BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterRevert "Merge branch 'master' of"root6 years
origin/HEADfix autocrafter recipeh-v-smacker6 years
origin/extratubesAdd extratubesNovatux11 years
origin/flow-gaugenew flow sensor model with gaugeVanessa Ezekowitz7 years
origin/masterfix autocrafter recipeh-v-smacker6 years
origin/mvpsSupport for the mesecons mvps callbackNovatux11 years
origin/new_flow_logicallow pumps to add directly to a vertical "entry panel" also.Vanessa Ezekowitz10 years
origin/node_breaker_changeschangelog.txt: add entry for node breaker workthetaepsilon-gamedev7 years
origin/pressure-gaugeadd pressure gaugeVanessa Ezekowitz7 years
origin/pressure_logic_directionalitychangelog: add entry for pressure logic directionality workthetaepsilon-gamedev7 years
20180717commit 8186f003be...SmallJoker7 years
0.4.16commit f9f436fd7e...DS7 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2018-11-14Revert "Merge branch 'master' of"HEADmasterroot
2018-11-14Merge branch 'master' of
2018-11-08license fixups: update to LGPL3.0 for code, add CC-by-SA 4.0 for mediaVanessa Dannenberg
2018-10-30use basic_materials mod where possibleVanessa Dannenberg
2018-09-17Merge branch 'master' into 'master'Vanessa Dannenberg
2018-09-17Add on-rotate to chests, furnaces, filter-injector, dispenser, deployer, and ...12Me21
2018-09-15Merge branch 'master' into 'master'Vanessa Dannenberg
2018-09-15Tubes now update their connections when rotated with the screwdriver.12Me21
2018-09-09Merge branch 'master' of
2018-09-08remove value/sensor conversion LBMVanessa Dannenberg