# Template for translations of mobs_redo mod
# last update: 2016/June/10

[MOD] Mobs Redo loaded = 

[MOBS] mod profiling enabled, damage not enabled = 
lifetimer expired, removed @1 = 
[Mobs Redo] @1 has spawning disabled = 
[Mobs Redo] Chance setting for @1 is now @2 = 
[mobs] @1 failed to spawn at @2 = 
Not tamed! = 
@1 is owner! = 
Missed! = 
@1 at full health (@2) = 
@1 has been tamed! = 
Enter name: = 
Rename = 

Nametag = 
Leather = 
Raw Meat = 
Meat = 
Magic Lasso (right-click animal to put in inventory) = 
Net (right-click animal to put in inventory) = 
Steel Shears (right-click to shear) = 

Mob Spawner = 
Mob MinLight MaxLight Amount PlayerDist = 
Spawner Not Active (enter settings) = 
Spawner Active (@1) = 
Mob Spawner settings failed! = 
> name min_light[0-14] max_light[0-14] max_mobs_in_area[0 to disable] distance[1-20] y_offset[-10 to 10] =