path: root/api.lua
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-12-02added die animation (thx npxcoot)TenPlus1
2016-12-01fix lifetimer check for removing mobTenPlus1
2016-11-23fix tail particlesTenPlus1
2016-11-22updated particle effectsTenPlus1
2016-11-10Fix nil name errorTenPlus1
2016-11-08added player check for protected hitsTenPlus1
2016-11-08added ability to protect tamed mobsTenPlus1
2016-10-31on_punch tweaksTenPlus1
2016-10-30only play damage sound and show blood if mob damage is >=1TenPlus1
2016-10-26increase mob area check to 32TenPlus1
2016-10-23increase mob check areaTenPlus1
2016-10-22added missing localTenPlus1
2016-10-21arrows go through fireTenPlus1
2016-10-21re-add check for unbreakable nodes for fireballsTenPlus1
2016-10-21added new spawn check for specific mob numbersTenPlus1
2016-10-14See if this fixes animals glitching out of enclosuresTenPlus1
2016-10-09added on_spawn functionTenPlus1
2016-10-08Tweaked mob arrowsTenPlus1
2016-10-04make invisibility player table global (mobs.invis[playername])TenPlus1
2016-10-04Code tidyTenPlus1
2016-09-29health and damage have min of 1.0 added with diffuculty setting in useTenPlus1
2016-09-28added mob_difficulty config settingTenPlus1
2016-09-26added self.texture_list for mod makersTenPlus1
2016-09-26updated api docsTenPlus1
2016-09-07added entity removal to on_die custom functionsTenPlus1
2016-09-05change runaway from 3 to 5 secondsTenPlus1
2016-09-05added specific_attack flag for special mob attacksTenPlus1
2016-09-05Added attack_animals flag for monstersTenPlus1
2016-09-05Tweaked code slightlyTenPlus1
2016-09-03Disabled hit re-colour as it can cause hit-lag with larger texturesTenPlus1
2016-08-19Updated licenseTenPlus1
2016-08-17added 0.4.13 compatible global checkTenPlus1
2016-08-16removed global_exists for older clients to work :(TenPlus1
2016-08-16Fixed invisibility global errorTenPlus1
2016-08-05Fix spawning numbersTenPlus1
2016-08-05disabled catch_up, causing anomaliesTenPlus1
2016-08-03Added MarkBu's new mob:spawn commandTenPlus1
2016-07-21Added particle effect when mob diesTenPlus1
2016-07-21re-enabled catch-up to spawn more mobsTenPlus1
2016-06-18lower health display timerTenPlus1
2016-06-18Show health stats on punchTenPlus1
2016-06-17Added extra check for line of sight when flying in custom node.TenPlus1
2016-06-11added intllib support (en/de)TenPlus1
2016-06-11Added ability for do_custom to skip rest of api by setting return to falseTenPlus1
2016-06-09stop attacking when player turns invisibleTenPlus1
2016-06-09supports invisibility, lava/water checks added, code tidied/tweakedTenPlus1
2016-06-07Optimized code, added NaN catcherTenPlus1