local ghosts_death_delay = 5 local turtles = { {"turtle1","Ferk"}, {"turtle2","Don"}, {"turtle3","Max"}, {"turtle4","Nathan"}, } for i in ipairs(turtles) do local itm = turtles[i][1] local desc = turtles[i][2] minetest.register_entity("mario:"..itm, { hp_max = 1, physical = true, collide_with_objects = true, visual = "sprite", visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1}, textures = { "mario_turtle.png", "mario_turtle.png", "mario_turtle.png", "mario_turtle.png", "mario_turtle.png", "mario_turtle.png", }, collisionbox = {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.4, 0.25}, is_visible = true, automatic_rotate = true, automatic_face_movement_dir = -90, -- set yaw direction in degrees, false to disable makes_footstep_sound = false, direction = {x=1, y=0, z=0}, acceleration = {x=0, y=-10, z=0}, speed = 3, update_velocity = function(self) local velocity = vector.multiply(self.direction, self.speed) self.object:setvelocity(velocity) end, on_step = function(self, dtime) -- every 1 second self.timer = (self.timer or 0) + dtime if self.timer < 1 then return end self.timer = 0 local velocity = self.object:getvelocity() -- if our velocity is close to zero, turn around (we are in collision) if math.abs(velocity.x) < 0.25 then self.direction.x = -self.direction.x if(self.direction.x == 0) then self.direction.x = 1 end end self:update_velocity() end, --[[ -- Do we have game state? if not just die local gamestate = mario.games[self.gameid] if not gamestate then minetest.log("action", "Removing pacman ghost without game assigned") self.object:remove() return end -- Make sure we are in the right state by keeping track of the reset time -- if the reset time changed it's likely the game got resetted while the entity wasn't loaded if self.last_reset then if self.last_reset ~= gamestate.last_reset then minetest.log("action", "Removing pacman ghost remaining after reset ") self.object:remove() end else self.last_reset = gamestate.last_reset end -- Make sure we have a targetted player if not self.target then self.target = minetest.get_player_by_name(gamestate.player_name) end local player = self.target -- If there's no player just stop if not player then self.set_velocity(self, 0) return end local s = self.object:getpos() -- ghost local p = player:getpos() -- player -- find distance from ghost to player local distance = ((p.x-s.x)^2 + (p.y-s.y)^2 + (p.z-s.z)^2)^0.5 if distance < 1.5 then -- player touches ghost!! if gamestate.power_pellet then -- Player eats ghost! move it to spawn local ghost_spawn = vector.add(gamestate.pos, {x=13,y=0.5,z=19}) self.object:setpos(ghost_spawn) -- set the timer negative so it'll have to wait extra time self.timer = -ghosts_death_delay -- play sound and reward player minetest.sound_play("mario_eatghost", {pos = boardcenter,max_hear_distance = 6, object=player, loop=false}) player:get_inventory():add_item('main', 'mario:cherrys') else -- Ghost catches the player! gamestate.lives = gamestate.lives - 1 if gamestate.lives < 1 then minetest.chat_send_player(gamestate.player_name,"Game Over") mario.game_end(self.gameid) minetest.sound_play("mario_death", {pos = boardcenter,max_hear_distance = 20, object=player, loop=false}) elseif gamestate.lives == 1 then minetest.chat_send_player(gamestate.player_name,"This is your last life") mario.game_reset(self.gameid, player) else minetest.chat_send_player(gamestate.player_name,"You have ".. gamestate.lives .." lives left") mario.game_reset(self.gameid, player) end end mario.update_hud(self.gameid, player) else local vec = {x=p.x-s.x, y=p.y-s.y, z=p.z-s.z} local yaw = (math.atan(vec.z/vec.x)+math.pi/2) if p.x > s.x then yaw = yaw + math.pi end -- face player and move backwards/forwards self.object:setyaw(yaw) if gamestate.power_pellet then self.set_velocity(self, -gamestate.speed) --negative velocity else self.set_velocity(self, gamestate.speed) end end end, -- This function should return the saved state of the entity in a string get_staticdata = function(self) return (self.gameid or "") .. ";" .. (self.last_reset or "") end, --]] -- This function should load the saved state of the entity from a string on_activate = function(self, staticdata) self:update_velocity() self.object:setacceleration(self.acceleration) --self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) --[[ if staticdata and staticdata ~= "" then local data = string.split(staticdata, ";") if #data == 2 then self.gameid = data[1] self.last_reset = tonumber(data[2]) end end --]] end }) end