path: root/api.lua
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-09-28nil check on spawn collisionboxTenPlus1
2018-09-15tweak collision functionmob_api_21sep2018TenPlus1
2018-09-14added pushable flag for mobs so they can be pushed by playerTenPlus1
2018-09-09add custom on_punch for mob arrowsTenPlus1
2018-09-08lifetimer check every 0.25 secondsTenPlus1
2018-09-07added light damage _min and _max values, also igniter check for lava damageTenPlus1
2018-09-05tweak mob damage function, add {fire=1} weapon damage checkTenPlus1
2018-09-04tweaked line of sight, mob dropsTenPlus1
2018-08-31added some checksTenPlus1
2018-08-08add nil check to line_of_sightTenPlus1
2018-08-08make mobs:line_of_sight() function globalTenPlus1
2018-08-08make mobs:line_of_sight() globalTenPlus1
2018-08-08tidy codeTenPlus1
2018-08-03fix animation flipTenPlus1
2018-08-03Added ability for multiple animations per actionTenPlus1
2018-07-19add check for no dropsTenPlus1
2018-07-18new line_of_sight and fence_top addedTenPlus1
2018-07-08change aoc_rangeTenPlus1
2018-07-01toolrank check bugfixTenPlus1
2018-07-01Added ToolRanks support when attacking mobs with tools/swordsTenPlus1
2018-06-27better 0.4.16 comatibility and new general attack function addedTenPlus1
2018-06-17have protection check right before spawning mobTenPlus1
2018-06-17tidy code and bug found (thanks hamlet)TenPlus1
2018-06-04re-organise spawning checks (lightest first)TenPlus1
2018-06-03entity check for minetest.afterTenPlus1
2018-05-30add "all" to immune_to table, optimized floating codeTenPlus1
2018-05-23remove_far_mobs now defaults to trueTenPlus1
2018-05-17mobs with self.order = "stand" will no longer move, even when attacking monstersTenPlus1
2018-05-05fix runaway functionTenPlus1
2018-05-05tweak attack functions to use line of sight betterTenPlus1
2018-05-04add pathfinding addition by Elkien3 (with changes)TenPlus1
2018-04-28tweaked jumpTenPlus1
2018-04-27fix jumping up 1 blockTenPlus1
2018-04-19fix replace function running too often when mob attacksTenPlus1
2018-04-14fix variable bugTenPlus1
2018-04-08default explode radius when mob in water is 1 instead of 0TenPlus1
2018-04-08added simple smooth rotation (thanks ThomasMonroe)TenPlus1
2018-04-08disable random up.down movement for flying/swimming mobs (for now)TenPlus1
2018-04-06knock_back defaults to trueTenPlus1
2018-04-06fix self.knock_back true errorTenPlus1
2018-04-02add default collisionboxTenPlus1
2018-03-31exploding mobs diffuse range is set using 'reach'TenPlus1
2018-03-28add nametag check when renamingTenPlus1
2018-03-24animals will not runaway from it's owner (chickens)TenPlus1
2018-03-22add mobs:spawn_abm_check() functionTenPlus1
2018-03-13fix merge errorsTenPlus1
2018-03-12change vars always resulting in trueTenPlus1
2018-03-12added new explosion mob functionality (thanks to Yukitty)TenPlus1
2018-03-12use war_cry sound in pathfinding when path found (thanks Yukitty)TenPlus1
2018-01-27tweak runaway from timerTenPlus1