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authorthetaepsilon-gamedev <>2017-12-19 23:15:44 +0000
committerthetaepsilon-gamedev <>2017-12-19 23:15:44 +0000
commita2e183c6f3d76e809bbc2d6b596e7e000f06ee66 (patch)
parentfb91ba53f1af1d5d618f7610cdd04e3895ebd6c6 (diff)
item_transport.lua: split out determination of next position in go_next() into separate function
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/item_transport.lua b/item_transport.lua
index 72f6d7d..7219f7e 100644
--- a/item_transport.lua
+++ b/item_transport.lua
@@ -70,47 +70,24 @@ end
--- function called by the on_step callback of the pipeworks tube luaentity.
--- the routine is passed the current node position, velocity, itemstack,
--- and owner name.
--- returns three values:
--- * a boolean "found destination" status;
--- * a new velocity vector that the tubed item should use, or nil if not found;
--- * a "multi-mode" data table (or nil if N/A) where a stack was split apart.
--- if this is not nil, the luaentity spawns new tubed items for each new fragment stack,
--- then deletes itself (i.e. the original item stack).
-local function go_next(pos, velocity, stack, owner)
+-- compatibility behaviour for the existing can_go() callbacks,
+-- which can only specify a list of possible positions.
+local function go_next_compat(pos, cnode, cmeta, cycledir, vel, stack, owner)
local next_positions = {}
local max_priority = 0
- local cnode = minetest.get_node(pos)
- local cmeta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local can_go
- local speed = math.abs(velocity.x + velocity.y + velocity.z)
- if speed == 0 then
- speed = 1
- end
- local vel = {x = velocity.x/speed, y = velocity.y/speed, z = velocity.z/speed,speed=speed}
- if speed >= 4.1 then
- speed = 4
- elseif speed >= 1.1 then
- speed = speed - 0.1
- else
- speed = 1
- end
- vel.speed = speed
- crunch_tube(pos, cnode, cmeta)
- -- cycling of outputs:
- -- an integer counter is kept in each pipe's metadata,
- -- which allows tracking which output was previously chosen.
- -- note reliance on get_int returning 0 for uninitialised.
- local cycledir = cmeta:get_int("tubedir")
if minetest.registered_nodes[] and minetest.registered_nodes[].tube and minetest.registered_nodes[].tube.can_go then
can_go = minetest.registered_nodes[].tube.can_go(pos, cnode, vel, stack)
can_go = pipeworks.notvel(adjlist, vel)
+ -- can_go() is expected to return an array-like table of candidate offsets.
+ -- for each one, look at the node at that offset and determine if it can accept the item.
+ -- also note the prioritisation:
+ -- if any tube is found with a greater priority than previously discovered,
+ -- then the valid positions are reset and and subsequent positions under this are skipped.
+ -- this has the effect of allowing only equal priorities to co-exist.
for _, vect in ipairs(can_go) do
local npos = vector.add(pos, vect)
@@ -133,18 +110,66 @@ local function go_next(pos, velocity, stack, owner)
+ -- indicate not found if no valid rules were picked up,
+ -- and don't change the counter.
if not next_positions[1] then
- return false, nil, nil
+ return cycledir, false, nil, nil
+ -- otherwise rotate to the next output direction and return that
local n = (cycledir % (#next_positions)) + 1
+ local new_velocity = vector.multiply(next_positions[n].vect, vel.speed)
+ return n, true, new_velocity, nil
+-- function called by the on_step callback of the pipeworks tube luaentity.
+-- the routine is passed the current node position, velocity, itemstack,
+-- and owner name.
+-- returns three values:
+-- * a boolean "found destination" status;
+-- * a new velocity vector that the tubed item should use, or nil if not found;
+-- * a "multi-mode" data table (or nil if N/A) where a stack was split apart.
+-- if this is not nil, the luaentity spawns new tubed items for each new fragment stack,
+-- then deletes itself (i.e. the original item stack).
+local function go_next(pos, velocity, stack, owner)
+ local cnode = minetest.get_node(pos)
+ local cmeta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local speed = math.abs(velocity.x + velocity.y + velocity.z)
+ if speed == 0 then
+ speed = 1
+ end
+ local vel = {x = velocity.x/speed, y = velocity.y/speed, z = velocity.z/speed,speed=speed}
+ if speed >= 4.1 then
+ speed = 4
+ elseif speed >= 1.1 then
+ speed = speed - 0.1
+ else
+ speed = 1
+ end
+ vel.speed = speed
+ crunch_tube(pos, cnode, cmeta)
+ -- cycling of outputs:
+ -- an integer counter is kept in each pipe's metadata,
+ -- which allows tracking which output was previously chosen.
+ -- note reliance on get_int returning 0 for uninitialised.
+ local cycledir = cmeta:get_int("tubedir")
+ -- pulled out and factored out into go_next_compat() above.
+ -- n is the new value of the cycle counter.
+ -- XXX: this probably needs cleaning up after being split out,
+ -- seven args is a bit too many
+ local n, found, new_velocity, multimode = go_next_compat(pos, cnode, cmeta, cycledir, vel, stack, owner)
-- if not using output cycling,
-- don't update the field so it stays the same for the next item.
if pipeworks.enable_cyclic_mode then
cmeta:set_int("tubedir", n)
- local new_velocity = vector.multiply(next_positions[n].vect, vel.speed)
- return true, new_velocity, nil
+ return found, new_velocity, multimode