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authorShadowNinja <>2016-03-21 20:46:13 -0400
committerShadowNinja <>2017-01-28 17:51:14 -0500
commit06dec2032628b475c4f02dfc9e92a58788d0912d (patch)
parent1da213a5e470a726dce5db0ea1d8665527cccd33 (diff)
Add longer-term radiation damage
Radiation now slowly damages you for a while after exposure, with the effect's time and intensity proportional to the amount of radiation received. The radioactivity of some items is reduced to account for the increased damage.
2 files changed, 52 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/technic/machines/HV/nuclear_reactor.lua b/technic/machines/HV/nuclear_reactor.lua
index 235d03c..16bb928 100644
--- a/technic/machines/HV/nuclear_reactor.lua
+++ b/technic/machines/HV/nuclear_reactor.lua
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core", {
minetest.register_node("technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core_active", {
tiles = {"technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png"},
groups = {cracky=1, technic_machine=1, technic_hv=1,
- radioactive=6, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
+ radioactive=4, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
legacy_facedir_simple = true,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
drop = "technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core",
diff --git a/technic/radiation.lua b/technic/radiation.lua
index 2dec38b..ac3f166 100644
--- a/technic/radiation.lua
+++ b/technic/radiation.lua
@@ -230,39 +230,53 @@ readily available in cubes. The multiplicative factor in the
formula scales down the difference between shielded and unshielded
safe distances, avoiding the latter becoming impractically large.
-Damage is processed at rates down to 0.25 HP/s, which in the absence of
+Damage is processed at rates down to 0.2 HP/s, which in the absence of
shielding is attained at the distance specified by the "radioactive"
-group value. Computed damage rates below 0.25 HP/s result in no
+group value. Computed damage rates below 0.2 HP/s result in no
damage at all to the player. This gives the player an opportunity
to be safe, and limits the range at which source/player interactions
need to be considered.
local abdomen_offset = 1
local cache_scaled_shielding = {}
-local rad_dmg_cutoff = 0.25
+local rad_dmg_cutoff = 0.2
+local radiated_players = {}
-local function dmg_player(pos, o, strength)
- local pl_pos = o:getpos()
+local function apply_fractional_damage(o, dmg)
+ local dmg_int = math.floor(dmg)
+ -- The closer you are to getting one more damage point,
+ -- the more likely it will be added.
+ if math.random() < dmg - dmg_int then
+ dmg_int = dmg_int + 1
+ end
+ if dmg_int > 0 then
+ local new_hp = math.max(o:get_hp() - dmg_int, 0)
+ o:set_hp(new_hp)
+ return new_hp == 0
+ end
+ return false
+local function dmg_player(pos, player, strength)
+ local pl_pos = player:getpos()
pl_pos.y = pl_pos.y + abdomen_offset
local shielding = 0
local dist = vector.distance(pos, pl_pos)
for ray_pos in technic.trace_node_ray(pos,
vector.direction(pos, pl_pos), dist) do
local shield_name = minetest.get_node(ray_pos).name
shielding = shielding + node_radiation_resistance(shield_name) * 0.1
local dmg = (strength * strength) /
(math.max(0.75, dist * dist) * math.exp(shielding))
if dmg < rad_dmg_cutoff then return end
- local dmg_int = math.floor(dmg)
- -- The closer you are to getting one more damage point,
- -- the more likely it will be added.
- if math.random() < dmg - dmg_int then
- dmg_int = dmg_int + 1
- end
- if dmg_int > 0 then
- o:set_hp(math.max(o:get_hp() - dmg_int, 0))
- end
+ apply_fractional_damage(player, dmg)
+ local pn = player:get_player_name()
+ radiated_players[pn] = (radiated_players[pn] or 0) + dmg
local rad_dmg_mult_sqrt = math.sqrt(1 / rad_dmg_cutoff)
@@ -277,7 +291,6 @@ local function dmg_abm(pos, node)
if minetest.setting_getbool("enable_damage") then
nodenames = {"group:radioactive"},
@@ -285,6 +298,27 @@ if minetest.setting_getbool("enable_damage") then
chance = 1,
action = dmg_abm,
+ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
+ for pn, dmg in pairs(radiated_players) do
+ dmg = dmg - (dtime / 8)
+ local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(pn)
+ local killed
+ if player and dmg > rad_dmg_cutoff then
+ killed = apply_fractional_damage(player, (dmg * dtime) / 8)
+ else
+ dmg = nil
+ end
+ -- on_dieplayer will have already set this if the player died
+ if not killed then
+ radiated_players[pn] = dmg
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player)
+ radiated_players[player:get_player_name()] = nil
+ end)
-- Radioactive materials that can result from destroying a reactor
@@ -323,7 +357,7 @@ for _, state in pairs({"flowing", "source"}) do
liquid = 2,
hot = 3,
igniter = (griefing and 1 or 0),
- radioactive = (state == "source" and 16 or 8),
+ radioactive = (state == "source" and 12 or 6),
not_in_creative_inventory = (state == "flowing" and 1 or nil),
@@ -343,7 +377,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:chernobylite_block", {
description = S("Chernobylite Block"),
tiles = {"technic_chernobylite_block.png"},
is_ground_content = true,
- groups = {cracky=1, radioactive=6, level=2},
+ groups = {cracky=1, radioactive=4, level=2},
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
light_source = 2,