# railroad_paraphernalia This mod introduces railroad equipment, mostly from the 1986 signaling manual for the USSR railways. ## Point levers An accessory that makes a railroad switch look professional. Also helps users of advtrains without train_operator privilege to operate switches in style. ### With black&white arrow: ``` {'dye:black', 'dye:white', 'dye:black'}, {'', 'default:stick', 'default:stick'}, {'default:steel_ingot', 'default:steel_ingot', 'default:steel_ingot'}, ``` ### With blue&yellow signal lamp: ``` {'dye:grey', 'dye:yellow', 'dye:white'}, {'', 'default:stick', 'default:stick'}, {'default:steel_ingot', 'default:steel_ingot', 'default:steel_ingot'}, ``` While it should be a light source, the details of the model cannot be seen even when it emits the minimal amount of light. ## Track Blocker Prevents a tran from passing a track segment by placing a "block" in its way. Isn't synced with advtrains ndb, so works only with manned trains for now. ``` {'dye:white', 'dye:black', 'dye:white'}, {'', 'default:stick', ''}, {'dye:red', 'default:steel_ingot', 'default:steel_ingot'}, ``` ## Shunting signal A small signal for shunting operations. Blue = shunting prohibited, white = shutung allowed. ``` {'', 'dye:white', ''}, {'', 'dye:blue', ''}, {'', 'default:stone', ''}, ``` ## Delimiting post: It is placed near switches to show the point past which the locomotive may not be parked, since it would collide with the train on the other track. ``` {'', 'dye:black', ''}, {'', 'dye:white', ''}, {'', 'default:stone', ''}, ```