path: root/common.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'common.lua')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common.lua b/common.lua
index 5574bb2..0f8c34c 100644
--- a/common.lua
+++ b/common.lua
@@ -157,3 +157,134 @@ function pipeworks.load_position(pos)
local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip()
vm:read_from_map(pos, pos)
+local function delay(...)
+ local args = {...}
+ return (function() return unpack(args) end)
+local function get_set_wrap(name, is_dynamic)
+ return (function(self)
+ return self["_" .. name]
+ end), (function(self, value)
+ if is_dynamic then
+ self["_" .. name] = type(value) == "table"
+ and table.copy(value) or value
+ end
+ end)
+function pipeworks.create_fake_player(def, is_dynamic)
+ local wielded_item = ItemStack("")
+ if def.inventory and def.wield_list then
+ wielded_item = def.inventory:get_stack(def.wield_list, def.wield_index or 1)
+ end
+ local p = {
+ get_player_name = delay(,
+ is_player = delay(true),
+ is_fake_player = true,
+ _formspec = def.formspec or default.gui_survival_form,
+ _hp = def.hp or 20,
+ _breath = 11,
+ _pos = def.position and table.copy(def.position) or,
+ _properties = or { eye_height = def.eye_height or 1.47 },
+ _inventory = def.inventory,
+ _wield_index = def.wield_index or 1,
+ _wielded_item = wielded_item,
+ -- Model and view
+ _eye_offset1 =,
+ _eye_offset3 =,
+ set_eye_offset = function(self, first, third)
+ self._eye_offset1 = table.copy(first)
+ self._eye_offset3 = table.copy(third)
+ end,
+ get_eye_offset = function(self)
+ return self._eye_offset1, self._eye_offset3
+ end,
+ get_look_dir = delay(def.look_dir or {x=0, y=0, z=1}),
+ get_look_pitch = delay(def.look_pitch or 0),
+ get_look_yaw = delay(def.look_yaw or 0),
+ get_look_horizontal = delay(def.look_yaw or 0),
+ get_look_vertical = delay(-(def.look_pitch or 0)),
+ set_animation = delay(),
+ -- Controls
+ get_player_control = delay({
+ jump=false, right=false, left=false, LMB=false, RMB=false,
+ sneak=def.sneak, aux1=false, down=false, up=false
+ }),
+ get_player_control_bits = delay(def.sneak and 64 or 0),
+ -- Inventory and ItemStacks
+ get_inventory = delay(def.inventory),
+ set_wielded_item = function(self, item)
+ if self._inventory and def.wield_list then
+ return self._inventory:set_stack(def.wield_list,
+ self._wield_index, item)
+ end
+ _wielded_item = ItemStack(item)
+ end,
+ get_wielded_item = function(self, item)
+ if self._inventory and def.wield_list then
+ return self._inventory:get_stack(def.wield_list,
+ self._wield_index)
+ end
+ return ItemStack(self._wielded_item)
+ end,
+ get_wield_list = delay(def.wield_list),
+ punch = delay(),
+ remove = delay(),
+ right_click = delay(),
+ set_attach = delay(),
+ set_detach = delay(),
+ set_bone_position = delay(),
+ hud_change = delay(),
+ }
+ local _trash
+ -- Getter & setter functions
+ p.get_inventory_formspec, p.set_inventory_formspec
+ = get_set_wrap("formspec", is_dynamic)
+ p.get_breath, p.set_breath = get_set_wrap("breath", is_dynamic)
+ p.get_hp, p.set_hp = get_set_wrap("hp", is_dynamic)
+ p.get_pos, p.set_pos = get_set_wrap("pos", is_dynamic)
+ _trash, p.move_to = get_set_wrap("pos", is_dynamic)
+ p.get_wield_index, p.set_wield_index = get_set_wrap("wield_index", true)
+ p.get_properties, p.set_properties = get_set_wrap("properties", false)
+ -- Backwards compatibilty
+ p.getpos = p.get_pos
+ p.setpos = p.set_pos
+ p.moveto = p.move_to
+ -- TODO "implement" all these
+ -- set_armor_groups
+ -- get_armor_groups
+ -- get_animation
+ -- get_bone_position
+ -- get_player_velocity
+ -- set_look_pitch
+ -- set_look_yaw
+ -- set_physics_override
+ -- get_physics_override
+ -- hud_add
+ -- hud_remove
+ -- hud_get
+ -- hud_set_flags
+ -- hud_get_flags
+ -- hud_set_hotbar_itemcount
+ -- hud_get_hotbar_itemcount
+ -- hud_set_hotbar_image
+ -- hud_get_hotbar_image
+ -- hud_set_hotbar_selected_image
+ -- hud_get_hotbar_selected_image
+ -- hud_replace_builtin
+ -- set_sky
+ -- get_sky
+ -- override_day_night_ratio
+ -- get_day_night_ratio
+ -- set_local_animation
+ return p