skins.meta = {} local skin_class = {} skin_class.__index = skin_class ----------------------- -- Class methods ----------------------- -- constructor function, object) assert(key, 'Unique skins key required, like "character_1"') local self = object or {} setmetatable(self, skin_class) self.__index = skin_class self._key = key self._sort_id = 0 skins.meta[key] = self return self end -- getter function skins.get(key) return skins.meta[key] end -- Skin methods -- In this implementation it is just access to attrubutes wrapped -- but this way allow to redefine the functionality for more complex skins provider function skin_class:set_meta(key, value) self[key] = value end function skin_class:get_meta(key) return self[key] end function skin_class:get_meta_string(key) return tostring(self[key] or "") end function skin_class:set_texture(value) self._texture = value end function skin_class:get_texture() return self._texture end function skin_class:set_preview(value) self._preview = value end function skin_class:get_preview() return self._preview or "player.png" end function skin_class:set_skin(player) player:set_properties({ visual_size = { x = 1, y = 1 } }) player:set_properties({ textures = {self:get_texture()}, }) end