local ENTITY_UPDATE_TIME = 1 local OBJECT_UPDATE_TIME = 5 local OBJECT_SAVE_TIME = 10 local RELOAD_DISTANCE = 32 local SNAP_DISTANCE = 0.5 local SPEED_MIN = 0.1 local SPEED_MAX = 15 railcart = { timer = 0, allcarts = {}, default_entity = { physical = false, collisionbox = {-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0.5,0.5}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "railcart.x", visual_size = {x=1, y=1}, textures = {"cart.png"}, cart = nil, driver = nil, timer = 0, }, } railcart.cart = { id = nil, pos = nil, target = nil, prev = nil, accel = nil, inv = nil, dir = {x=0, y=0, z=0}, vel = {x=0, y=0, z=0}, acc = {x=0, y=0, z=0}, timer = 0, name = "railcart:cart_entity", } function railcart.cart:new(obj) obj = obj or {} setmetatable(obj, self) self.__index = self return obj end function railcart.cart:is_loaded() for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local pos = player:getpos() if pos then local dist = railtrack:get_distance(pos, self.pos) if dist <= RELOAD_DISTANCE then return true end end end return false end function railcart.cart:on_step(dtime) self.timer = self.timer - dtime if self.timer > 0 then return end self.timer = OBJECT_UPDATE_TIME local entity = railcart:get_cart_entity(self.id) if entity.object then return end if self:is_loaded() then local object = minetest.add_entity(self.pos, self.name) if object then entity = object:get_luaentity() or {} entity.cart = self object:setvelocity(self.vel) object:setacceleration(self.acc) end else self.timer = railcart:update(self, self.timer) end end function railcart:register_entity(name, def) local ref = {} for k, v in pairs(railcart.default_entity) do ref[k] = def[k] or railtrack:copy(v) end ref.on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s) if type(def.on_activate) == "function" then def.on_activate(self, staticdata, dtime_s) end self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) if staticdata == "expired" then self.object:remove() end end ref.on_step = function(self, dtime) if type(def.on_step) == "function" then def.on_step(self, dtime) end local cart = self.cart local object = self.object if not cart or not object then return end self.timer = self.timer - dtime if self.timer > 0 then return end self.timer = railcart:update(cart, ENTITY_UPDATE_TIME, object) if type(def.on_update) == "function" then def.on_update(self) end end ref.get_staticdata = function(self) if type(def.get_staticdata) == "function" then def.get_staticdata(self) end if self.cart then if self.cart:is_loaded() == false then self.cart.timer = 0 self.object:remove() end end return "expired" end for k, v in pairs(def) do ref[k] = ref[k] or v end minetest.register_entity(name, ref) end function railcart:save() local carts = {} for id, cart in pairs(railcart.allcarts) do local ref = {} for k, v in pairs(cart) do ref[k] = v end local inv = {} if ref.inv then local list = ref.inv:get_list("main") for i, stack in ipairs(list) do inv[i] = stack:to_string() end end ref.inv = inv table.insert(carts, ref) end local output = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/railcart.txt",'w') if output then output:write(minetest.serialize(carts)) io.close(output) end end function railcart:remove_cart(id) for i, cart in pairs(railcart.allcarts) do if cart.id == id then railcart.allcarts[i] = nil railcart:save() break end end end function railcart:get_rail_direction(pos) local target = nil local cons = railtrack:get_connections(pos) local ymax = pos.y for _, con in pairs(cons) do if con.y >= ymax then ymax = con.y target = con end end if target then if #cons == 1 then target.y = pos.y end return railtrack:get_direction(target, pos) end return {x=0, y=0, z=0} end function railcart:get_new_id() local id = 0 for _, cart in pairs(railcart.allcarts) do if cart.id > id then id = cart.id end end return id + 1 end function railcart:get_cart_ref(id) for _, cart in pairs(railcart.allcarts) do if cart.id == id then return cart end end end function railcart:get_cart_entity(id) local cart_ref = {} for _, ref in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do if ref.cart then if ref.cart.id == id then cart_ref = ref break end end end return cart_ref end function railcart:get_carts_in_radius(pos, rad) local carts = {} for _, cart in pairs(railcart.allcarts) do local px = pos.x - cart.pos.x local py = pos.y - cart.pos.y local pz = pos.z - cart.pos.z if (px * px) + (py * py) + (pz * pz) <= rad * rad then table.insert(carts, cart) end end return carts end function railcart:get_cart_in_sight(p1, p2) local ref = nil local dist = railtrack:get_distance(p1, p2) + 1 local dir = railtrack:get_direction(p2, p1) local carts = railcart:get_carts_in_radius(p1, dist) for _, cart in pairs(carts) do if not vector.equals(p1, cart.pos) then local dc = railtrack:get_direction(cart.pos, p1) if vector.equals(dc, dir) then local d = railtrack:get_distance(p1, cart.pos) if d < dist then dist = d ref = cart end end end end return ref end function railcart:get_delta_time(vel, acc, dist) if vel > 0 then if acc == 0 then return dist / vel end local r = math.sqrt(vel * vel + 2 * acc * dist) if r > 0 then return (-vel + r) / acc end end return 9999 --INF end function railcart:velocity_to_dir(v) if math.abs(v.x) > math.abs(v.z) then return {x=railtrack:get_sign(v.x), y=railtrack:get_sign(v.y), z=0} else return {x=0, y=railtrack:get_sign(v.y), z=railtrack:get_sign(v.z)} end end function railcart:velocity_to_speed(vel) local speed = math.max(math.abs(vel.x), math.abs(vel.z)) if speed < SPEED_MIN then speed = 0 elseif speed > SPEED_MAX then speed = SPEED_MAX end return speed end function railcart:get_target(pos, vel) local meta = minetest.get_meta(vector.round(pos)) local dir = self:velocity_to_dir(vel) local targets = {} local rots = railtrack.rotations local contype = meta:get_string("contype") or "" local s_junc = meta:get_string("junctions") or "" local s_cons = meta:get_string("connections") or "" local s_rots = meta:get_string("rotations") or "" if contype == "section" then local junctions = minetest.deserialize(s_junc) or {} for _, p in pairs(junctions) do table.insert(targets, p) end else local cons = minetest.deserialize(s_cons) or {} for _, p in pairs(cons) do table.insert(targets, p) end if s_rots ~= "" then local fwd = false for _, p in pairs(cons) do if vector.equals(vector.add(pos, dir), p) then fwd = true end end if fwd == true or #cons == 1 then rots = s_rots end end end local rotations = railtrack:get_rotations(rots, dir) for _, r in ipairs(rotations) do for _, t in pairs(targets) do local d = railtrack:get_direction(t, pos) if r.x == d.x and r.z == d.z then return t end end end end function railcart:update(cart, time, object) if object then cart.pos = object:getpos() cart.vel = object:getvelocity() end if not cart.target then cart.pos = vector.new(cart.prev) cart.target = railcart:get_target(cart.pos, cart.vel) if object then object:moveto(cart.pos) end end local speed = railcart:velocity_to_speed(cart.vel) if cart.target then cart.dir = railtrack:get_direction(cart.target, cart.pos) else speed = 0 end if speed > SPEED_MIN then local blocked = false local cis = railcart:get_cart_in_sight(cart.pos, cart.target) if cis then if railcart:velocity_to_speed(cis.vel) == 0 then cart.target = vector.subtract(cis.pos, cart.dir) blocked = true end end --[[ if object then local p1 = vector.add(cart.pos, {x=0, y=1, z=0}) local p2 = vector.add(cart.target, {x=0, y=1, z=0}) if minetest.get_node_or_nil(p2) then local los, bp = minetest.line_of_sight(p1, p2) if los == false then bp.y = bp.y - 1 cart.target = vector.subtract(bp, cart.dir) blocked = true end end end ]]-- local d1 = railtrack:get_distance(cart.prev, cart.target) local d2 = railtrack:get_distance(cart.prev, cart.pos) local dist = d1 - d2 if dist > SNAP_DISTANCE then local accel = railtrack.accel_flat if cart.dir.y == -1 then accel = railtrack.accel_down elseif cart.dir.y == 1 then accel = railtrack.accel_up end accel = cart.accel or accel if object then dist = math.max(dist - SNAP_DISTANCE, 0) end local dt = railcart:get_delta_time(speed, accel, dist) if dt < time then time = dt end local dp = speed * time + 0.5 * accel * time * time local vf = speed + accel * time if object then if vf <= 0 then speed = 0 accel = 0 end cart.vel = vector.multiply(cart.dir, speed) cart.acc = vector.multiply(cart.dir, accel) elseif dp > 0 then cart.vel = vector.multiply(cart.dir, vf) cart.pos = vector.add(cart.pos, vector.multiply(cart.dir, dp)) end else if blocked and vector.equals(cart.target, cart.prev) then cart.vel = {x=0, y=0, z=0} cart.acc = {x=0, y=0, z=0} else cart.pos = vector.new(cart.target) cart.prev = vector.new(cart.target) cart.accel = railtrack:get_acceleration(cart.target) cart.target = nil return 0 end end else cart.dir = railcart:get_rail_direction(cart.pos) cart.vel = {x=0, y=0, z=0} cart.acc = {x=0, y=0, z=0} end if object then if cart.dir.y == -1 then object:set_animation({x=1, y=1}, 1, 0) elseif cart.dir.y == 1 then object:set_animation({x=2, y=2}, 1, 0) else object:set_animation({x=0, y=0}, 1, 0) end if cart.dir.x < 0 then object:setyaw(math.pi / 2) elseif cart.dir.x > 0 then object:setyaw(3 * math.pi / 2) elseif cart.dir.z < 0 then object:setyaw(math.pi) elseif cart.dir.z > 0 then object:setyaw(0) end object:setvelocity(cart.vel) object:setacceleration(cart.acc) end return time end minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) for _, cart in pairs(railcart.allcarts) do cart:on_step(dtime) end railcart.timer = railcart.timer + dtime if railcart.timer > OBJECT_SAVE_TIME then railcart:save() railcart.timer = 0 end end)