end
- -- stand for great fall in front
- local temp_is_cliff = is_at_cliff(self)
+ -- stand for great fall in front
+ local temp_is_cliff = is_at_cliff(self)
- -- jump when walking comes to a halt
- if temp_is_cliff == false
- and self.jump
- and get_velocity(self) <= 0.5
- and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0 then
+ -- jump when walking comes to a halt
+ if temp_is_cliff == false
+ and self.jump
+ and get_velocity(self) <= 0.5
+ and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0 then
- do_jump(self)
- end
+ do_jump(self)
+ end
- if temp_is_cliff
- or math.random(1, 100) <= 30 then
+ if temp_is_cliff
+ or math.random(1, 100) <= 30 then
- set_velocity(self, 0)
- self.state = "stand"
- set_animation(self, "stand")
- else
- set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity)
- set_animation(self, "walk")
- end
+ set_velocity(self, 0)
+ self.state = "stand"
+ set_animation(self, "stand")
+ else
+ set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity)
+ set_animation(self, "walk")
+ end
- -- runaway when punched
- elseif self.state == "runaway" then
+ -- runaway when punched
+ elseif self.state == "runaway" then
- self.runaway_timer = self.runaway_timer + 1
+ self.runaway_timer = self.runaway_timer + 1
- -- stop after 3 seconds or when at cliff
- if self.runaway_timer > 3
- or is_at_cliff(self) then
- self.runaway_timer = 0
- set_velocity(self, 0)
- self.state = "stand"
- set_animation(self, "stand")
- else
- set_velocity(self, self.run_velocity)
- set_animation(self, "walk")
- end
+ -- stop after 3 seconds or when at cliff
+ if self.runaway_timer > 3
+ or is_at_cliff(self) then
+ self.runaway_timer = 0
+ set_velocity(self, 0)
+ self.state = "stand"
+ set_animation(self, "stand")
+ else
+ set_velocity(self, self.run_velocity)
+ set_animation(self, "walk")
+ end
- -- jump when walking comes to a halt
- if self.jump
- and get_velocity(self) <= 0.5
- and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0 then
+ -- jump when walking comes to a halt
+ if self.jump
+ and get_velocity(self) <= 0.5
+ and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0 then
- do_jump(self)
- end
+ do_jump(self)
+ end
- -- attack routines (explode, dogfight, shoot, dogshoot)
- elseif self.state == "attack" then
+ -- attack routines (explode, dogfight, shoot, dogshoot)
+ elseif self.state == "attack" then
-- calculate distance from mob and enemy
local s = self.object:getpos()
@@ -1851,288 +1618,553 @@ minetest.register_entity(name, {
+ end
- end -- END if self.state == "attack"
- end,
+-- falling and fall damag
+local falling = function(self, pos)
+ if then
+ return
+ end
+ -- floating in water (or falling)
+ local v = self.object:getvelocity()
- on_punch = function(self, hitter, tflp, tool_capabilities, dir)
+ -- going up then apply gravity
+ if v.y > 0.1 then
- -- direction error check
- dir = dir or {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}
+ self.object:setacceleration({
+ x = 0,
+ y = self.fall_speed,
+ z = 0
+ })
+ end
- -- weapon wear
- local weapon = hitter:get_wielded_item()
- local punch_interval = 1.4
+ -- in water then float up
+ if minetest.registered_nodes[node_ok(pos).name].groups.liquid then -- water then
- -- calculate mob damage
- local damage = 0
- local armor = self.object:get_armor_groups() or {}
- local tmp
+ if self.floats == 1 then
- -- quick error check incase it ends up 0 (serialize.h check test)
- if tflp == 0 then
- tflp = 0.2
+ self.object:setacceleration({
+ x = 0,
+ y = -self.fall_speed / (math.max(1, v.y) ^ 2),
+ z = 0
+ })
+ else
+ -- fall downwards
+ self.object:setacceleration({
+ x = 0,
+ y = self.fall_speed,
+ z = 0
+ })
- for group,_ in pairs(tool_capabilities.damage_groups) do
+ -- fall damage
+ if self.fall_damage == 1
+ and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0 then
- tmp = tflp / (tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval or 1.4)
+ local d = self.old_y - self.object:getpos().y
- if tmp < 0 then
- tmp = 0.0
- elseif tmp > 1 then
- tmp = 1.0
- end
+ if d > 5 then
- damage = damage + (tool_capabilities.damage_groups[group] or 0)
- * tmp * ((armor[group] or 0) / 100.0)
- end
+ --self.object:set_hp(self.object:get_hp() - math.floor(d - 5))
+ = - math.floor(d - 5)
- -- check for tool immunity or special damage
- for _, no in pairs(self.immune_to) do
+ effect(pos, 5, "tnt_smoke.png")
- if no[1] == weapon:get_name() then
- damage = no[2] or 0
- break
+ if check_for_death(self) then
+ return
+ end
+ self.old_y = self.object:getpos().y
+ end
- -- print ("Mob Damage is", damage)
+local mob_punch = function(self, hitter, tflp, tool_capabilities, dir)
- -- add weapon wear
- if tool_capabilities then
- punch_interval = tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval or 1.4
- end
+ -- direction error check
+ dir = dir or {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}
- if weapon:get_definition()
- and weapon:get_definition().tool_capabilities then
+ -- weapon wear
+ local weapon = hitter:get_wielded_item()
+ local punch_interval = 1.4
- weapon:add_wear(math.floor((punch_interval / 75) * 9000))
- hitter:set_wielded_item(weapon)
- end
+ -- calculate mob damage
+ local damage = 0
+ local armor = self.object:get_armor_groups() or {}
+ local tmp
+ -- quick error check incase it ends up 0 (serialize.h check test)
+ if tflp == 0 then
+ tflp = 0.2
+ end
- -- weapon sounds
- if weapon:get_definition().sounds ~= nil then
+ for group,_ in pairs(tool_capabilities.damage_groups) do
- local s = math.random(0, #weapon:get_definition().sounds)
+ tmp = tflp / (tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval or 1.4)
- minetest.sound_play(weapon:get_definition().sounds[s], {
- object = hitter,
- max_hear_distance = 8
- })
- else
- minetest.sound_play("default_punch", {
- object = hitter,
- max_hear_distance = 5
- })
+ if tmp < 0 then
+ tmp = 0.0
+ elseif tmp > 1 then
+ tmp = 1.0
- -- do damage
- = - math.floor(damage)
+ damage = damage + (tool_capabilities.damage_groups[group] or 0)
+ * tmp * ((armor[group] or 0) / 100.0)
+ end
- -- exit here if dead
- if check_for_death(self) then
- return
+ -- check for tool immunity or special damage
+ for _, no in pairs(self.immune_to) do
+ if no[1] == weapon:get_name() then
+ damage = no[2] or 0
+ break
+ end
+ -- print ("Mob Damage is", damage)
+ -- add weapon wear
+ if tool_capabilities then
+ punch_interval = tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval or 1.4
+ end
+ if weapon:get_definition()
+ and weapon:get_definition().tool_capabilities then
+ weapon:add_wear(math.floor((punch_interval / 75) * 9000))
+ hitter:set_wielded_item(weapon)
+ end
+ -- weapon sounds
+ if weapon:get_definition().sounds ~= nil then
+ local s = math.random(0, #weapon:get_definition().sounds)
+ minetest.sound_play(weapon:get_definition().sounds[s], {
+ object = hitter,
+ max_hear_distance = 8
+ })
+ else
+ minetest.sound_play("default_punch", {
+ object = hitter,
+ max_hear_distance = 5
+ })
+ end
- -- add healthy afterglow when hit
- core.after(0.1, function()
- self.object:settexturemod("^[colorize:#c9900070")
+ -- do damage
+ = - math.floor(damage)
- core.after(0.3, function()
- self.object:settexturemod("")
- end)
+ -- exit here if dead
+ if check_for_death(self) then
+ return
+ end
+ -- add healthy afterglow when hit
+ core.after(0.1, function()
+ self.object:settexturemod("^[colorize:#c9900070")
+ core.after(0.3, function()
+ self.object:settexturemod("")
+ end)
- -- blood_particles
- if self.blood_amount > 0
- and not disable_blood then
+ -- blood_particles
+ if self.blood_amount > 0
+ and not disable_blood then
- local pos = self.object:getpos()
+ local pos = self.object:getpos()
+ pos.y = pos.y + (-self.collisionbox[2] + self.collisionbox[5]) / 2
- pos.y = pos.y + (-self.collisionbox[2] + self.collisionbox[5]) / 2
+ effect(pos, self.blood_amount, self.blood_texture)
+ end
- effect(pos, self.blood_amount, self.blood_texture)
+ -- knock back effect (only on full punch)
+ if self.knock_back > 0
+ and tflp > punch_interval then
+ local v = self.object:getvelocity()
+ local r = 1.4 - math.min(punch_interval, 1.4)
+ local kb = r * 5
+ local up = 2
+ -- if already in air then dont go up anymore when hit
+ if v.y > 0
+ or then
+ up = 0
- -- knock back effect (only on full punch)
- if self.knock_back > 0
- and tflp > punch_interval then
+ self.object:setvelocity({
+ x = dir.x * kb,
+ y = up,
+ z = dir.z * kb
+ })
- local v = self.object:getvelocity()
- local r = 1.4 - math.min(punch_interval, 1.4)
- local kb = r * 5
- local up = 2
+ self.pause_timer = r
+ end
- -- if already in air then dont go up anymore when hit
- if v.y > 0
- or then
- up = 0
- end
+ -- if skittish then run away
+ if self.runaway == true then
- self.object:setvelocity({
- x = dir.x * kb,
- y = up,
- z = dir.z * kb
- })
+ local lp = hitter:getpos()
+ local s = self.object:getpos()
+ local vec = {
+ x = lp.x - s.x,
+ y = lp.y - s.y,
+ z = lp.z - s.z
+ }
- self.pause_timer = r
+ if vec.x ~= 0
+ and vec.z ~= 0 then
+ local yaw = atan(vec.z / vec.x) + 3 * pi / 2 - self.rotate
+ if lp.x > s.x then
+ yaw = yaw + pi
+ end
+ self.object:setyaw(yaw)
- -- if skittish then run away
- if self.runaway == true then
+ self.state = "runaway"
+ self.runaway_timer = 0
+ self.following = nil
+ end
- local lp = hitter:getpos()
- local s = self.object:getpos()
+ -- attack puncher and call other mobs for help
+ if self.passive == false
+ and self.state ~= "flop"
+ and self.child == false
+ and hitter:get_player_name() ~= self.owner then
- local vec = {
- x = lp.x - s.x,
- y = lp.y - s.y,
- z = lp.z - s.z
- }
+ -- attack whoever punched mob
+ self.state = ""
+ do_attack(self, hitter)
- if vec.x ~= 0
- and vec.z ~= 0 then
+ -- alert others to the attack
+ local obj = nil
- local yaw = atan(vec.z / vec.x) + 3 * pi / 2 - self.rotate
+ for _, oir in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(hitter:getpos(), 5)) do
- if lp.x > s.x then
- yaw = yaw + pi
- end
+ obj = oir:get_luaentity()
- self.object:setyaw(yaw)
+ if obj then
+ if obj.group_attack == true
+ and obj.state ~= "attack" then
+ do_attack(obj, hitter)
+ end
+ end
+ end
- self.state = "runaway"
- self.runaway_timer = 0
- self.following = nil
+local mob_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s, def)
+ -- remove monsters in peaceful mode, or when no data
+ if (self.type == "monster" and peaceful_only)
+ or not staticdata then
+ self.object:remove()
+ return
+ end
+ -- load entity variables
+ local tmp = minetest.deserialize(staticdata)
+ if tmp then
+ for _,stat in pairs(tmp) do
+ self[_] = stat
+ end
+ end
+ -- select random texture, set model and size
+ if not self.base_texture then
+ self.base_texture = def.textures[math.random(1, #def.textures)]
+ self.base_mesh = def.mesh
+ self.base_size = self.visual_size
+ self.base_colbox = self.collisionbox
+ end
+ -- set texture, model and size
+ local textures = self.base_texture
+ local mesh = self.base_mesh
+ local vis_size = self.base_size
+ local colbox = self.base_colbox
+ -- specific texture if gotten
+ if self.gotten == true
+ and def.gotten_texture then
+ textures = def.gotten_texture
+ end
+ -- specific mesh if gotten
+ if self.gotten == true
+ and def.gotten_mesh then
+ mesh = def.gotten_mesh
+ end
+ -- set child objects to half size
+ if self.child == true then
+ vis_size = {
+ x = self.base_size.x / 2,
+ y = self.base_size.y / 2
+ }
+ if def.child_texture then
+ textures = def.child_texture[1]
- -- attack puncher and call other mobs for help
- if self.passive == false
- and self.state ~= "flop"
- and self.child == false
- and hitter:get_player_name() ~= self.owner then
+ colbox = {
+ self.base_colbox[1] / 2,
+ self.base_colbox[2] / 2,
+ self.base_colbox[3] / 2,
+ self.base_colbox[4] / 2,
+ self.base_colbox[5] / 2,
+ self.base_colbox[6] / 2
+ }
+ end
+ if == 0 then
+ = math.random (self.hp_min, self.hp_max)
+ end
+ -- rnd: pathfinding init
+ self.path = {}
+ self.path.way = {} -- path to follow, table of positions
+ self.path.lastpos = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}
+ self.path.stuck = false
+ self.path.following = false -- currently following path?
+ self.path.stuck_timer = 0 -- if stuck for too long search for path
+ -- end init
+ self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal = 1, fleshy = self.armor})
+ self.old_y = self.object:getpos().y
+ self.old_health =
+ self.object:setyaw((math.random(0, 360) - 180) / 180 * pi)
+ self.sounds.distance = self.sounds.distance or 10
+ self.textures = textures
+ self.mesh = mesh
+ self.collisionbox = colbox
+ self.visual_size = vis_size
+ self.standing_in = ""
+ -- set anything changed above
+ self.object:set_properties(self)
+ update_tag(self)
+mobs.spawning_mobs = {}
+-- register mob function
+function mobs:register_mob(name, def)
+ mobs.spawning_mobs[name] = true
+minetest.register_entity(name, {
- -- attack whoever punched mob
- self.state = ""
- do_attack(self, hitter)
+ stepheight = def.stepheight or 0.6,
+ name = name,
+ type = def.type,
+ attack_type = def.attack_type,
+ fly =,
+ fly_in = def.fly_in or "air",
+ owner = def.owner or "",
+ order = def.order or "",
+ on_die = def.on_die,
+ do_custom = def.do_custom,
+ jump_height = def.jump_height or 6,
+ jump_chance = def.jump_chance or 0,
+ drawtype = def.drawtype, -- DEPRECATED, use rotate instead
+ rotate = math.rad(def.rotate or 0), -- 0=front, 90=side, 180=back, 270=side2
+ lifetimer = def.lifetimer or 180, -- 3 minutes
+ hp_min = def.hp_min or 5,
+ hp_max = def.hp_max or 10,
+ physical = true,
+ collisionbox = def.collisionbox,
+ visual = def.visual,
+ visual_size = def.visual_size or {x = 1, y = 1},
+ mesh = def.mesh,
+ makes_footstep_sound = def.makes_footstep_sound or false,
+ view_range = def.view_range or 5,
+ walk_velocity = def.walk_velocity or 1,
+ run_velocity = def.run_velocity or 2,
+ damage = def.damage or 0,
+ light_damage = def.light_damage or 0,
+ water_damage = def.water_damage or 0,
+ lava_damage = def.lava_damage or 0,
+ fall_damage = def.fall_damage or 1,
+ fall_speed = def.fall_speed or -10, -- must be lower than -2 (default: -10)
+ drops = def.drops or {},
+ armor = def.armor,
+ on_rightclick = def.on_rightclick,
+ arrow = def.arrow,
+ shoot_interval = def.shoot_interval,
+ sounds = def.sounds or {},
+ animation = def.animation,
+ follow = def.follow,
+ jump = def.jump or true,
+ walk_chance = def.walk_chance or 50,
+ attacks_monsters = def.attacks_monsters or false,
+ group_attack = def.group_attack or false,
+ --fov = def.fov or 120,
+ passive = def.passive or false,
+ recovery_time = def.recovery_time or 0.5,
+ knock_back = def.knock_back or 3,
+ blood_amount = def.blood_amount or 5,
+ blood_texture = def.blood_texture or "mobs_blood.png",
+ shoot_offset = def.shoot_offset or 0,
+ floats = def.floats or 1, -- floats in water by default
+ replace_rate = def.replace_rate,
+ replace_what = def.replace_what,
+ replace_with = def.replace_with,
+ replace_offset = def.replace_offset or 0,
+ timer = 0,
+ env_damage_timer = 0, -- only used when state = "attack"
+ tamed = false,
+ pause_timer = 0,
+ horny = false,
+ hornytimer = 0,
+ child = false,
+ gotten = false,
+ health = 0,
+ reach = def.reach or 3,
+ htimer = 0,
+ child_texture = def.child_texture,
+ docile_by_day = def.docile_by_day or false,
+ time_of_day = 0.5,
+ fear_height = def.fear_height or 0,
+ runaway = def.runaway,
+ runaway_timer = 0,
+ pathfinding = def.pathfinding,
+ immune_to = def.immune_to or {},
+ explosion_radius = def.explosion_radius,
- -- alert others to the attack
- local obj = nil
+ on_step = function(self, dtime)
- for _, oir in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(hitter:getpos(), 5)) do
+ local pos = self.object:getpos()
+ local yaw = self.object:getyaw() or 0
- obj = oir:get_luaentity()
+ -- when lifetimer expires remove mob (except npc and tamed)
+ if self.type ~= "npc"
+ and not self.tamed
+ and self.state ~= "attack" then
+ self.lifetimer = self.lifetimer - dtime
- if obj then
+ if self.lifetimer <= 0 then
- if obj.group_attack == true
- and obj.state ~= "attack" then
- do_attack(obj, hitter)
+ -- only despawn away from player
+ local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 10)
+ for _,oir in pairs(objs) do
+ if oir:is_player() then
+ self.lifetimer = 20
+ return
+ minetest.log("action",
+ "lifetimer expired, removed " ..
+ effect(pos, 15, "tnt_smoke.png")
+ self.object:remove()
+ return
- end,
- on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s)
+ falling(self, pos)
- -- remove monsters in peaceful mode, or when no data
- if (self.type == "monster" and peaceful_only)
- or not staticdata then
+ -- knockback timer
+ if self.pause_timer > 0 then
- self.object:remove()
+ self.pause_timer = self.pause_timer - dtime
+ if self.pause_timer < 1 then
+ self.pause_timer = 0
+ end
- -- load entity variables
- local tmp = minetest.deserialize(staticdata)
+ -- attack timer
+ self.timer = self.timer + dtime
- if tmp then
+ if self.state ~= "attack" then
- for _,stat in pairs(tmp) do
- self[_] = stat
+ if self.timer < 1 then
+ return
- end
- -- select random texture, set model and size
- if not self.base_texture then
+ self.timer = 0
+ end
- self.base_texture = def.textures[math.random(1, #def.textures)]
- self.base_mesh = def.mesh
- self.base_size = self.visual_size
- self.base_colbox = self.collisionbox
+ -- never go over 100
+ if self.timer > 100 then
+ self.timer = 1
- -- set texture, model and size
- local textures = self.base_texture
- local mesh = self.base_mesh
- local vis_size = self.base_size
- local colbox = self.base_colbox
+ -- node replace check (cow eats grass etc.)
+ replace(self, pos)
- -- specific texture if gotten
- if self.gotten == true
- and def.gotten_texture then
- textures = def.gotten_texture
- end
+ -- mob plays random sound at times
+ if self.sounds.random
+ and math.random(1, 100) == 1 then
- -- specific mesh if gotten
- if self.gotten == true
- and def.gotten_mesh then
- mesh = def.gotten_mesh
+ minetest.sound_play(self.sounds.random, {
+ object = self.object,
+ max_hear_distance = self.sounds.distance
+ })
- -- set child objects to half size
- if self.child == true then
+ -- environmental damage timer (every 1 second)
+ self.env_damage_timer = self.env_damage_timer + dtime
- vis_size = {
- x = self.base_size.x / 2,
- y = self.base_size.y / 2
- }
+ if (self.state == "attack" and self.env_damage_timer > 1)
+ or self.state ~= "attack" then
- if def.child_texture then
- textures = def.child_texture[1]
- end
+ self.env_damage_timer = 0
- colbox = {
- self.base_colbox[1] / 2,
- self.base_colbox[2] / 2,
- self.base_colbox[3] / 2,
- self.base_colbox[4] / 2,
- self.base_colbox[5] / 2,
- self.base_colbox[6] / 2
- }
+ do_env_damage(self)
+ -- custom function (defined in mob lua file)
+ if self.do_custom then
+ self.do_custom(self)
+ end
- if == 0 then
- = math.random (self.hp_min, self.hp_max)
- end
- -- rnd: pathfinding init
- self.path = {}
- self.path.way = {} -- path to follow, table of positions
- self.path.lastpos = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}
- self.path.stuck = false
- self.path.following = false -- currently following path?
- self.path.stuck_timer = 0 -- if stuck for too long search for path
- -- end init
- self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal = 1, fleshy = self.armor})
- self.old_y = self.object:getpos().y
- self.old_health =
- self.object:setyaw((math.random(0, 360) - 180) / 180 * pi)
- self.sounds.distance = self.sounds.distance or 10
- self.textures = textures
- self.mesh = mesh
- self.collisionbox = colbox
- self.visual_size = vis_size
- self.standing_in = ""
- -- set anything changed above
- self.object:set_properties(self)
- update_tag(self)
+ monster_attack(self)
+ npc_attack(self)
+ breed(self)
+ follow_flop(self)
+ do_states(self, dtime)
+ end,
+ on_punch = mob_punch,
+ on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s)
+ mob_activate(self, staticdata, dtime_s, def)
get_staticdata = function(self)