AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-04-09Made settings world-specific - look for moretrees_settings.txt in your worldVanessa Ezekowitz
folder. If it isn't found, the mod will create it with the contents of default_settings.txt and then read those default settings and use them. Otherwise, it will read its settings from the world folder.
2013-04-08removed all code that tries to disable default trees because the minetest devVanessa Ezekowitz
team is being completely obstinant about letting me properly disable them from this mod. Instead, made beech trees respond to enable flags in settings.lua (disabled by default). If you want beeches, turn that flag on in settings.lua and remove the "trees" flag from yourworld/map_meta.txt in the mg_flags line.
2013-04-07Added stairsplus/circular saw supportVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-04-07Multiple changes, see below:Vanessa Ezekowitz
Fix replacement of default trees so that it works correctly. Beeches now use default tree nodes, but L-systems models. This redefines the default tree, wood, leaves, and saplings so that they use moretrees' textures "Beech" in their descriptions, but only if replacement of default trees is enabled. Added backward-compat aliases for this change. Moved tree replacement mapgen->air aliases to a more logical spot in the code. Also, changed out all leaf decay dig_node() calls for nodeupdate(), since the former calls the latter anyway, and the latter is what does the job. Increased the palm leaf decay radius to 12.
2013-04-06Added settings to enable/disable each tree type, all default to enabled.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-03-30Disable default trees by default (replaces them with beech trees)Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-03-19Forgot to manually define sideways jungle tree trunks.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-03-19removed redundant jungle texturesVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-03-19Jungle nodes are defined and used by minetest_game now,Vanessa Ezekowitz
so we don't need them in moretrees anymore. They're still used by moretrees to generate out versions of jungletrees, though, and red/green/yellow leaves are also still provided and defined.
2013-02-27Update README.mdVanessaE
2013-02-23Added support for spawning small fir trees in snow biomes. Made jungletreesVanessa Ezekowitz
and palms require at least +15°C to grow. This is supposed to keep them away from snow biomes, but the engine doesn't let me tell the snow mod to always run first. Also please note that due to the load that snow biomes + moretrees adds to the map generator, well... stuff will look cut off, broken, etc. due to bugs in the map generator.
2013-02-21added fuel recipes for saplings, and for moretrees leaves group.Vanessa Ezekowitz
(planks and trunks are already covered by default mod via wood and tree groups).
2013-02-20made jungle trees more numerous and able to spread further from water, tookVanessa Ezekowitz
leaves out of the avoidnodes table, there's really no reason to have them there and having them causes too much spacing between trees. Reduced the prevalence of sequoias.
2013-02-13put all tree leaves into leaves and moretres_leaves groups, fixed incorrectVanessa Ezekowitz
inclusion of "tree" group for leaves.
2013-02-11forgot to change a couple of default settings before pushingVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-02-11made leaves depend on the trunks they spawn with to avoid decayingVanessa Ezekowitz
rather than just any trunk being enough to stop just any leaves from decaying. Re-tuned the leaf decay interval/chance values accordingly. Changed a few variables to avoid possible conflicts. Added a setting to allow one to disable the new leaf decay code. Moved sapling growth code into its own file. Minor changes to comments here and there. Got rid of simple trees list (made the code do various checks in realtime instead, since it's just startup code anyway). Fixed messed-up crafting for jungle trees; condensed most of the crafting code into main craft registry loop. Mostly fixed broken aliases of default jungletrees.
2013-02-11added the ability to redefine apples so that they'll fall when nearby leavesVanessa Ezekowitz
disappear (defaults to true). Moved leafdecay code into its own file. Moved sapling configs into settings.lua
2013-02-11Added ability to do leaf decay on default trees, moved several configurationVanessa Ezekowitz
settings into a separate file. You should disable leaf decay in minetest_game if you enable it here.
2013-02-11forgot to account for legacy node name default:jungletree in leafdecay codeVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-02-11tuned leaf decay somewhat - palms need a separate ABM because they have suchVanessa Ezekowitz
wide leaves.
2013-02-11added leafdecay, fixed broken birch sideways trunk recipe, made all cones +Vanessa Ezekowitz
apple fall when they have nothing to hang onto.
2013-02-10Fixed missing facedir on horizontal trunksVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-30made leaves drop saplings at a lower rate (was 1/20, now 1/100)Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-27fixed another naming issueVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-27Fixed naming of planksVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-26forgot to reset sapling growth to normal speedVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-25Merge branch 'newapi'Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-25fixed missing jungletree sapling aliasVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-25Modified tree generation and sapling growth callsVanessa Ezekowitz
to comply with new plantlife API In addition to that, there have been numerous other, smaller changes: * Tweaked palm tree model to add coconuts * Tweaked size of all "fruit" items (really just cones). Rotated their images in inventory and wield. * Changed descriptions of sideways trunks to "Sideways Xxxx Trunk" * Tweaked names of jungle tree leaves to be Jungle Tree Leaves (Xxxx) * Moved jungletree trunk, sideways trunk, sapling into nodedef loop * Renamed trunks and trunk tops to bear "_trunk" and "_trunk_top" in their filenames. * Added copies of default jungle tree trunks and tops, with naming similar to the above change. * Re-arranged init.lua to put all leaves/needles definitions in one place. * Deleted some outdated textures. * combined leaves definitions back into main loop with an exception for jungletrees (if that one is called for, it is skipped, because leaves for those trees are explicitly defined later) * Made all leaves drop saplings when dug, 1/20 chance. * Added leafdecay radii to main tree table but disabled the use of it. To be implemented in the future. Disabled leaf decay for firs.
2013-01-25tweaked palm trees model to produce coconuts.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-22added wood planks for fir trees.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-22fixed too-small images for some saplings and cones in inventoryVanessa Ezekowitz
and in world.
2013-01-22fixed recipe for sideways fir trunks, added missingVanessa Ezekowitz
recipes for birch, spruce
2013-01-22fixed a bug where firs sometimes drew as trunks + conesVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-21added an additional density control to the tree biomes to further limit howVanessa Ezekowitz
many nodes have to be checked before a tree can spawn. This causes trees to be just a tad more sparse than intended, but greatly speeds up the map generator. Worst case drops from thousands of nodes to test per tree type to a 5-15 nodes per tree type.
2013-01-21Better textures for acorn and spruce, fir, pine cones.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-21Added fir cones, more tweaks to weed out old conifer/jungletree refs.Vanessa Ezekowitz
Changed fir models so that they include the new cones.
2013-01-21Forgot some references to the old jungletrees and conifers nodesVanessa Ezekowitz
when I was weeding out the legacy names and textures. This should fix the last of it.
2013-01-21weeded out all the old node and texture names from jungletree and conifersVanessa Ezekowitz
mods, added aliases for backwards compatibility. All nodes are named moretrees:something_sapling, moretrees:something_trunk moretrees:something_leaves moretrees:something_planks Also, added sideways trunks for all trees and crafting recipes for them, plus added in the missing trunks -> planks recipes.
2013-01-20removed saplings, added leaves to avoidnodes listVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-20disabled beech treesVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-20fixed missing spruce tree conesVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-20set sapling interval/chance to their defaults, enabled beechVanessa Ezekowitz
tree code which replaces the default trees.
2013-01-20Made surface-based sapling growth depend on surface valueVanessa Ezekowitz
in each tree's biome
2013-01-20typoVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-20Added tweak to make sure planted saplings only grow on the same surfaces asVanessa Ezekowitz
they would normally spawn on.
2013-01-20fixed birch and spruce always appearing above their planted saplingsVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-20disable debugging info, set sapling growth values to normalVanessa Ezekowitz
(interval = 500, chance = 10)
2013-01-20Added sapling spawning, tuned rarity of some of the trees.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-20changed default rarity in example at top of biome_defs.lua to 50.Vanessa Ezekowitz