path: root/default_settings.txt
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-06-28fixup! Add date palmRogier
Add an option to allow dates to grow unpollinated as well. Female palms will be pollinated randomly.
2016-06-27Make cocos palm regrow coconuts.Rogier
This feature is optional, and can be turned off. Existing cocos trees are converted.
2016-06-27Add date palmRogier
Spawns in hot and dry desert, but requires water. This makes it a bit harder to find, but where found, it can be more abundant. If found in the middle of a desert, its presence indicates a water source below the surface. As an additional optional feature, dates (slowly) grow back after harvesting.
2016-05-18Restore previous pine as cedarRogier
Commit ad0cbbc0f disabled the previous moretrees pine, and aliased it to the default minetest pine. The default pine is a completely different tree though, with different apppearance and different textures. This commit restores the previous pine tree, renaming it to cedar to avoid a tree name clash with the default game. Any existing moretrees pine trees will be converted to cedar, so that their appearance does not change. Moretrees pine trees that have already been converted to the default pine tree are not converted back.
2015-08-15use default leaf decay code for everything.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2015-08-14Use default nodes wherever possibleVanessa Ezekowitz
for pines, jungle trees/leaves, acacias
2015-08-14don't run the decay code on ANY of the default treesVanessa Ezekowitz
this also disables decaying default trees and default jungletrees with the regular default single color leaves
2015-08-09update to match the renaming of plants_lib --> biome_libVanessa Ezekowitz
2015-07-19add support for the default stairs modVanessa Ezekowitz
renamed the relevant enable setting
2014-10-05spawn whole trees by defaultVanessa Ezekowitz
instead of saplings
2014-10-05set leaves to dissapear on decay by defaultVanessa Ezekowitz
instead of dropping as items
2014-08-24add acacia treesVanessa Ezekowitz
grows in the desert near the edges of the biome
2014-07-13Make all leaves drop as items during decay by default.Vanessa Ezekowitz
This behavior can be disabled by setting... moretrees.decay_leaves_as_items = false moretrees_settings.txt in your world folder, in which case leaves will simply disappear during decay, as usual.
2013-11-21Make regular cubical leaves the default again, since plantlike leaves don'tVanessa Ezekowitz
wave with shaders.
2013-11-14Made it possible via moretrees config to force all moretrees, default, andVanessa Ezekowitz
default jungle tree leaves to be plantlike drawtype. The default setting is now plantlike. Change moretres_settings.txt in your world folder if you don't like it. Rearranged a bit of code to accommodate this.
2013-10-17Fix leafdecay along unloaded block boundariesVanessa Ezekowitz
Also added separate check and variable for decaying default jungle leaves.
2013-10-02All leaf decay values sped up a bit and palm leaf decay radius changedVanessa Ezekowitz
to 15, by default (does not affect existing world - admins will need to change the moretrees_settings.txt file manually, if so desired) Palms make more saplings now. (Affects all worlds)
2013-09-14add option to spawn saplings instead of fully-grown trees at mapgenVanessa Ezekowitz
time. Such saplings will grow very quickly into a tree, compared to a planted sapling. Defaults to spawning saplings. add custom jungle tree sapling, alias default one to that, so that moretrees will be able to grow its own jungle trees. fix tree density bug
2013-07-22Made moreblocks dependency optional and configurableVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-04-09Made settings world-specific - look for moretrees_settings.txt in your worldVanessa Ezekowitz
folder. If it isn't found, the mod will create it with the contents of default_settings.txt and then read those default settings and use them. Otherwise, it will read its settings from the world folder.