diff options
authorCalinou <>2014-05-03 21:40:45 +0200
committerCalinou <>2014-05-03 21:40:45 +0200
commit008ade61de87a6723555543c0f164d0f75bf05da (patch)
parent3ef87509475651025c9da60b20db94c74e7be9fa (diff)
Added desert cobblestone Stairs+ nodes, circular saw cosmetic changes, remove obsolete code.
4 files changed, 21 insertions, 431 deletions
diff --git a/circular_saw.lua b/circular_saw.lua
index d525979..b7d791c 100644
--- a/circular_saw.lua
+++ b/circular_saw.lua
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ circular_saw = {}
circular_saw.known_stairs = setmetatable({}, {
__newindex = function(k, v)
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
- print(("Mod %s tried to add node %s to the circular saw"
- .." manually!"):format(modname, v))
+ print(("WARNING: mod %s tried to add node %s to the circular saw"
+ .." manually."):format(modname, v))
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ function circular_saw:reset(pos)
meta:set_int("anz", 0)
- S("Circular saw, empty (owned by %s)")
+ S("Circular Saw is empty (owned by %s)")
:format(meta:get_string("owner") or ""))
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ function circular_saw:update_inventory(pos, amount)
meta:set_int("anz", amount)
- S("Circular saw, working with %s (owned by %s)")
+ S("Circular Saw is working on %s (owned by %s)")
:format(material, meta:get_string("owner") or ""))
@@ -284,15 +284,15 @@ function circular_saw.on_construct(pos)
- meta:set_int("anz", 0) -- No microblocks inside yet
+ meta:set_int("anz", 0) -- No microblocks inside yet.
meta:set_string("max_offered", 99) -- How many items of this kind are offered by default?
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Circular saw, empty"))
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("Circular Saw is empty"))
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- inv:set_size("input", 1) -- Input slot for full blocks of material x
- inv:set_size("micro", 1) -- Storage for 1-7 surplus microblocks
- inv:set_size("recycle", 1) -- Surplus partial blocks can be placed here
- inv:set_size("output", 4*8) -- 4x8 versions of stair-parts of material x
+ inv:set_size("input", 1) -- Input slot for full blocks of material x.
+ inv:set_size("micro", 1) -- Storage for 1-7 surplus microblocks.
+ inv:set_size("recycle", 1) -- Surplus partial blocks can be placed here.
+ inv:set_size("output", 4*8) -- 4x8 versions of stair-parts of material x.
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ function circular_saw.can_dig(pos,player)
return false
- -- Can be dug by anyone when empty (not only by the owner)
+ -- Can be dug by anyone when empty ,not only by the owner.
return true
@@ -333,26 +333,27 @@ minetest.register_node("moreblocks:circular_saw", {
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
paramtype2 = "facedir",
- groups = {cracky=2},
+ groups = {choppy = 2,oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2},
+ sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = circular_saw.on_construct,
can_dig = circular_saw.can_dig,
- -- Set owner of this circular saw
+ -- Set the owner of this circular saw.
after_place_node = function(pos, placer)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local owner = placer and placer:get_player_name() or ""
meta:set_string("owner", owner)
- S("Circular saw is empty (owned by %s)")
+ S("Circular Saw is empty (owned by %s)")
- -- The amount of items offered per shape can be configured
+ -- The amount of items offered per shape can be configured.
on_receive_fields = circular_saw.on_receive_fields,
allow_metadata_inventory_move = circular_saw.allow_metadata_inventory_move,
- -- Only input- and recycle-slot are intended as input slots
+ -- Only input- and recycle-slot are intended as input slots.
allow_metadata_inventory_put = circular_saw.allow_metadata_inventory_put,
-- Taking is allowed from all slots (even the internal microblock slot). Moving is forbidden.
- -- Putting something in is slightly more complicated than taking anything because we have to make sure it is of a suitable material
+ -- Putting something in is slightly more complicated than taking anything because we have to make sure it is of a suitable material.
on_metadata_inventory_put = circular_saw.on_metadata_inventory_put,
on_metadata_inventory_take = circular_saw.on_metadata_inventory_take,
diff --git a/stairsplus.lua b/stairsplus.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 458a722..0000000
--- a/stairsplus.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
--- Nodes will be called <modname>:{stair,slab,panel,micro}_<subname>
-if minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory") or not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
- stairsplus_expect_infinite_stacks = false
- stairsplus_expect_infinite_stacks = true
--- These vales are in order: facedir in degrees = 90, 0, 270, 180, 90
-local dirs1 = { 21, 20, 23, 22, 21 }
-local dirs2 = { 15, 8, 17, 6, 15 }
-local dirs3 = { 14, 11, 16, 5, 14 }
-stairsplus_can_it_stack = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
- return false
- if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then
- return itemstack
- end
- -- If it's being placed on an another similar one, replace it with
- -- a full block
- local slabpos = nil
- local slabnode = nil
- local p1 = pointed_thing.above
- p1 = {x = p1.x, y = p1.y - 1, z = p1.z}
- local n1 = minetest.env:get_node(p1)
- if == modname .. ":slab_" .. subname then
- slabpos = p1
- slabnode = n1
- end
- if slabpos then
- -- Remove the slab at slabpos
- minetest.env:remove_node(slabpos)
- -- Make a fake stack of a single item and try to place it
- local fakestack = ItemStack(recipeitem)
- pointed_thing.above = slabpos
- fakestack = minetest.item_place(fakestack, placer, pointed_thing)
- -- If the item was taken from the fake stack, decrement original
- if not fakestack or fakestack:is_empty() then
- itemstack:take_item(1)
- -- Else put old node back
- else
- minetest.env:set_node(slabpos, slabnode)
- end
- return itemstack
- end
- if == modname .. ":slab_" .. subname .. "_quarter" then
- slabpos = p1
- slabnode = n1
- end
- if slabpos then
- -- Remove the slab at slabpos
- minetest.env:remove_node(slabpos)
- -- Make a fake stack of a single item and try to place it
- local fakestack = ItemStack(modname .. ":slab_" .. subname .. "_three_quarter")
- pointed_thing.above = slabpos
- fakestack = minetest.item_place(fakestack, placer, pointed_thing)
- -- If the item was taken from the fake stack, decrement original
- if not fakestack or fakestack:is_empty() then
- itemstack:take_item(1)
- -- Else put old node back
- else
- minetest.env:set_node(slabpos, slabnode)
- end
- return itemstack
- end
- -- Otherwise place regularly
- return minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
-local function get_nodedef_field(nodename, fieldname)
- if not minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] then
- return nil
- end
- return minetest.registered_nodes[nodename][fieldname]
-function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
- local keys=placer:get_player_control()
- stairsplus_rotate_and_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, keys["sneak"])
- return itemstack
- end
-function stairsplus_rotate_and_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
- if not moreblocks.node_is_owned(pointed_thing.under, placer) then
- local keys=placer:get_player_control()
- minetest.rotate_and_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing,
- stairsplus_expect_infinite_stacks, {force_wall = keys.sneak})
- end
- return itemstack
-function register_stair_slab_panel_micro(modname, subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, drop, light)
- if show_stairsplus_creative_inv then
- groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 0
- else
- groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
- end
- register_stair(modname, subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, drop, light)
- register_slab( modname, subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, drop, light)
- register_panel(modname, subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, drop, light)
- register_micro(modname, subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, drop, light)
- register_6dfacedir_conversion(modname, subname)
--- Default stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks.
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "wood", "default:wood",
- {snappy=1, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, flammable=3},
- {"default_wood.png"},
- "Wooden",
- "wood",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "stone", "default:stone",
- {cracky=3},
- {"default_stone.png"},
- "Stone",
- "cobble",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "cobble", "default:cobble",
- {cracky=3},
- {"default_cobble.png"},
- "Cobblestone",
- "cobble",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "mossycobble", "default:mossycobble",
- {cracky=3},
- {"default_mossycobble.png"},
- "Mossy Cobblestone",
- "mossycobble",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "brick", "default:brick",
- {cracky=3},
- {"default_brick.png"},
- "Brick",
- "brick",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "sandstone", "default:sandstone",
- {crumbly=2, cracky=2},
- {"default_sandstone.png"},
- "Sandstone",
- "sandstone",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "steelblock", "default:steelblock",
- {cracky=1, level=2},
- {"default_steel_block.png"},
- "Steel Block",
- "steelblock",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "goldblock", "default:goldblock",
- {cracky=1},
- {"default_gold_block.png"},
- "Gold Block",
- "goldblock",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "copperblock", "default:copperblock",
- {cracky=1, level=2},
- {"default_copper_block.png"},
- "Copper Block",
- "copperblock",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "bronzeblock", "default:bronzeblock",
- {cracky=1, level=2},
- {"default_bronze_block.png"},
- "Bronze Block",
- "bronzeblock",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "diamondblock", "default:diamondblock",
- {cracky=1, level=3},
- {"default_diamond_block.png"},
- "Diamond Block",
- "diamondblock",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "desert_stone", "default:desert_stone",
- {cracky=3},
- {"default_desert_stone.png"},
- "Desert Stone",
- "desert_stone",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "glass", "default:glass",
- {snappy=2, cracky=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3},
- {"moreblocks_glass_stairsplus.png"},
- "Glass",
- "glass",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "tree", "default:tree",
- {tree=1, snappy=1, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=1, flammable=2},
- {"default_tree_top.png", "default_tree_top.png", "default_tree.png"},
- "Tree",
- "tree",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "jungletree", "default:jungletree",
- {tree=1, snappy=1, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=1, flammable=2},
- {"default_jungletree_top.png", "default_jungletree_top.png", "default_jungletree.png"},
- "Jungle Tree",
- "jungletree",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "obsidian", "default:obsidian",
- {cracky=1, level=2},
- {"default_obsidian.png"},
- "Obsidian",
- "obsidian",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "obsidian_glass", "default:obsidian_glass",
- {cracky=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3},
- {"moreblocks_obsidian_glass_stairsplus.png"},
- "Obsidian Glass",
- "obsidian_glass",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "stonebrick", "default:stonebrick",
- {cracky=3},
- {"default_stone_brick.png"},
- "Stone Bricks",
- "stonebrick",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "desert_stonebrick", "default:desert_stonebrick",
- {cracky=3},
- {"default_desert_stone_brick.png"},
- "Desert Stone Bricks",
- "desert_stonebrick",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "sandstonebrick", "default:sandstonebrick",
- {cracky=3},
- {"default_sandstone_brick.png"},
- "Sandstone Bricks",
- "sandstonebrick",
- 0)
--- More Blocks stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "invisible", "air",
- {unbreakable=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
- {"invisible.png"},
- "Invisible",
- "invisible",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "circle_stone_bricks", "moreblocks:circle_stone_bricks",
- {cracky=3},
- {"moreblocks_circle_stone_bricks.png"},
- "Circle Stone Bricks",
- "circle_stone_bricks",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "coal_stone_bricks", "moreblocks:coal_stone_bricks",
- {cracky=3},
- {"moreblocks_coal_stone_bricks.png"},
- "Coal Stone Bricks",
- "Coal_stone_bricks",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "iron_stone_bricks", "moreblocks:iron_stone_bricks",
- {cracky=3},
- {"moreblocks_iron_stone_bricks.png"},
- "Iron Stone Bricks",
- "iron_stone_bricks",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "stone_tile", "moreblocks:stone_tile",
- {cracky=3},
- {"moreblocks_stone_tile.png"},
- "Stonesquare",
- "stone_tile",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "split_stone_tile", "moreblocks:split_stone_tile",
- {cracky=3},
- {"moreblocks_split_stone_tile_top.png", "moreblocks_split_stone_tile.png"},
- "Split Stonesquare",
- "split_stone_tile",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "jungle_wood", "default:junglewood", -- Compatibility
- {snappy=1, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=3},
- {"default_junglewood.png"},
- "Jungle Wood",
- "jungle_wood",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "junglewood", "default:junglewood",
- {snappy=1, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=3},
- {"default_junglewood.png"},
- "Jungle Wood",
- "jungle_wood",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "plankstone", "moreblocks:plankstone",
- {cracky=3},
- {"moreblocks_plankstone.png", "moreblocks_plankstone.png", "moreblocks_plankstone.png",
- "moreblocks_plankstone.png", "moreblocks_plankstone.png^[transformR90", "moreblocks_plankstone.png^[transformR90"},
- "Plankstone",
- "plankstone",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "coal_checker", "moreblocks:coal_checker",
- {cracky=3},
- {"moreblocks_coal_checker.png", "moreblocks_coal_checker.png", "moreblocks_coal_checker.png",
- "moreblocks_coal_checker.png", "moreblocks_coal_checker.png^[transformR90", "moreblocks_coal_checker.png^[transformR90"},
- "Coal Checker",
- "coal_checker",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "iron_checker", "moreblocks:iron_checker",
- {cracky=3},
- {"moreblocks_iron_checker.png", "moreblocks_iron_checker.png", "moreblocks_iron_checker.png",
- "moreblocks_iron_checker.png", "moreblocks_iron_checker.png^[transformR90", "moreblocks_iron_checker.png^[transformR90"},
- "Iron Checker",
- "iron_checker",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "cactus_checker", "moreblocks:cactus_checker",
- {cracky=3},
- {"moreblocks_cactus_checker.png", "moreblocks_cactus_checker.png", "moreblocks_cactus_checker.png",
- "moreblocks_cactus_checker.png", "moreblocks_cactus_checker.png^[transformR90", "moreblocks_cactus_checker.png^[transformR90"},
- "Cactus Checker",
- "cactus_checker",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "coal_stone", "moreblocks:coal_stone",
- {cracky=3},
- {"moreblocks_coal_stone.png"},
- "Coal Stone",
- "coal_stone",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "iron_stone", "moreblocks:iron_stone",
- {cracky=3},
- {"moreblocks_iron_stone.png"},
- "Iron Stone",
- "iron_stone",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "glow_glass", "moreblocks:glow_glass",
- {snappy=2,cracky=3,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3},
- {"moreblocks_glow_glass_stairsplus.png"},
- "Glow Glass",
- "glow_glass",
- 11)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "super_glow_glass", "moreblocks:super_glow_glass",
- {snappy=2, cracky=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3},
- {"moreblocks_super_glow_glass_stairsplus.png"},
- "Super Glow Glass",
- "super_glow_glass",
- 15)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "coal_glass", "moreblocks:coal_glass",
- {snappy=2, cracky=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3},
- {"moreblocks_coal_glass_stairsplus.png"},
- "Coal Glass",
- "coal_glass",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "iron_glass", "moreblocks:iron_glass",
- {snappy=2, cracky=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3},
- {"moreblocks_iron_glass_stairsplus.png"},
- "Iron Glass",
- "iron_glass",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "wood_tile", "moreblocks:wood_tile",
- {snappy=1, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, flammable=3},
- {"moreblocks_wood_tile.png", "moreblocks_wood_tile.png", "moreblocks_wood_tile.png",
- "moreblocks_wood_tile.png", "moreblocks_wood_tile.png^[transformR90", "moreblocks_wood_tile.png^[transformR90"},
- "Wooden Tile",
- "wood_tile",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "wood_tile_center", "moreblocks:wood_tile_center",
- {snappy=1, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, flammable=3},
- {"moreblocks_wood_tile_center.png", "moreblocks_wood_tile_center.png", "moreblocks_wood_tile_center.png",
- "moreblocks_wood_tile_center.png", "moreblocks_wood_tile_center.png^[transformR90", "moreblocks_wood_tile_center.png^[transformR90"},
- "Centered Wooden Tile",
- "wood_tile_center",
- 0)
-register_stair_slab_panel_micro("moreblocks", "wood_tile_full", "moreblocks:wood_tile_full",
- {snappy=1, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, flammable=3},
- {"moreblocks_wood_tile_full.png", "moreblocks_wood_tile_full.png", "moreblocks_wood_tile_full.png",
- "moreblocks_wood_tile_full.png", "moreblocks_wood_tile_full.png^[transformR90", "moreblocks_wood_tile_full.png^[transformR90"},
- "Full Wooden Tile",
- "wood_tile_full",
- 0)
diff --git a/stairsplus/init.lua b/stairsplus/init.lua
index 7cc0385..74d7ddb 100644
--- a/stairsplus/init.lua
+++ b/stairsplus/init.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-- Nodes will be called <modname>:{stair,slab,panel,micro}_<subname>
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks").."/stairsplus"
diff --git a/stairsplus/registrations.lua b/stairsplus/registrations.lua
index 6e44ee1..a29721e 100644
--- a/stairsplus/registrations.lua
+++ b/stairsplus/registrations.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--- Default stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks
+-- Default stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks.
local default_nodes = {
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ local default_nodes = {
+ "desert_cobble",